Survey on the Availability of Counselling Services

How are counselling services used? Do the services meet the needs? In this way, we would like to initiate improvements and support students.

Felice is studying Applied Media and Communication Science in her 8th semester. As part of her Praxiswerkstatt, she wants to find out how current counselling services are used and whether they can meet the need for counselling. Your answers will thus help to better visualise the requirements of the diverse student body and derive targeted services from this.

Particular attention is paid to the needs of students in special situations, as these often go unrecognised. This applies in particular to students with disabilities and, due to possible cultural and language barriers, also to students from abroad. However, students who do not belong to one of these groups are also welcome to complete the questionnaire and share their experiences.

The answers will be treated anonymously and confidentially and will only be used in the context of the above-mentioned project. The processing time is approx. 20 minutes.

Click here for the survey: