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Arlt, Dorothee;
In einer wechselseitigen Beziehung? : eine Untersuchung der Entwicklung und der Beziehung zwischen Medienvertrauen und Zufriedenheit mit der Corona-Politik der Regierung in Deutschland im Zeitverlauf
In a reciprocal relationship? : examining the development and relationship between media trust and satisfaction with the government’s Coronavirus policy in Germany over time. - In: Studies in communication and media, ISSN 2192-4007, Bd. 13 (2024), 1, S. 46-71

Given the political consequences of the Coronavirus crisis, the present study examined the reciprocal relationship between satisfaction with the government’s Coronavirus policy and media trust in Germany during the first year of the Coronavirus pandemic. Using data from a panel survey conducted between April 2020 and April 2021, a random intercept cross-lagged panel model was applied to explore the reciprocal relationship over time. The findings revealed strong correlations between the random intercepts, indicating that people who were generally more satisfied with the government’s Coronavirus policy also showed higher levels of media trust than the average and vice versa. On the within-person level, however, the results clearly show just one cross-lagged effect at a very specific point in time during the pandemic: within-person changes in policy satisfaction in November 2020 caused within-person changes in media trust in April 2021. No reciprocal influence over time was found.
Rochyadi-Reetz, Mira;
Codebook for the analysis of frames on climate change in media content and press releases in Indonesia. - Ilmenau : Research Group Empirical Media Research and Political Communication, Institute of Media and Communication Science, Technische Universität Ilmenau. - 1 Online-Ressource (30 Seiten)

The codebook is developed for research on framing of climate change in Indonesia. Operationalization of this codebook based on frame elements and frame dimensions on climate change. Frame elements include problem and benefit, causal interpretation, moral evaluation and solution on climate change whereas frame dimensions include scientific dimension, economic dimension as well as environmental and social dimensions.
Schaller, Sophia; Arlt, Dorothee; Wolling, Jens
Agenda-setting effects during times of social disruption: the influence of mass media and personal experiences on societal concerns. - In: International journal of communication, ISSN 1932-8036, Bd. 18 (2024), S. 1537-1560

Using an 8-wave panel survey of German citizens, the present study investigates the media’s agenda-setting power in the context of the disruptive coronavirus pandemic. By examining how societal concerns are influenced by mass media and personal experiences, this study shows differences regarding the health, political, and economic dimensions of the crisis. Only health-related societal concerns were influenced by the perceived issue salience in the media. Societal concerns regarding the economy were shaped by individuals’ evaluation of the adequacy of the perceived issue salience in the media and thus not by the media agenda per se. In contrast, societal concerns regarding restrictions on fundamental rights were strongly influenced by people’s personal experiences. Variations in the role of mass media and personal experiences over the course of the pandemic can be traced back to changes in the severity of the crisis and its different phases.
Arlt, Dorothee; Zang, Anne Marie; Wolling, Jens
Die Energiewende in der Realität und in den Medien aus Sicht der Bevölkerung : Ergebnisse einer bundesweiten Befragung im Sommer 2023. - Ilmenau : Technische Universität Ilmenau, Fachgebiet Empirische Medienforschung und Politische Kommunikation. - 1 Online-Ressource (40 Seiten)Die Untersuchung wurde im Rahmen des Projekts „Wissenschaftskommunikation Energiewende“ realisiert. Das Projekt wird vom Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung gefördert (Förderkennzeichen: 03SF0625E).
Rochyadi-Reetz, Mira; Teng’o, Dan
Climate reporting: crossing the borders toward a global outlook. - In: The Palgrave handbook of cross-border journalism, (2023), S. 237-249

Climate change’s causal factors, impacts, and solutions cross borders in various respects. Thus, journalism must do the same to present a global outlook in climate reporting. Journalists must cross borders to give a global perspective and link it to local contexts to connect to their audiences and stimulate climate action. This chapter reviews the concept of a global journalistic outlook and cross-border journalism in the context of climate change, describes examples of the practice of cross-border journalism in climate reporting, outlines the challenges faced by journalists, and offers a future agenda for the field.
Valli, Chiara; Eugster, Beatrice; Arlt, Dorothee
The more sophisticated, the more biased? : testing a new measure of political sophistication on biased information processing. - In: International journal of public opinion research, ISSN 1471-6909, Bd. 35 (2023), 4, edad037, S. 1-12

