Other Publications


-2023-  -2022-   -2021-   -2020-   -2017-   -2016-   -2015-   -2014-   -2013-   -2012-   -2011-   -2010-   -2009-   -2008-   -2007-   -2006-   -2005-   -2000-


  • T. Liu, F.  Matter, A.  Sorg, M. E. Pfetsch,M. Haardt, and M. Pesavento, "Joint Sparse Estimation with Cardinality Constraint via Mixed-Integer Semidefinite Programming." arXiv preprint arXiv:2311.03501  2023, PDF.
  • S. Gherekhloo, K. Ardah, and M. Haadrt, "SALSA: A Sequential Alternating Least Squares Approximation Method For MIMO Channel Estimation." arXiv preprint arXiv:2304.06643  2023, PDF.


  • B. Sokal, K. Naskovska, A. L. F. de Almeida, and  M. Haardt, "Using tensor contractions to derive the structure of slice-wise multiplications of tensors with applications to space-time Khatri-Rao coding for MIMO-OFDM Systems." May 2022, PDF, HTML.


  • B. Vilas Boas, W. Zirwas, and M. Haardt, “Combining AI/ML and PHY layer rule based inference - some first results.” ArXiv:2203.08074, 2022, PDFHTML .



  • B. Vilas Boas, W. Zirwas, and M. Haardt, “Transfer learning capabilities of untrained neural networks for MiMo CSI recreation.” ArXiv:2111.07858, 2021, PDFHTML .


  • B. Vilas Boas, W. Zirwas, and M. Haardt, “Machine learning for CSI recreation based on prior knowledge.” ArXiv:2111.07854, 2021, PDFHTML .


  • A. A. Korobkov, M. K. Diugurova, J. Haueisen, and M. Haardt, “Robust multi-dimensional model order estimation using lineAr regression of global eigenvalues (LaRGE).” ArXiv:2110.02705, 2021, PDFHTML .


  • K. Ardah, S. Gherekhloo, A. L. F. de Almeida, and M. Haardt, “Double-RIS versus Single-RIS aided systems: Tensor-based MIMO channel estimation and design perspectives.” ArXiv:2106.09099, 2021, PDFHTML .


  • S. Gherekhloo, K. Ardah, A. L. F. de Almeida, and M. Haardt, “Tensor-based channel estimation and reflection design for RIS-aided millimeter-wave MIMO communication systems.” ArXiv:2107.13851, 2021, PDFHTML .


  • K. Ardah, M. Haardt, T. Liu, F. Matter, M. Pesavento, and M. E. Pfetsch, “Recovery under side constraints.” ArXiv:2106.09375, 2021, PDFHTML .


  • B. Vilas Boas, W. Zirwas, and M. Haardt, “Machine learning for model order selection in MIMO OFDM systems.” ArXiv:2106.11633, June 2021, PDFHTML .


  • K. Ardah, S. Gherekhloo, A. L. F. de Almeida, and M. Haardt, “TRICE: A channel estimation framework for RIS-aided millimeter-wave MIMO systems.” ArXiv:2008.09499v4, Feb. 2021, PDFHTML .


  • B. Vilas Boas, W. Zirwas, and M. Haardt, “Two-step machine learning approach for channel estimation with mixed resolution RF chains.” ArXiv:2101.09705, Jan. 2021, PDFHTML .



  • C. Prévost, K. Usevich, M. Haardt, P. Comon, and D. Brie, “Constrained Cramér-Rao lower bounds for CP-based hyperspectral super-resolution,” Dec. 2020, working paper or preprint ,PDFHTML .


  • L. N. Ribeiro, S. Schwarz, A. L. F. de Almeida, and M. Haardt, “Low-complexity massive MIMO tensor precoding.” ArXiv:2009.09729, Sept. 2020, PDFHTML .


  • K. Naskovska, A. L. F. de Almeida, and M. Haardt, “Using double contractions to derive the structure of slice-wise multiplications of tensors with applications to semi-blind MIMO OFDM.” ArXiv:2001.06556, Jan. 2020, PDFHTML .


