SST 2015 Program

09:00-09:15AM Welcome from the chairs
09:15-10:30AM Keynote by Lionel BriandDownload keynote slides
Traceability Beyond Source Code: An Elusive Target?

This talk will report on more than a decade of experience regarding system traceability and its applications. I will present an overview of the field and its challenges based on project experience with industry. Going through three recent projects, I will illustrate my main points and reflections on the subject. The focus will be on traceability between requirements and other development artifacts than source code, as traceability research has been largely code-centric to date.

10:30-11:00AM Coffee break
11:00-12:30PM Research Session 1 – Traceability Identification and Recovery
Session Chair: Jane Cleland-Huang
Time Paper
15′ Markus Kleffmann, Sebastian Röhl, Volker Gruhn and Matthias Book. Establishing and Navigating Trace Links Between Elements of Informal Diagram Sketches
15′ Wentao Wang, Nan Niu, Hui Liu and Yuting Wu. Tagging in Assisted Tracing
15′ Annibale Panichella, Andrea De Lucia and Andy Zaidman. Adaptive User Feedback for IR-based Traceability Recovery
15′ Thomas Beyhl and Holger Giese. Traceability Recovery for Innovation Processes
30′ Discussion
12:30-14:00PM Lunch break
14:00-15:30PM Research Session 2 – Traceability Applications
Session Chair: Annibale Panichella
Time Paper
15′ Pablo Oliveira Antonino, Mario Trapp, Paulo Barbosa and Luana Sousa. The Parameterized Safety Requirements Templates
15′ Mehdi Mirakhorli and Saeed Namdar. Toward Actionable Software Architecture Traceability
15′ Armstrong Nhlabatsi, Yijun Yu, Andrea Zisman, Thein Than Tun, Arosha Bandara, Khaled Khan and Bashar Nuseibeh. Managing Security Control Assumptions using Causal Traceability
15′ Xiaoli Lian, Ahmed Fakhry, Li Zhang and Jane Cleland-Huang. Leveraging Traceability to Reveal the Tapestry of Quality Concerns in Souce Code
15′ Lukas Linsbauer, Stefan Fischer, Roberto Erick Lopez-Herrejon and Alexander Egyed. Using Traceability for Incremental Construction and Evolution of Software Product Portfolios
15′ Discussion
15:30-16:00PM Coffee break
16:00-17:00PM Tracelab and Challenges Session – Benchmarking Traceability Techniques
Session Chair: Nan Niu
Time Paper
10′ Yonghee Shin, Jane Hayes and Jane Cleland-Huang. Toward an Evaluation Framework for Benchmarking Traceability Techniques
35′ TraceLab Demo by Jane Cleland-Huang and Denys Poshyvanyk
15′ Discussion

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