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Orth, Matthias;
Sensemaking im organisatorischen Wandel. - Ilmenau, 2024. - VII, 223 Seiten
Technische Universität Ilmenau, Dissertation 2024

In Zeiten des geplanten organisatorischen Wandels wird die Sinnstiftungsfunktion zur zentralen Aufgabe von Organisationen, um Mitarbeitende zur Unterstützung der Ziele der Organisation zu bewegen. Gelingt es dem Management nicht, die Mitarbeitenden von der Sinnhaftigkeit der geplanten Veränderungsprozesse zu überzeugen, droht ein Scheitern des Wandels. Die Herausforderung für das Management organisatorischen Wandels besteht somit darin, Sensemakingprozesse zu initiieren, die ein den Wandel unterstützendes Verhalten aus individueller Sicht als sinnvoll und zielführend erachten. Die vorliegende Arbeit erläutert, wodurch Sensemakingprozesse zum Zeitpunkt der Ankündigung eines Wandels ausgelöst oder verhindert werden, welche Hypothesen sich aus diesen Erkenntnissen für den Kontext geplanter organisatorischer Veränderungen ableiten lassen, welche Form individuellen Sensemakings resultiert und unter welchen Bedingungen sich Koalitionen bilden, die den Wandel unterstützen oder ablehnen. Im Hauptteil der Arbeit werden Erkenntnisse aus der Kognitionspsychologie und der Soziologie in einem Bezugsrahmen vereint. Zunächst werden individuell-kognitive Prozesse und Emotionen als Determinanten von Sensemaking konzeptionalisiert. Weiterhin werden in einem Mehrebenen- und Multiprozessmodell Regeln und Bedingungen hergleitet, um auch Sensemakingprozesse als kollektives Phänomen erklären zu können. Auf Basis dieses Bezugsrahmens werden Brückenhypothesen hergeleitet, die in einer Typologie verschiedener Sensemaking-Typen zu Beginn einer organisatorischen Veränderung münden. Anschließend werden auf Basis der Brückenhypothesen zu Beginn des Wandels Sensemakingverläufe prognostiziert, die am Ende des Wandels zu geteilten Einstellungen mehrerer Akteure führen und Sensemaking als kollektives Phänomen erklären. Der zweite Teil der Arbeit umfasst eine Fallstudie, mit deren Hilfe die Zusammenhänge des nomothetisch hergeleiteten Bezugsrahmens noch einmal verdeutlicht, auf Plausibilität geprüft und empirisch ausdifferenziert werden.

Gerhardt, Lisa-Maria; Goldenstein, Jan; Oertel, Simon; Poschmann, Philipp; Walgenbach, Peter
The managerialization of higher education in Germany and its consequences: changes in job advertisements for professorships in German universities, 1990 to 2010. - In: University collegiality and the erosion of faculty authority, (2024), S. 59-85

Higher education institutions have undergone a transformation over the past few decades, from loosely coupled systems to more centrally managed organizations. Central to this ongoing development is the increasing competition for resources and reputation, driving higher education institutions to rationalize their structures and practices. In our study, we focused on changes in job advertisements for professorships in Germany from 1990 to 2010. Findings showed that the requirements stipulated by universities for professorial positions have become increasingly differentiated (and measurable) over time. In this context, competitive aspects, such as third-party funding, international orientation, or publications, have particularly come to the fore and grown significantly in importance. We discuss these findings in light of an increasing managerialization of higher education institutions, which has a direct effect on collegiality. We argue that the differentiation of professorial job profiles leads to even more formalized appointment processes and may push collegial governance into the background.
Philippczyck, Nicole; Grundmann, Jan; Oertel, Simon
The framing of diversity statements in European universities: the role of imprinting and institutional legacy. - In: Minerva, ISSN 1573-1871, Bd. 62 (2024), 1, S. 69-92