According to literature, biased information processing increases with political sophistication. The logic behind this relationship is that political sophisticates possess greater cognitive skills and knowledge to defend their prior beliefs. Although political sophistication can be understood as a multidimensional concept, existing research primarily uses general political knowledge as a proxy to assess it. Therefore, we introduce a more rigorous measure of sophistication that gauges individuals’ ability to justify their attitudes with substantive and well-elaborated arguments and put the classic measure of political sophistication to a test. We study these mechanisms in a direct-democratic setting via an online survey, in which 898 Swiss-German voters are exposed to a tailored counterargument on a political referendum. Our results indicate that individuals with higher levels of sophistication evaluate counter-attitudinal information less favorably and hold more stable opinions. While we did not find support for the hypothesis that sophistication leads to selective exposure to consonant information, our analysis points to a reverse mechanism: individuals with lower levels of sophistication exhibit a higher likelihood of exposure to dissonant views. Notably, these results align with the trends reported for general political knowledge and corroborate the validity of using general political knowledge as a proxy for political sophistication.
Schaller, Sophia; Wiedicke, Annemarie; Reifegerste, Doreen; Temmann, Linn
(De)stigmatizing depression on social media: the role of responsibility frames. - In: Journal of health communication, ISSN 1087-0415, Bd. 28 (2023), 11, S. 757-767

Responsibility frames on social media could shape recipients’ responses toward people with depression, which is crucial for the public (de)stigmatization of the mental disorder. Thus, the present study examines the effects of different responsibility frames (individual, social, combination) in Instagram-posts about depression on respondents’ related attributions as well as their emotional and behavioral reactions toward people suffering from the illness. Our online-experiment (N = 1,015) revealed that frames emphasizing the responsibility of one’s social network (e.g. family, friends and professionals) for depression, i.e. social frames, strengthened participants’ attributions to the social network, i.e. social attributions, most effectively. Individual frames, however, primarily intensified individual attributions to those affected by depression. Contrary to previous findings, a combination frame did not prove to increase recipients’ social attributions more than a one-sided social frame. For emotional and behavioral responses, we did not find any effects of responsibility frames compared to the control group-possibly due to buffering effects of the narrative structure of the Instagram posts.
Linke, Franz; Schaller, Sophia; Kayser, Johannes; Arlt, Dorothee; Schlegel, Steffen; Wolling, Jens; Westermann, Dirk
Studie "GLAS-LINK" : Untersuchungen zur Möglichkeit der Versorgung der Glasproduktionsstandorte in der Region Rennsteig/Oberfranken mittels Gleichstromtechnik. - Ilmenau : TU Ilmenau, Universitätsbibliothek, ilmedia, 2023. - 1 Online-Ressource (VII, 52 Seiten, Seite VIII-XXIV)

Quantum dynamics of a particle confined in a box with time-dependent wall is revisited by considering some unexplored aspects of the problem. In particular, the case of dynamical confinement in a time-dependent box in the presence of purely time-varying external potential is treated by obtaining exact solution. Also, some external potentials approving separation of space and time variables in the Schrödinger equation with time-dependent boundary conditions are classified. Time-dependence of the average kinetic energy and average quantum force are analyzed. A model for optical high harmonic generation in the presence of dynamical confinement and external linearly polarized monochromatic field is proposed.
Arlt, Dorothee; Schumann, Christina; Wolling, Jens
What does the public know about technological solutions for achieving carbon neutrality? Citizens' knowledge of energy transition and the role of media. - In: Frontiers in communication, ISSN 2297-900X, Bd. 8 (2023), 1005603, S. 01-13

