Kickoff event of the DFG project "Multiple Competition in the Higher Education System".

Kickoff event of the DFG cooperation project "Multiple Competition in the Higher Education System" took place

From 04. 10. to 07. 10. 2021 the kickoff event of the DFG cooperation project "Multiple Competition in the Higher Education System" took place in Kassel. Prof. Dr. Thomas Grebel and Xijie Zhang M.A. (Ilmenau University of Technology, Institute of Economics, Department of Economic Policy) participated in the event together with Prof. Dr. Uwe Cantner and Dr. Nils Grashof from Friedrich Schiller University Jena (Department of Microeconomics) as the subproject "(Autonomous) Universities in Dynamic Competition". They presented the first results of the analyses on productivity competition among universities, which was a promising progress in less than six months.