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Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Kai-Uwe Sattler
Tel. +49 3677 69-5001
Ernst-Abbe-Zentrum, Ehrenbergstraße 29
Zi. 3322
More news from the AVT departmentMore news from the AVT department
We offer students in the bachelor's degree programme in Research in Media Engineering (former Media Technology) basic courses in the field of audio and video as well as project-oriented work in advanced courses.
For Master's students, the focus of the offerings is on video.
There are also courses for other media and engineering courses at the university.
Our overall research goal is to investigate the relationship between technical system properties and human perception or individual experience. This is done on the one hand by physical measurements on audiovisual media and on the other hand by evaluating the perception of these media.
The group is a member of the Institute for Media Technology (IMT) in the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology of the TU Ilmenau and
member of the cross-faculty Institute for Intelligent and Interactive Immersive Media and Technologies (I4MT) and the Ilmenau Interactive Immersive Technologies Center (I3TC).
The department is part of the Chemnitz-Ilmenau-Magdeburg Research and Innovation Network (CHIM).