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Eugster, Beatrice; Arlt, Dorothee; Schmidt, Franzisca
The relationship between differential media exposure and attitudes towards Muslims and Islam and the potential consequences on voting intention towards banning veiling in public. - In: Communications, ISSN 1613-4087, Bd. 48 (2023), 1, S. 68-92

This article focuses on how exposure to different media genres relates to two components of attitudes, Muslims as a group and Islam as a religion. It also highlights how these components mediate the relationship between media exposure and behavioral intention, namely voting intention towards banning veiling in public spaces. The analysis builds on an online survey conducted in Switzerland. We found that exposure to specific media genres is not equally associated with attitudes towards Muslims versus attitudes towards Islam. Contrary to our expectation, we did not find the association to be stronger when it came to influencing attitudes towards Muslims as compared to influencing attitudes towards Islam. However, our findings clearly showed that it matters whether people consume news via television or newspapers, especially mass-market (commercial television and tabloids) versus upmarket news (public television and quality newspapers). Attitudes towards Muslims living in Switzerland are more negative among those consuming mass-market news than those consuming upmarket news. Anti-Islam attitudes, however, were only associated with reading newspapers - both tabloids and quality newspapers. The findings provided only partial support for the mediating role of attitudes towards Muslims and Islam concerning the indirect relation between media exposure and voting intention towards banning veiling.
Schumann, Christina; Arlt, Dorothee
When citizens get fed up : causes and consequences of issue fatigue - results of a two-wave panel study during the coronavirus crisis. - In: Communications, ISSN 1613-4087, Bd. 48 (2023), 1, S. 130-153

In the context of the long-lasting coronavirus crisis, this study examines the occurrence, causes, and consequences of issue fatigue - a phenomenon that refers to a feeling of annoyance with an issue that is repeated continually in the news. Using data obtained from a representative two-wave panel survey conducted online in April and May 2020 (n = 1,232) in Germany, the study employed a cross-lagged panel model to examine longitudinal relations. First, the results indicate that a considerable share of the German population already felt fatigued with the coronavirus issue in April, and that this proportion increased by May. Second, in terms of causes, the results show that perceptions of low news credibility and perceived "victimization" of other topics caused high levels of issue fatigue. However, effects of the reverse direction were also present, pointing to a mutual reinforcement of issue fatigue and media perceptions. Third, regarding consequences, the results reveal that recipients experiencing issue fatigue increasingly avoided coronavirus news, and also tended to disregard coronavirus hygiene rules.
Schumann, Christina; Becker, Marius; Wolling, Jens
Die Akzeptanz von Klimaschutzmaßnahmen : eine Analyse auf Grundlage des Framing-Ansatzes. - In: Klima(wandel)kommunikation, (2023), S. 141-163
Wolling, Jens; Becker, Marius; Schumann, Christina
Klima(wandel)kommunikation in einer sich rasant verändernden Welt. - In: Klima(wandel)kommunikation, (2023), S. 11-23
Wolling, Jens; Becker, Marius; Schumann, Christina
Klima(wandel)kommunikation : im Spannungsfeld von Wissenschaft, Medien und öffentlicher Meinung : Anhang. - Ilmenau : Universitätsverlag Ilmenau. - 1 Online-Ressource (83 Seiten)
Wolling, Jens; Becker, Marius; Schumann, Christina
Klima(wandel)kommunikation : im Spannungsfeld von Wissenschaft, Medien und öffentlicher Meinung. - Ilmenau : Universitätsverlag Ilmenau, 2023. - 1 Online-Ressource (248 Seiten). - (NEU - Nachhaltigkeits-, Energie- und Umweltkommunikation ; Band 8)

