

Postgraduate Research Associates

The Communications Research Laboratory (CRL) at Ilmenau University of Technology offers several research positions as


Postgraduate Research Associates

in the areas of wireless communications, array signal processing, and high-resolution parameter estimation.

In particular, applications in the areas of

  • reconfigurable intelligent surfaces (RISs),

  • hybrid analog/digital MIMO systems,

  • massive MIMO,

  • satellite communications, and

  • tensor-based signal processing

are encouraged.

The opportunity to work on a doctoral (Dr.-Ing.) thesis is given in an excellent research environment. Requirements: Excellent Diploma or Master's degree in electrical and computer engineering or a related area (like physics, computer science, or mathematics with an engineering focus) from a well-known university. Moreover, a very good knowledge of communications and signal processing along with a very good (oral and written) command of the English language are required.

  • Starting date: as soon as possible.

Female researchers are particularly encouraged to apply, because they are not represented adequately in engineering sciences. Ilmenau University of Technology tries to increase the quota of women in these disciplines. Applications that include a covering letter, a photograph, a resume, grade reports, a copy of the Master thesis, and other usual documents should be sent by e-mail to Prof. Dr.-Ing. Martin Haardt.

Postdoctoral Positions

The Communications Research Laboratory , at Ilmenau University of Technology, Germany, invites applications from outstanding candidates for postdoctoral research positions. A strong research and publication record is required.


Recent PhDs

in the areas of

  • communications engineering,
  • signal processing,
  • information theory,
  • numerical linear algebra, and/or
  • antennas and propagation

are encouraged to apply. Topics of interest include (but are not limited to) multi-user MIMO systems, space-time-frequency coding, resource optimization, channel modeling, ultra wideband systems, and high-resolution parameter estimation.


In particular, applications in the areas of

  • reconfigurable intelligent surfaces (RISs),

  • hybrid analog/digital MIMO systems,

  • massive MIMO,

  • satellite communications, and

  • tensor-based signal processing

​​​​​​​are encouraged.

Our projects range from fundamental research to applied research topics in signal processing and communications. We have several international and industrial collaborations through participation in European projects and networks, national research initiatives, and joint projects with the telecommunication industry.


Applications should include a covering letter, a photograph, a detailed CV, a list of publications, a copy of the PhD thesis, copies of the 3 most important publications, grade reports, references, and other usual documents.

For more information, please contact: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Martin Haardt.