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“Therefore, examine whoever binds technically”

Prof. Döring speaks at Conference on Robot Love

In recent years, there has been increased discussion in research and among the general public about the extent to which people also experience romantic and sexual interactions and relationships with robots and the according consequences. The Evangelische Akademie Tutzing is therefore organizing an interdisciplinary conference on so-called robot love. To what extent is it real or an illusion? To what extent is it harmful or perhaps also useful?

In her presentation, Prof. Döring from the Group Media Psychology and Media Design at TU Ilmenau will address the physical side of robot love and focus on robot sex from the perspective of technology psychology and sexual science.


Conference Website


Döring, N. (2022, October 28-30). Roboterliebe: Heißer Sex mit kalter Technik? [Robot Love: Hot Sex with Cold Technology?]. Presentation at conference „Roboterliebe. Drum prüfe wer sich technisch bindet” [“Robot Love. Therefore, examine whoever binds technically”]. Evangelische Akademie Tutzing, Tutzing, Germany.