More news from the AVT departmentMore news from the AVT department


We offer students in the bachelor's degree programme in Research in Media Engineering (former Media Technology) basic courses in the field of audio and video as well as project-oriented work in advanced courses.

For Master's students, the focus of the offerings is on video.

There are also courses for other media and engineering courses at the university.

Further information

TU Ilmenau | Eckhardt Schön
TU Ilmenau | Stephan Fremerey


Our overall research goal is to investigate the relationship between technical system properties and human perception or individual experience. This is done on the one hand by physical measurements on audiovisual media and on the other hand by evaluating the perception of these media.

Further Information

Postal address

Technische Universität Ilmenau
Fakultät für Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik
Fachgebiet Audiovisuelle Technik

PF 10 05 65
98684 Ilmenau


Invoice address

TU Ilmenau
Zentraler Rechnungseingang

Max-Planck-Ring 14
98693 Ilmenau

Visiting address

Helmholtzbau (Helmholtz building)
2nd floor, room 3533

Helmholtzplatz 2
98693 Ilmenau