The TU Ilmenau welcomes new students to campus with an introductory week. In addition to study plans and organizational formalities, the cultural life at the TU Ilmenau should not be neglected right at the beginning of studies. During the ErstiWoche, an offer of the student council, campus tours, joint barbecue and game evenings and a hike are waiting for the first-year students.
This winter semester marks the beginning of a new phase in the lives of numerous first-year students: Their studies at the TU Ilmenau. To ensure that they not only get off to a good start in their everyday studies, but also get to know the cultural life on campus, a department of the Student Council organizes the ErstiWoche as part of the introductory week.
During their first week at the university, an exciting program awaits the new students, preparing them for university life. Each day of the week is packed with varied program items - including campus tours, joint game nights, club presentations, a scavenger hunt through campus and the city, a barbecue and movie night, and a hike to Ilmenau's local mountain, the Kickelhahn.
Easier entry into the study program
At information booths like the one of the student council in the refectory, the newly arrived students will find contact persons who will help them every day. The ErstiWoche team, tutors, and ErstiWoche helpers, easily recognizable by their orange and yellow hoodies, are also available to answer questions throughout the week.
Daniel Först and Alessa Lange, who together with Patricia Nöther are leading the organization of this year's ErstiWoche, want the first-year students to quickly settle in and feel at home at TU Ilmenau. The "Electrical Power and Control Engineering" students know: Participation in the ErstiWoche offers an easier introduction to everyday university life and lays the first foundation for successful studies:
Especially Bachelor students, who do not yet know how a study program works, benefit from the ErstiWoche. We support them in many questions about starting their studies and show them what the TU Ilmenau has to offer. In the events, they quickly find connections, make first contacts even across disciplines and find friends.
"Not thrown in at the deep end"
The organizing team is supported not only by volunteers, but also by the student clubs at TU Ilmenau, which introduce themselves to the students during the week. Alessa wants to encourage the newly arrived students to get involved in clubs:
To consolidate the theoretical knowledge from the lectures in practice and to develop new skills, involvement in student clubs is very suitable. The cultural life on campus also thrives on this commitment. With the ErstiWoche, we want to pass on our knowledge to first-year students and introduce a new generation of students to campus life.
Freshman Yannic started his automotive engineering studies this semester. On a Wednesday morning, shortly after having breakfast together in the bi club, he arranged to meet up with friends he met during the ErstiWoche. Together they want to explore the campus of the TU Ilmenau. In the first days of his studies, he feels well taken care of at the TU Ilmenau, as he explains:
For me, it was quickly clear after a visit to the university information day that I wanted to study at this renowned technical university. When you start your studies, you don't feel like you've been thrown in at the deep end. Instead, you're taken by the hand and quickly get to know the university and new people. That made it easier for me to start my studies.