14th (Virtual) World Media Economics and Management Conference 2021: Emerging Technologies and Cross-Innovation in the Media Industries


The World Media Economics and Management Conference (WMEMC) is the leading biennial meeting of the global community of media business scholars. The academic conference brings scholars worldwide together to reflect on contemporary issues in the management and economics of media industries and firms. Due to the pandemic restrictions, the conference originally planned to take place in Rome was moved online.

Five papers by the team from Economic Theory Group of Ilmenau University of Technology and co-authors were discussed during this high-profiled conference.

Following contributions were presented by their authors:

  • “Attention Economics of Instagram Stars: #Instafame and Sex Sells?” by Sophia Gaenssle
  • “Digital Personal Assistants as Gatekeepers for Consumption? How Information Intermediaries Shape Competition” by Victoriia Noskova
  • “Disentangling Voting Biases in the Eurovision Song Contest: An Empirical Analysis of Individual Biases in Peer Voting Systems” by Oliver Budzinski, Daniel Weimar and Sophia Gaenssle
  • “From Offline to Online – An Empirical Analysis of Video Advertising Spending Behavior” by Nadine Lindstädt-Dreusicke, Elke Theobald (both Business School at Pforzheim University), Victoriia Noskova & Oliver Budzinski
  • “What drives Binge-Watching? An Economic Theory and Analysis of Impact Factors” by Sophia Gaenssle and Philipp Kunz-Kaltenhäuser

Furthermore, Ilmenau University of Technology was present with the following presentations:

  • “Cultural entrepreneurship or Media entrepreneurship? Definition and Delimitation of Research Programs” by Britta M. Gossel
  • “Rigor versus relevance: Enforcing dialogue between media management research and practice” Miriam Bernhard, Britta M. Gossel, Andreas Will

New papers from Ilmenau's Institute of Economics can be found here.