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If you are staying here in Germany, you are entitled to housing benefit under certain conditions. You can find an overview of the information here.


Citizens of EU countries, Switzerland and the European Economic Area

Foreigners and foreign nationals who belong to an EU member state are automatically entitled to freedom of movement according to the Freedom of Movement Act/EU and thus have their residence title in the entire European Union. If this group of persons actually resides in the Federal Republic of Germany, they are entitled to housing allowance for the rent subsidy or burden subsidy. The presentation of a valid identity card or passport as well as proof of accommodation is initially sufficient. The further requirements for the general housing benefit claim must also be observed for foreign citizens.


Citizens from non-EU countries

For foreigners and foreigners who do not belong to an EU member state, a valid residence title according to the Residence Act is required for the housing benefit application. They must therefore prove that they are entitled to stay legally in the Federal Republic of Germany. According to § 3 WoGG, this includes persons who:

  • have a residence title or a toleration according to the Residence Act,
  • have a right of residence under an international agreement,
  • have a residence permit according to the Asylum Procedure Act,
  • have the legal status of a homeless foreigner within the meaning of the Act on the Legal Status of Homeless Foreigners in the Federal Territory, or
  • are exempt from the requirement of a residence title on the basis of a legal ordinance.

Asylum seekers' entitlement to housing benefit

Foreigners whose residence has been approved for the purpose of carrying out the asylum procedure (asylum seekers) may also be entitled to housing benefit. However, this entitlement only refers to the period in which the procedure for granting asylum in the Federal Republic of Germany is running.

If the procedure is concluded positively, the asylum seeker receives benefits according to the Asylum Seekers' Benefits Act (AsylblG). As the benefits according to the AsylblG are transfer benefits (like, for example, basic security benefits), which already take into account the accommodation costs in an appropriate amount, the housing benefit claim does not apply to this group of persons.


Other requirements

Whether you are entitled to housing benefit and, if so, how much you are entitled to, depends on the following three conditions:

  • Number of household members to be taken into account
  • Amount of the total income
  • Amount of the eligible rent / burden

Persons who receive so-called "transfer benefits" such as unemployment benefit II or other basic security benefits are generally excluded from entitlement to housing benefit.

Related informations about the topic Housing benefit in Germany

  • A service of the Federal Ministry of the Interior, for Building and Home Affairs