Aynur Sarısakaloğlu's article "Algorithmization of Journalism" as prelude to "Communicatio Socialis" on Artificial Intelligence

The increasing prevalence of artificial intelligence systems is leading to the transformation of journalist’s social work environment. It is developing into a socio-technical work system in which human and anthropomorphized artificial journalists perform networked journalistic activities at all levels of news production and distribution. In her article “Algorithmization of Journalism”, Aynur Sarısakaloğlu presents possible areas of application of algorithm-driven technologies in journalism and discusses the resulting challenges and consequences for journalistic practice and research.

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Sarısakaloğlu, A. (2022). Algorithmisierung des Journalismus. Chancen und Herausforderungen künstlicher Intelligenzsysteme in sozio-technischen Newsrooms. Communicatio Socialis, 55(3), 308–319. doi.org/10.5771/0010-3497-2022-3-308.