Jun.-Prof. Julia Lieb is Junior Professor and Head of the Discrete Mathematics Group at TU Ilmenau since September 1, 2023. She studied at the University of Würzburg and received her PhD in mathematics in 2017. Her dissertation deals with properties of polynomial matrices used in coding theory and discrete-time linear systems. As part of a DFG project in coding theory, she did postdoctoral research for one year each at the University of Aveiro (Portugal) and at the University of Zurich, where she spent two more years as a postdoc. During this time, she was a substitute professor of discrete mathematics at the University of Passau for one semester.
Jun.-Prof. Julia Lieb's current research focus is coding theory, in particular convolutional codes, quasi-cyclic codes, and LDPC codes. Error-correcting codes are significant for various forms of message transmission. They are also used in coding-based cryptography, where they play an important role in the context of post-quantum cryptography. The theoretical foundations for such correction schemes lie in discrete mathematics or algebra.
Jun.-Prof. Julia Lieb is working on the development of improved code constructions and decoding algorithms. Convolutional codes, which are particularly relevant in the area of streaming, also have a strong connection to discrete-time linear systems, which are also of importance for the research of Jun.-Prof. Julia Lieb.