
Last Minute Information Day on August 26

There was plenty to discover in our laboratories, workshops and institutes at the Study Info Day in June. If you missed this opportunity, you have another chance on August 26! We are opening the doors to the Last Minute Info Day for those who have made up their minds at short notice, are new and curious. From 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., prospective students and new students can find out about the university, the campus and the study programs on site, ask questions about studying and living in Ilmenau, and take part in guided tours of the campus and through the laboratories.

TU Ilmenau
Visitors had the chance to explore the TU Ilmenau at the Information Day in June.

Whether nitrogen magic with roses, listening in Mixed Reality or smartphone speakers in test: At the Study Info Day in June 2022, prospective students had the opportunity to experience technology live, to become active themselves and to discover where and how one can practically work and research at the TU Ilmenau already during their studies.

In addition to information booths, campus and city tours, and lectures on studying and living in Ilmenau, the laboratories also opened their doors for exciting insights into research-related studying. "How cool are you?" scientists at the Center for Micro- and Nanotechnologies asked visitors. The thermal imaging camera revealed. "Wii works?" To answer this question, researchers at TU Ilmenau used VR glasses and Wii to show interested youngsters how much "micro" is in everyday life, explained how a laptop battery works, and provided insights into manufacturing technologies such as laser beam welding and much more! Students and staff also answered all questions about studying, reported on their own experiences at the university and were available as contact persons in the parents' café with coffee and cake.

Another opportunity to experience TU Ilmenau up close and ask questions about studying at the university will be on August 26, 2022.

For all Bachelor's degree programs, enrollment is still possible until September 15.


Dr. Reiner Mund

Student advisor