
System analysis of corrosion resistance on ground surfaces of metastable austenites.

Theuniversity publishing house of the TU Ilmenau has published the dissertation paper "System Consideration of Corrosion Resistance on Ground Surfaces of Metastable Austenites" by Arnulf Klemens Hörtnagl.

Stainless steels have the ability to produce a passive layer only a few nanometers thick due to their chemical composition. However, the corrosion resistance achieved is also influenced as a system property by a large number of other factors. The present work focuses on the influence of grinding surface treatment of two selected metastable austenitic alloys on their corrosion behavior. Although both alloys have a comparable resistance according to the chemical composition, it can be shown that a strong variation of the corrosion behavior is possible as a result of different surface treatment and different degree of deformation. It can also be shown that the degree and number of local surface defects is responsible for this. The abrasive grain material used is of particular importance in this respect.

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Systembetrachtung der Korrosionsbeständigkeit an geschliffenen Oberflächen von metastabilen Austeniten / von Arnulf Klemens Hörtnagl. - Universitätsverlag Ilmenau, 2022. - XII, 204 Seiten. - ISBN 978-3-86360-251-2. - DOI 10.22032/dbt.50169. - URN urn:nbn:de:gbv:ilm1-2021000297; Druckausgabe: 42,90 Euro