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Maurer, Marcel; Bach, Norbert; Oertel, Simon
Dealing with the downsides of new work: the reactions of middle managers to the decline in middle management. - In: European management journal, ISSN 0263-2373, Bd. 0 (2023), 0

When an organization implements practices within the context of new work, individual actors must translate and adapt them to their local context. These change agents thereby often encounter the paradox of being both translators and targets of change. However, how they react to such a situation, which strategies they use, and whether their reactions legitimize the implementation of new work attempts in their organization have hardly been considered so far. We filled this gap by studying middle managers translating organizational change toward more self-managing structures and other procedures that empower employees. At the same time, however, these changes make the institution of middle management redundant. Findings of a qualitative 32-month single-case study at a medium-sized firm showed that middle managers reacted with five distinct reactions. Informed by translation and institutional theory, we showed that middle managers’ intraorganizational social positions determined their reactions over time, making them either victims or phoenixes of the change process toward new forms of work. Our findings contribute to contemporary research on the implementation of self-managing organizations and help to better understand how such concepts are translated within an organization.
Sanchez, Ron; Galvin, Peter; Bach, Norbert
How design rules emerge and evolve: a coevolutionary architectural perspective on firm and industry organization. - In: Industrial and corporate change, ISSN 1464-3650, Bd. 32 (2023), 1, S. 28-46

This paper elaborates on how design rules emerge and evolve as firms' micro-level choices of product and organization architectures coevolve with changes in product markets and an industry's competitive and cooperative dynamics. We suggest that the design rules a firm adopts will vary according to firms' strategic choices of product and organization architectures that they believe are or may become feasible in a given industry. Building on the mirroring hypothesis that product designs a firm adopts will influence the organization designs it uses, we develop a model that identifies key relationships that influence firms' strategic choices of product and organization architectures and associated design rules. We then elaborate on key interactions between firm-level architectural choices and the architecture-enabled competitive and cooperative dynamics that obtain in an industry. Our model identifies strategically important aspects of open- and closed-system architectures and modular and nonmodular architectures that impact industry structures, interfirm interactions, and resulting industry dynamics. Drawing on these analyses, we suggest how firms' strategic choices of architectures are influenced by their assessments of (i) the potential for capturing value through both gains from specialization and gains from trade that firms believe will be enabled by their architectural choices and (ii) both ex ante and ex post transaction costs implied by their architecture decisions. We conclude by suggesting how the perspective on firm's strategic architectural decisions we develop here enables new approaches to understanding evolutions of both product markets and industry structures for serving product markets.
Schulz, Ann-Christine; Fehre, Kerstin; Oertel, Simon
The adoption of MBA programs in Germany: an institutional perspective. - In: Academy of Management learning & education, ISSN 1944-9585, Bd. 22 (2023), 2, S. 216-238

This study examines the adoption of MBA programs by higher education institutions in Germany. Using arguments from neo-institutional theory and imprinting theory, we propose that private ownership, mimetic processes, and founding period are likely to impact MBA adoption. In an empirical analysis of 86 German universities over the period 1999-2015, we show that private universities are more likely to offer MBA programs. For public universities, we find that prior adoption by other universities and an early foundation period (prior to World War II) positively influence MBA adoption. Interaction analyses show that the positive impact of prior adoption by other universities is attenuated by organizational status and augmented by the regional density of academic institutions. Our findings thus elucidate the major role of institutional factors for the diffusion of MBA programs among German universities.
Laj¸ci, Rrezon; Berisha, Gentrit; Krasniqi, Besnik A.
Intrapreneurs are laterborns: exploring the effects of birth order on managers' entrepreneurial intentions and risk taking. - In: International review of entrepreneurship, ISSN 2009-2822, Bd. 20 (2022), 4, S. 561-584

This paper investigates the effects of birth order on entrepreneurial intention (EI) and risk taking propensity of managers. Data from 230 managers from different industries in Kosovo were collected through self-report questionnaires. The results show that laterborns demonstrate a higher EI and risk taking propensity compared to their firstborn counterparts. Our findings have important implications for practitioners and researchers since we investigate the EI and risk taking propensity of managers in a non-Western culture. Moreover, given that individual characteristics cannot be changed, the knowledge of the impact of birth order on managers’ attitudes towards intrapreneurship and risk taking is indispensable for organizations. Information about managers’ EI and risk taking related to their birth order can be useful for fostering an entrepreneurial climate for managers of certain birth orders to act intrapreneurially rather than spin out.
Maurer, Marcel;
Offene Organisationsformen und ihre Implementierung. - Ilmenau, 2022. - XIII, 173 Blätter
Technische Universität Ilmenau, Dissertation 2022

