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The 7th ITG/VDE Graduate Summer School on Video Compression and Processing is aiming at providing a forum for informal knowledge exchange and discussion of innovative research ideas among doctoral students working in the field of image and video communication and image signal processing. It takes place at the TU Ilmenau on 4 - 5 July 2022 and is locally organized by the Audiovisual Technology Group.
The summer school atmosphere is intended to be very informal and less restrictive than a typical workshop or conference, thus stimulating discussions and inspiring joint research among the participating PhD students.
Contributions focus on novel research aspects but do not have to provide unpublished material. Presentations, posters, or demos can be an overview of the participant’s research fields including challenges, open topics, and problems in current research. The aim is to bring together young researchers with similar topics and provide a basis for fruitful scientific discussions, motivating future cooperation.