Teaching of the "Electrochemistry and Electroplating" group

The  "Electrochemistry and Electroplating" group offers the Master's program in Electrochemistry and Electroplating (Master of Science, M. Sc.), which is unique in Germany.

List of courses of the "Electrochemistry and Electroplating" group

  • Elektrochemische Phasengrenzen
  • Elektrochemische Kinetik
  • Oberflächen- und Galvanotechnik
  • Angewandte Galvanotechnik
  • Regenerative Energien und Speichertechnik
  • Batterien und Brennstoffzellen
  • Elektrokristallisation
  • Elektrochemie und Korrosion
  • Elektrochemie der Werkstoffe
  • Umgang mit der alltäglichen Komplexität (in das Studium generale)
  • All course materials and any notices or current information can be found at:

Student research projects

...that were performed in our Group you can find here