The present study explores the relation between media use and knowledge in the context of the energy transition. To identify relevant knowledge categories, we relied on the expertise of an interdisciplinary research team. Based on this expertise, we identified awareness-knowledge of changes in the energy system and principles-knowledge of hydrogen as important knowledge categories. With data obtained from a nationwide online survey of the German-speaking population (n = 2,025) conducted in August 2021, we examined the level of knowledge concerning both categories in the German population. Furthermore, we studied its associations with exposure to journalistic media and direct communication from non-media actors (e.g., scientists). Our results revealed a considerable lack of knowledge for both categories. Considering the media variables, we found only weak, and in some cases even negative, relations with the use of journalistic media or other actors that spread information online. However, we found comparably strong associations between both knowledge categories and the control variables of sex, education, and personal interest. We use these results to open up a general discussion of the role of the media in knowledge acquisition processes.
Berger, Priscila;
In the intersections between media and education : teachers' practices and factors associated with developing students' media literacy in secondary schools. - Ilmenau : Universitätsbibliothek, 2023. - 1 Online-Ressource (xiv, 125, [18] Seiten)
Technische Universität Ilmenau, Dissertation 2023

Politische Maßnahmen beziehen sich auf die Schule als zentralen Akteur für die Förderung der Medienkompetenz. Die Verantwortung für die praktische Umsetzung solcher Initiativen liegt weitgehend bei den Lehrer:innen. Es ist jedoch wenig darüber bekannt, unter welchen Umständen Jugendliche bei der Entwicklung von Medienkompetenz besonders auf Lehrer:innen angewiesen sind und wie sich Unterschiede im medienpädagogischen Engagement von Lehrer:innen erklären lassen. Die vorliegende Arbeit geht diesen Fragen in einer Abfolge von drei Studien nach. Der theoretische Rahmen der Arbeit besteht aus drei Hauptaspekten: (1) die Praktiken von Lehrkräften im Umgang mit Medien, (2) die verschiedenen medienbezogenen Kompetenzen, und (3) die Einflussfaktoren auf medienpädagogische Praktiken. Die erste Studie untersucht, welche Merkmale von Jugendlichen, Schulen und Ländern mit dem Lernen von Computerkompetenz an der Schule zusammenhängen. Dazu wurden die Daten von Schülerinnen und Schülern aus 14 Ländern, die an der ICILS 2013 teilgenommen haben, mit einem drei-Ebenen-Regressionsmodell analysiert. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass die meisten signifikanten Prädiktoren auf der individuellen Ebene liegen. Schulmerkmale erweisen sich als nicht signifikant. Auf Länderebene hat der Grad der technologischen Durchdringung einen signifikanten Effekt. Mittels einer linearen Regressionsanalyse testet die zweite Studie Modelle, um die Förderung verschiedener Bereiche der Medienkompetenz vorherzusagen. Dazu wurden Befragungsdaten von Lehrkräften der Sekundarstufe in Thüringen ausgewertet. In allen Modellen lassen sich starke positive Zusammenhänge mit der Nutzung digitaler Medien im Unterricht und der wahrgenommenen Bedeutung des Kompetenzbereichs feststellen. Wie die Lehrkräfte die technische Ausstattung ihrer Schule bewerten, spielt jedoch in der Regel keine Rolle. Darüber hinaus wird deutlich, dass die Medienbildung in Gymnasien weniger Raum einnimmt als in anderen Schultypen und die meisten Kompetenzbereiche eher im Bereich der nichttechnischen Fächer gefördert werden. In der dritten Studie werden die Zusammenhänge zwischen der Förderung verschiedener Medienkompetenzbereiche und dem Einsatz verschiedener Arten von digitalen Medien durch explorative Strukturgleichungsmodelle der Thüringer Daten getestet. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass die Nutzung von Computerkabinetten einen starken positiven Effekt auf die Förderung aller Kompetenzbereiche hat. Der Einsatz von mobilen Endgeräten und Online-Anwendungen steht in einem signifikanten Zusammenhang mit der Förderung von Informationskompetenz. Der Einsatz von Präsentationstechniken steht hingegen in keinem Zusammenhang mit der Förderung von Medienkompetenz.