Offene Organisationsformen ermöglichen Flexibilitätsvorteile und gelten angesichts der Veränderungen in der Um- und Arbeitswelt daher als vielversprechende Gestaltungslösungen. Durch transparente Informationen, grenzüberschreitende Zusammenarbeit sowie gleichberechtigte, inklusive, selbst- und mitbestimmungsorientierte Entscheidungsfindung sollen nicht nur ökonomische, sondern auch gesellschaftlich relevante Vorteile erschlossen werden. In Anbetracht der Phänomen-getriebenen und fragmentierten Forschung zu diesen neuen Organisationsformen ist allerdings unklar, warum, wie und unter welchen Bedingungen diese Vorteile erreicht und beibehalten werden können. Insbesondere Erkenntnisse zur Implementierung offener Organisationsformen werden benötigt, zumal dem entgegenstehend der Großteil der Unternehmen bürokratisch-hierarchisch organisiert ist. Passend zu diesem Forschungsbedarf besteht das Erkenntnisinteresse dieser Arbeit darin, zu erforschen, wie und wo sich eine Organisation öffnen kann und welche Wirkungen dabei unter der Berücksichtigung von Kontextbedingungen auftreten. Dazu wird zunächst ein konzeptioneller Ordnungsrahmen zu offenen Organisationen und ihrer Implementierung im Krisenkontext geschaffen, um die sich anschließenden vier einzelnen Untersuchungen innerhalb dieses Rahmens zu verorten. Hierbei steht auf Netzwerkebene zunächst die agile Organisation unternehmensübergreifender Zusammenarbeit im Vordergrund. Projiziert auf das Entscheidungsproblem, veränderungsgerecht zu beurteilen, ob und wie sich eine Organisation gegenüber anderen öffnet, werden die Möglichkeiten plattformbasierter Ökosysteme hervorgehoben. Darauffolgend wird auf Organisationsebene der wechselseitig positive Einfluss zwischen der COVID-19-Krise bzw. deren Bewältigung und der Implementierung der Soziokratie nachgewiesen. Daran anschließend wird in dem gleichen Kontext auf Teamebene festgestellt, dass sich der pandemiebedingte Zwang virtuell zusammenzuarbeiten, nicht negativ auf die Kommunikation und Leistung auswirkte. Darüber hinaus wird auf Individualebene gezeigt, dass mittlere ManagerInnen im Zuge der Implementierung einer offenen Organisationsform in ihrer paradoxen Doppelrolle als Betroffene und Gestaltende über die Zeit unterschiedlich reagieren. Ihre Reaktionen werden dabei entscheidend von ihrer sozialen Position in der Organisation beeinflusst. Abschließend werden die Anschlussmöglichkeiten der Ergebnisse an den wissenschaftlichen und praktischen Diskurs sowie deren Implikationen aufgezeigt.

Goldenstein, Jan; Hunoldt, Michael; Oertel, Simon
How market conditions affect new ventures’ propensity to engage in category spanning. - In: Strategic Organization, ISSN 1741-315X, Bd. 0 (2022), 0

In our study, we examine how category density affects entrepreneurs? propensity to engage in category spanning, and investigate the moderating effects of category fuzziness, regional density, and the number of entrants in a system of categories. We test our hypotheses by focusing on 3707 bands in the British metal music industry. Our findings indicate that increased category density reduces the degree of category spanning, but this effect is attenuated by increased category fuzziness and an increase in the number of new ventures founded in the same market. Regional density has no moderating effect, but its positive main effect points to the independence of the effects of categorical and regional density on category spanning. Our findings facilitate theory building regarding the antecedents of category spanning and the evolution of the categorical system of markets.
Maurer, Marcel; Bach, Norbert; Oertel, Simon
Forced to go virtual. Working-from-home arrangements and their effect on team communication during COVID-19 lockdown. - In: German journal of human resource management, ISSN 2397-0030, Bd. 36 (2022), 3, S. 238-269

Working-from-home arrangements have become increasingly important for firms’ work organization. In this context, the COVID-19 pandemic has led to teams that previously did not work virtually being forced to interact and communicate virtually. In this study, we analyze changes in intra-team communication of four teams in a German medium-sized enterprise. Quantitative network analyses of email communication and qualitative analyses of interviews before and during the COVID-19 lockdown in spring 2020 show that flat hierarchies and self-managing processes helped team members to mitigate negative effects due to spatial and temporal dispersion in forced working-from-home arrangements. Moreover, analysis of the teams’ communication networks shows that forced remote work can trigger faultlines to become salient but that team cohesion, identification with the team, and individuals taking on broker roles prevent negative effects of faultlines on team performance. In discussing these findings, our study contributes to the research on coordination and communication in virtual teams by analyzing contextual, organizational, team-related as well as individual factors that explain how and why teams differ in successfully implementing working-from-home arrangements.
Bach, Norbert; Lindig, Sven
KI in der Intralogistik : wie der Einsatz von KI die Arbeitsorganisation in der Intralogistik verändern wird. - In: Arbeitswelt und KI 2030, (2021), S. 311-318

Aufgaben der Intralogistik werden traditionell mit Hilfe von Algorithmen optimiert. Im Gegensatz zu Verfahren des Operations Research kann KI starre Zielfunktionen überwinden und flexibel auf eintretende Ereignisse reagieren. Die Verfügbarkeit von Echtzeitdaten und deren Auswertung ermöglicht darüber hinaus die Vorhersage von Ereignissen auf Basis von Mustererkennung und damit verbunden eine größere Kundenorientierung. Zudem wird in 2030 die Simulation im digitalen Zwilling in Echtzeit zum Normalfall und die Intralogistik wird mit übergreifenden Logistikketten verschmelzen. Des Weiteren wird durch den Einsatz von Drohnen der Lösungsraum für Wegstrecken dreidimensional, was zu bisher nicht möglichen Effizienzsteigerungen führen wird. Dennoch bleibt der Mensch der Schlüsselfaktor in der Logistik. Wearables und Exoskelette ermöglichen die freie Zusammenarbeit mit Corobots auf engem Raum, der Mensch wird integraler Bestandteil eines vernetzten Logistiksystems.
Geigenmüller, Anja; Bach, Norbert
What hinders customers in sourcing services internationally?. - In: Entrepreneurial internationalization in an increasingly digitized and networked world economy, (2021), S. 123-141


Katrin Steinborn
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