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Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Kai-Uwe Sattler
Tel. +49 3677 69-5001
Ernst-Abbe-Zentrum, Ehrenbergstraße 29
Zi. 3322
The "Group of Materials for Electrical Engineering and Electronics" is intensively engaged in research and teaching of almost all materials-related topics at the TU Ilmenau. The department is a member of the Institute for Micro and Nanotechnology IMN MacroNano® and the Institute for Materials Technology (IWT). It is also a founding member of the Center for Micro- and Nanotechnologies (ZMN), where it operates the laboratory for materials analysis and thin film metrology as well as several facilities for thin film deposition. The research topics of the department cover a wide range; from materials for electronics and electrical engineering, from basic materials science to materials engineering for industrial applications, which include the development of new materials, materials testing and analysis as well as the processing of advanced materials systems. Research projects (DFG, BMBF, Free State of Thuringia and others) deal with the production, properties, structuring and modification of thin films and functional materials. Further research aspects lie in the development of new materials and processes for micro- and nanotechnologies.
The Group of "Materials in Electrical Engineering" is concerned with various research topics:
The individual research focuses are reflected above all in the individual research projects, which are realized in the group itself or together with other groups or also national and international partners.
The Group of WET is extensively involved in teaching at the TU Ilmenau for many courses of study. This includes lectures, exercises, seminars, practicals, colloquia and even events for pupils. Materials science has strategic importance in our modern industrial society, as materials play a decisive role in all technical innovations. About 2/3 of our economic output is materials-related. Therefore, the demand for well-trained materials scientists will steadily increase. The group offers other exciting lectures in addition to the bachelor's and master's degree program in materials science.
Learn more about our team here.