The cultural campus life of the TU Ilmenau
Studierendenrat der Technischen Universität Ilmenau

ErstiWochen organisation

The ErstiWochen-Organisation, EWO for short, is a department of the student council of the TU Ilmenau and is responsible for the planning and organisation of the cultural supporting programme around the introductory week in October of each year. During the so-called "ErstiWoche", new students can get to know the university, the city of Ilmenau and their new fellow students at various events, such as the city rally, the ErstiGameNight, the GalaNight, the Kickelhahnwanderung and many more. This should make it easier for all "Erstis" to start their university life and to settle in Ilmenau.


ILSC - Ilmenau Student Club e.V.

The five student clubs of the then TU Ilmenau - namely the bc, BD, BH, bi and the bc-Studentencafé - joined forces under this name in 1990. The first activities of the individual clubs date back more than 40 years. Even outside the opening hours, the club offers its members various opportunities for leisure activities, such as joint outflows, barbecues or games evenings.

TO THE WEBSITE studentenclub e. V.
hsf studentenradio e.V.

hsf Studentenradio e.V.

hsf is the Hochschulfunk Ilmenau or simply the student radio on the campus of the TU Ilmenau. Here, students of the Ilmenau media courses as well as people interested in technology and radio are united. The university radio can look back on a very long tradition and has, among other things, the largest CD music archive of Germany's student radio stations. One of the highlights is the ISWIradio, which is broadcast live 24 hours a day for one week.


iSTUFF - Ilmenau Student Television Radio

iSTUFF was founded on 20.11.1996 and is a department of the Forschungsgemeinschaft elektronische Medien e.V. (FeM e.V.). We are the online and TV station at the TU Ilmenau and inform as part of the FeM e.V. about everything that interests students: Culture scene, music, gaming and all news from campus and beyond. In addition, we enable students to learn about the processes of TV productions, streaming and on-demand offers on their own responsibility and in a practical way through our various formats. Whether it's planning contributions, filming, post-production or IT - with us you can get involved in any subject area.


iSTUFF / Forschungsgemeinschaft elektronische Medien e.V.
Heinrich John

University Film Club e.V.

The University Film Club is an association by students for students and all other film enthusiasts. The contributors enjoy watching films and organising film events, offering a programme that goes beyond the usual films in most commercial cinemas. From comedies, dramas and action films, to horror and thrillers, it's all here. All film enthusiasts are invited to watch and discuss films on the big screen in a cosy atmosphere for little money.


ISWI - Initiative Solidarische Welt Ilmenau e.V.

The ISWI e.V. is an association founded by students, which is committed to peace, international understanding as well as international attitudes and tolerance. Among other things, it is known as the organizer of the "International Student Week in Ilmenau" (also "ISWI"). This largest international student meeting of its kind in Germany has been held every two years since 1993 at the Technical University of Ilmenau and brings together people from all over the world.


http://iswi.orgMax Richter, ISWI e.V.

Bergfest e.V.

Once a year, during the Bergfest week, the campus is in a state of emergency. In addition to the many parties, beer athlon and soapbox races, there is also a wide range of cultural events. The organization of the Bergfest week now begins about nine months beforehand and is managed by a core of about 20 students.



Ilmpuls e.V.

Ilmpuls e.V. was founded by students of the TU Ilmenau who would like to share their enthusiasm for music, culture and festivals with other people. The goal is to organize an ecologically sustainable festival that offers a diverse program for the widest possible audience. The work on the large-scale festival project is also intended to bring the students together with motivated people from Ilmenau, thus enriching the cultural landscape of the small town in a sustainable way for everyone.


Kammerchor der TU Ilmenau e.V.

Chamber choir of the TU Ilmenau

The Chamber Choir of the TU Ilmenau is a mixed choir that has existed since 1985. In weekly rehearsals pieces of music of different epochs are rehearsed and performed at events of the university or at semester concerts. The choir's repertoire includes works for four to eight voices, primarily madrigals, motets, sacred choral music, folk and art songs, and close harmony/pop arrangements.



Academic Orchestra

The Academic Orchestra of the Ilmenau University of Technology under the direction of Valentin Egel is made up of music-loving employees and students of the Ilmenau University of Technology as well as Ilmenau musicians of all ages. In addition to the joy of making music, the focus is on expanding one's own musical abilities, which are trained in register rehearsals under professional guidance in order to perform even demanding works of serious music together.

TO THE WEBSITE Ilmenau / Christoph Gorke

"Second Unit Jazz" - The BigBand of the TU Ilmenau

The big band at the TU Ilmenau - "Second Unit jazz" - was founded in 2003 by 12 students from the chamber orchestra. The line-up, built up according to the bigband-typical standard, consisting of saxophone, trumpet, trombone and a rhythm section, could already welcome more than 400 spectators at concerts in the second year. The traditional end-of-semester concerts have become an integral part of the cultural calendar of the city of Ilmenau and the university.


KuKo e.V. - Cultural Coordination e.V.

KuKo e.V. is the umbrella organization of various working groups and associations, such as the Street Food Festival or the FilmLebenFestival. It sees itself as a contact for people interested in culture in the region and the wider area, as well as an organiser of comprehensive and interdisciplinary events for the University.


Jazzclub Ilmenau e.V.

The Jazzclub Ilmenau e.V. has set itself the goal of making an important contribution to cultural life in Ilmenau. It organises 10-15 concerts a year at various venues on campus and in the city. The International Jazz Days Ilmenau, as an established festival for contemporary jazz, are a focal point. Since the 90s he has also been involved in the Thuringian Jazz Mile.


KSG Ilmenau

KSG stands for the Catholic Student Community. It was founded in 1953 and is an offer for all who are looking for community, want to talk about God and the world, live faith and celebrate together. We prepare our semester programme of lectures, church services, celebrations and much more together. Everyone is welcome - regardless of their faith.


Katholische Studentengemeinde Ilmenau