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The changeover to the new University Bibliography affects the option used by many faculties, institutes and groups to output publication lists on their websites. The Typo3 plugin previously used for this purpose has been updated by the library (UB) and is available to web editors in addition to the plugin previously used. For a period of time not yet defined, both options will be available side by side, although the previous lists will no longer be updated.
One of the new features of these publication lists is the option for website users to group publications according to publication type and year of publication, which can significantly reduce the number of different lists. As before, however, it is still recommended that a distinction should be made between theses and publications, i.e. published works.
The previous and new parameters are compared below. If you have any questions, please contact the bibliography team at the University Library:
With the new plugin, it is now possible to select individual document types within the page display.
It is therefore generally no longer necessary to create document-specific lists. If you still have specific requirements, please do not hesitate to contact us.