We analyze the role of institutional founding conditions and institutional legacy for universities’ self-representation in terms of diversity. Based on 374 universities located in the Czech Republic, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, and Poland, we can differentiate between a more idealistic understanding (logic of inclusion and equality) and a more market-oriented understanding (market logic) of diversity. Our findings show that the founding phase has no significant effect on the likelihood of a university focusing on a market-oriented understanding of diversity - however, we observe an imprinting effect with respect to the adoption of a diversity statement in general and an equity-oriented statement. Moreover, our findings show that there is a socialistic heritage for universities in Central and Eastern European (CEE) countries that is at work and still influences universities’ understandings of diversity today.
Knorr, Karin; Hein-Pensel, Franziska
Since Albert and Whetten: the dissemination of Albert and Whetten’s conceptualization of organizational identity. - In: Management review quarterly, ISSN 2198-1639, Bd. 74 (2024), 2, S. 597-625

Since the seminal work of Albert and Whetten, the organizational identity concept has become ubiquitous and highly relevant in various fields. This study systematically reviews how Albert and Whetten’s concept of organizational identity has been disseminated in different research areas. It employs quantitative (topic modeling) and qualitative text analysis, as well as a network analysis to examine a sample of 1,041 papers published between 1985 and mid-2022 that cite Albert and Whetten’s seminal work. Using this method of systematic literature analysis, the current study investigates the criteria of the basic definition and hypotheses mentioned in their work that contribute to its increasing significance, and those with the potential to become substantial aspects of future organizational identity research. Accordingly, Albert and Whetten’s conceptualization of organizational identity is often partially adopted in the literature. Thus, this study contributes to organizational identity research by unveiling further research questions on the evolving character of organizational identity, research methodology, and quantitative operationalization, on the basis of Albert and Whetten’s organizational identity conceptualization.
Hartz, Ronald; Tümpel, Markus; Hühn, Melanie; Rybnikova, Irma
Handling the organizing paradox: a multiple case study of German cooperatives. - In: Economic and industrial democracy, ISSN 1461-7099, Bd. 0 (2023), 0

Cooperatives are seen as the bedrock of democratic control and an alternative to capitalist enterprises but also as sites of ‘degeneration’ of democratic values and hopes. In this article, the authors conceptualize that cooperatives are a prime example of a paradoxical organization, which must deal with the organizing paradox of democracy and hierarchy. Based on a multiple case study of 14 cooperatives in Germany, the authors unfold four different ways of handling this organizing paradox, ranging from upholding a grassroots democracy to seemingly uncontested forms of autocracy. Their typology demonstrates that participatory practices are not determined by the size of the cooperative or the sector in which it operates. Furthermore, it highlights the importance of participation and democracy as sensemaking devices, which fosters reflections on the organizing paradox and its handling and subsequently on the promises and pitfalls of cooperatives as ‘imperfect democracy’.
Bach, Norbert; Lindig, Sven
AI in intralogistics : how the use of AI will change the organisation of work in intralogistics. - In: Work and AI 2030, (2023), S. 287-293

Tasks of intralogistics are traditionally optimised with the help of algorithms. In contrast to methods of operations research, AI can overcome rigid objective functions and react flexibly to occurring events. The availability of real-time data and its evaluation also enables the prediction of events based on pattern recognition and thus a greater customer orientation. In addition, by 2030, real time simulations in the digital twin will become the norm and intralogistics will merge with overarching logistics chains. Furthermore, the use of drones will make the solution space for distances three-dimensional, which will lead to efficiency increases that were not possible before. Nevertheless, human beings remain the key factor in logistics. Wearables and exoskeletons enable the free collaboration with co-robots in a confined space, the human being becomes an integral part of a networked logistics system.
Sedita, Silvia Rita; Laj¸ci, Rrezon; Blasi, Silvia
Founders' networking ability and the innovation intensity of new ventures: the mediation effect of collaboration network. - In: International journal of innovation management, ISSN 1363-9196, Bd. 27 (2023), 3/4, 2350020, S. 1-32
Geigenmüller, Anja; Mayr, Viktoria; Maurer, Marcel
Servicetransformation und organisationaler Wandel - konzeptionelle Grundlagen und empirische Analyse. - In: Gestaltung des Wandels im Dienstleistungsmanagement, (2023), S. 443-467

