
Innovative process for the adhesive joining of aluminum and copper

The book "Hybrid Friction Eutectic Bonding - stoffschlüssiges Fügen von Aluminium und Kupfer unter Nutzung der eutektischen Reaktion" (Hybrid Friction Eutectic Bonding - material bonding of aluminum and copper using the eutectic reaction) by Anna Regensburg has been published as volume 12 in the series "Schriften aus der Ilmenauer Fertigungstechnik".

The increasing use of aluminum-copper mixed joints for e-mobility applications leads to challenges for the joining technologies to be used. In this work, therefore, the formation of a eutectic melt between aluminum and copper during a pressure welding process was specifically triggered in order to utilize the solution space between pressure and fusion welding processes. While the initial contact is accelerated by the joining pressure, the enlargement of the joining area due to the formation of a eutectic melt between the solid base materials takes place within less than one second. Depending on the process control, the pressure welding process can be used again to displace the melt from the joining zone. The formation of further brittle phases is minimized by limiting the peak temperature and energy input. Suitable process control reveals advantages in transfer to other processes and component geometries.

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Hybrid Friction Eutectic Bonding (HFEB) – stoffschlüssiges Fügen von Aluminium und Kupfer unter Nutzung der eutektischen Reaktion / von Anna Regensburg. -  Universitätsverlag Ilmenau, 2021. - X, 177 Seiten. - (Schriften aus der Ilmenauer Fertigungstechnik; 12). - ISBN 978-3-86360-250-5. -  DOI 10.22032/dbt.50162. - URN urn:nbn:de:gbv:ilm1-2021000288; Druckausgabe: 34,90 Euro