Nicht nur die Erforschung des Klimawandels ist komplex, sondern auch die Analyse der Kommunikation über diese Forschung. Kommunikation über den Klimawandel ist nicht nur Wissenschaftskommunikation, sondern schon seit langem mindestens im gleichen Maße politische Kommunikation. Das zeigt sich auch in den Aufsätzen dieses Bandes. Der Band enthält 12 Beiträge zur Klimakommunikation in den verschiedenen Phasen des Kommunikationsprozesses: angefangen mit der Analyse von Veranstaltungskommunikation, über die Betrachtung medialer Kommunikationsinhalte bis hin zur Untersuchung der vielfältigen Reaktionen der Rezipierenden. Schwerpunkte bilden Ansätzen zur Segmentierung der Öffentlichkeit sowie experimentelle Studien, in denen die Wirkung verschiedener Kommunikationsstrategien getestet wird
Adam, Silke; Urman, Aleksandra; Arlt, Dorothee; Gil-Lopez, Teresa; Makhortykh, Mykola; Maier, Michaela
Media trust and the COVID-19 pandemic: an analysis of short-term trust changes, their ideological drivers and consequences in Switzerland. - In: Communication research, ISSN 1552-3810, Bd. 50 (2023), 2, S. 205-229

We analyze short-term media trust changes during the COVID-19 pandemic, their ideological drivers and consequences based on panel data in German-speaking Switzerland. We thereby differentiate trust in political information from different types of traditional and non-traditional media. COVID-19 serves as a natural experiment, in which citizens? media trust at the outbreak of the crisis is compared with the same variables after the severe lockdown measures were lifted. Our data reveal that (1) media trust is consequential as it is associated with people's willingness to follow Covid-19 regulations; (2) media trust changes during the pandemic, with trust levels for most media decreasing, with the exception of public service broadcasting; (3) trust losses are hardly connected to ideological divides in Switzerland. Our findings highlight that public service broadcasting plays an exceptional role in the fight against a pandemic and that contrary to the US, no partisan trust divide occurs.
Rochyadi-Reetz, Mira; Wolling, Jens
Environmental communication publications in Indonesia’s leading communication journals : a systematic review. - In: Jurnal Aspikom, ISSN 2548-8309, Bd. 8 (2023), 1, S. 15-28

As an emerging country, Indonesia is facing many environmental problems, with some of the most critical being plastic waste, severe deforestation, and climate change. Under such conditions, communication science plays an important role in pointing to the best way to inform the public so as to stimulate engagement and action to solve these problems. In this article, a systematic literature review of papers on environmental communication published in three leading communication journals in Indonesia was conducted. The findings show that despite the severe environmental problems in Indonesia, a limited number of studies on environmental communication have been published, and only a few methods and designs have been used. Therefore, more attention from communication scholars and intellectuals in Indonesia is needed to address environmental problems in their research. Creating an environmental communication division in existing communication associations is proposed as a practical solution, among others, and is discussed in the outlook section of this study
Radechovsky, Johanna; Schumann, Christina
Fehlinformation, Themenverdrossenheit, Misstrauen und Journalismus. - In: Handbuch Journalismustheorien, (2023), S. 1-14
Living reference work entry

Dieser Beitrag beleuchtet die Bedeutung von Fehlinformation für den Journalismus. Zu Beginn erläutern wir mit Themenverdrossenheit und Misstrauen in den Journalismus zwei Phänomene, die erklären können, wieso Rezipient:innen sich von journalistischen Informationen abwenden und verstärkt mit Fehlinformationen in Kontakt kommen. Wir definieren Des- und Fehlinformation, grenzen unterschiedliche Subtypen voneinander ab und geben einen Überblick über den theoretischen Diskurs zum Thema. Anschließend widmen wir uns theoretischen Ansätzen, die erörtern, wie der Journalismus und/oder die Gesellschaft mit Fehlinformationen umgehen können. Hierbei fokussieren wir Chancen und Grenzen des Faktenchecks und geben einen Einblick in Lösungsansätze, wie zum Beispiel die Erhöhung von Medienkompetenz bei den Rezipient:innen. Zuletzt wird ein kritisches Fazit zum Stand der theoretischen Betrachtungen des Themenkomplexes gezogen.