Short profile

Master of Science
Restrictions on admission-Icon
Restrictions on admission
Standard period of study-Icon
Standard period of study
4 semester
Start of studies-Icon
Start of studies
April 1 or October 1
Requirement for admission-Icon
Requirement for admission
Bachelor's degree in a similar field
Credit points-Icon
Credit points
Teaching language-Icon
Teaching language


This program is research-oriented and consecutive and is based on a research-oriented Bachelor of Science in Computer Science. It can also be attended by graduates from similar bachelor programs, such as Computer and Systems Engineering, Mathematics or Information Systems Engineering

The master program Computer Science aims at a research-oiented specialisation of the professional and methodological comepetence acquired in a university degree in a major subject in computer science.

This also includes the enlargement of vocationally competences and the education in the fundamentals of computer science on a high level. As a result, the graduates are able to access complex problems in the field of computer science independently and solve them with scientific methods. Beyond that, team skills, social competence and communication skills are developed during the studies in large measure.

The master program Computer Science is both interdisciplinary and integrative and characterized by an intensive research orientation.

Application with German certificates and certificates from an educational institution within the EU / EEA

Application with certificates from an educational institution outside the EU / EEA

Why Ilmenau?

It is unusual for a university degree course that students can integrate an internship semester into their studies. The course comprises a small number of compulsory subjects, but these provide a deeper insight into the cornerstones of computer science and adapt the students' level of knowledge. In addition, there is a very large and varied range of electives with the possibility of completing one of the specializations Data Science/Machine Learning, Algorithmics and Logic, Computer Vision and Visualization, IT Security and IoT Engineering.

Due to the integration into a technically oriented university (especially mechanical and electrical engineering), the Ilmenau degree program also offers the opportunity to gain an insight into these areas through lectures or projects. This offer becomes even greater when you consider the technology companies in the Ilmenau area and at the Erfurter Kreuz, which also offer attractive job opportunities after graduation.

And finally, studying here is fun! As a student, you will study in small groups of usually fewer than 20 fellow students. This means that you will be offered intensive and individual support.

Tania and Tobias study computer science at the TU Ilmenau

Content of study

Fundamental courses (e.g. complex information technology systems, transactional information systems, networkalgorithms, efficient algorithms)

17 %

Optional courses from the chosen specialisation (see specialisation and detailed overview)

33 %

Advanced mathematics for computer scientists (e.g. discrete mathematics, information and coding theory, optimization, numerical analysis, stochastic models)

8 %

Minor subject (optional subjects from the academic master program)

8 %

Non-technical minor subject (optional subjects from the academic master program)

4 %

Main seminar

4 %

Master thesis

25 %
Detailed subject overview: Computer Science (Master)


  • Data Science / Machine Learning
  • Computer vision
  • IT Security
  • IoT-Engineering
  • Algorithmic theory and Logic
  • Software Engineering
  • Robotics

Practice during studies

It is possible to decide on a practical orientation of the programme and to complete an optional practical semester at a domestic or foreign company or research institution.

Fields of work

  • System and application development
  • Design of information and communication systems
  • Development of user-specific hardware and software systems
  • Sales and consulting
  • Production of technical systems with information components (e.g. vehicle management, telecommunication systems)
  • Research and development
  • IT applications, e.g. manufacturing industry, banking, insurance companies


Programme coordinator

Prof. Dietrich Kuske

+49 3677 69-1444

Study organisation