Dieser Beitrag gibt einen Einblick in den entstehenden Wandelbedarf aufgrund der Transformation eines produkt- zu einem serviceorientierten Unternehmen mittels neuer Formen der Organisation von Arbeit. Dabei wird auf die Ansätze und Herausforderungen des organisationalen Wandels eingegangen, die während einer Servitization beachtet werden müssen. Anhand einer Netzwerkanalyse der E-Mail-Kommunikation eines deutschen mittelständischen Unternehmens werden im Laufe der Veränderung von Wertschöpfungsstrukturen in diesem Unternehmen Veränderungen in der Interaktion zwischen Mitarbeitenden mit Kundenkontakt analysiert und interpretiert.
Maurer, Marcel; Bach, Norbert; Oertel, Simon
Changes in formal structure towards self-managing organization and their effects on the intra-organizational communication network. - In: Journal of organization design, ISSN 2245-408X, Bd. 12 (2023), 3, S. 83-98

Changes in organizational structure affect the intra-organizational communication network. However, despite an increasing relevance of less hierarchical and less bureaucratic forms of organizing, the question of how self-managing forms of organization influence employees’ communication behavior has received only scant attention yet. In our study, we analyze the case of a medium-sized firm that experiences organizational change from rigid bureaucratic structures to a more self-managing organization model and question how employees’ centrality in the communication network is affected by this reorganization. Following an explorative research approach informed by prior research on self-managing forms of organizations and communication networks, our findings show that after the change process communication generally is less dependent on formal hierarchy. However, while employees who held a higher rank before the change process loose in centrality, their centrality at the end of the change process is still higher than that of other employees. Moreover, employees who experience a promotion become more central in the communication network while demotions do not have an effect. By discussing these findings in the context of organizational change and the persistence of organizational structures, we contribute to a more comprehensive understanding of the implementation process of self-managing organizations.
Hein-Pensel, Franziska; Winkler, Heiner; Brückner, Anja; Wölke, Mandy; Jabs, Iren; Mayan, Ines Jasmin; Kirschenbaum, Amit; Friedrich, Julia; Zinke-Wehlmann, Christian
Maturity assessment for Industry 5.0: a review of existing maturity models. - In: Journal of manufacturing systems, Bd. 66 (2023), S. 200-210

With the introduction of Industry 5.0, a new paradigm shift is planned. Whereas Industry 4.0 is still focused primarily on economic objectives to be achieved through digital transformation and automation of monotonous work processes, Industry 5.0 will also bring in social and ecological objectives. The focus is on holistic, sustainable, and human-centered value creation. Thus, the complexity of digitalization is increasing with the implementation of direct collaboration between humans and machines. In particular, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) are faced with major challenges as they have limited resources for implementing a successful digitalization strategy. This makes the use of maturity models (MMs) a valuable tool for shaping the strategically aligned digitalization transition of companies. In this context, this paper reviews whether the currently existing MMs for Industry 4.0 address the specific requirements of Industry 5.0, and sufficiently consider a human-centered approach along with the assessment of readiness for disruptive technologies in companies (especially SMEs). The study examines currently existing Industry 4.0 MMs as a part of a systematic literature review. A total of 297 German- and English-language publications were found and systematically investigated, of which 24 MMs provided sufficient scientific information in the end. These were categorized using a self-developed evaluation matrix. Furthermore, they were evaluated and discussed regarding their human-centered approach and applicability to SMEs. Through the analysis, key characteristics for Industry 4.0 MMs were identified, which can serve as a basis for the development of an Industry 5.0 assessment for SMEs.


Katrin Steinborn
Secretary Management/Organization Group

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