  • F. Asim, A. L. F. de Almeida, M. Haardt, C. C. Cavalcante, and J. Nossek, “Rank-one detector for Kronecker-structured constant modulus constellations.” ArXiv:2001.02743, Jan. 2020, PDFHTML .



  • S. Gorlow, J. da Costa, and M. Haardt, “An adaptive cm array preconditioner for blind multi-user separation.” ArXiv:1807.09692, July 2018, PDFHTML .



  • S. A. Cheema, E. R. Balda, Y. Cheng, M. Haardt, A. Weiss, and A. Yeredor, “First-Order Perturbation Analysis of the SECSI Framework for the Approximate CP Decomposition of 3-D Noise-Corrupted Low-Rank Tensors.” ArXiv:1710.06693, Oct. 2017, PDFHTML .



  • L. Arevalo, R. C. de Lamare, M. Haardt, and R. Sampaio-Neto, “Decoupled signal detection for the uplink of large-scale MIMO systems in heterogeneous networks.” ArXiv:1611.05597, Nov. 2016, PDFHTML .


  • J. Steinwandt, F. Roemer, M. Haardt, and G. Del Galdo, “Performance analysis of multi-dimensional ESPRIT-type algorithms for arbitrary and strictly non-circular sources with spatial smoothing.” ArXiv:1610.02253, Oct. 2016, HTML .



  • J. Steinwandt, F. Roemer, M. Haardt, and G. Del Galdo, “Deterministic Cramér-Rao bound for strictly non-circular sources and analytical analysis of the achievable gains.” ArXiv:1504.00203, Apr. 2015, PDFHTML .


  • FP7-ICT-318362 EMPhAtiC, “D6.2 - Coordinated multipoint and distributed beamforming,” Jan. 2015, Tech. rep. PDF.


  • FP7-ICT-318362 EMPhAtiC, “D5.3 - Cross-layer optimization of RRM with Physical and Application layers in PMR networks,” Jan. 2015, Tech. rep. PDF.



  • FP7-ICT-318362 EMPhAtiC, “MS3 - Concepts for coordinated multipoint and distributed beamforming using FBMC,” Dec. 2014, Tech. rep. PDF.


  • FP7-ICT-318362 EMPhAtiC, “D7.2 - Resource allocation and energy efficient design,” Nov. 2014, Tech. rep. PDF.


  • FP7-ICT-318362 EMPhAtiC, “D4.3 - Transmit beamforming and antenna processing at the receiver,” Aug. 2014, Tech. rep. PDF.


  • FP7-ICT-318362 EMPhAtiC, “D7.1 - Evaluation of relaying strategies,” Mar. 2014, Tech. rep. PDF.


  • J. Steinwandt, F. Roemer, M. Haardt, and G. Del Galdo, “R-dimensional ESPRIT-type algorithms for strictly second-order non-circular sources and their performance analysis.” ArXiv:1402.2936, Feb. 2014, HTML .



  • FP7-ICT-318362 EMPhAtiC, “D6.1 - EMPhAtiC Cooperative communications and synchronization,” Aug. 2013, Tech. rep. PDF.


  • FP7-ICT-318362 EMPhAtiC, “D5.1 - EMPhAtiC Study of the advantages of FB-MC in RRM for PMR,” Aug. 2013, Tech. rep. PDF.


  • FP7-ICT-318362 EMPhAtiC, “MS2 - EMPhAtiC Concepts for cooperative communication and synchronization using FB-MC,” July 2013, Tech. rep. PDF.



  • F. Roemer and M. Haardt, “A framework for the analytical performance assessment of matrix and tensor-based ESPRIT-type algorithms.” ArXiv:1209.3253, Sept. 2012, HTML .


  • J. Gao, S. A. Vorobyov, H. Jiang, J. Zhang, and M. Haardt, “Sum-rate maximization with minimum power consumption for MIMO DF two-way relaying: Part II - network optimization.” ArXiv:1212.3654, Aug. 2012, HTML .


  • J. Gao, S. A. Vorobyov, H. Jiang, J. Zhang, and M. Haardt, “Sum-rate maximization with minimum power consumption for MIMO DF two-way relaying: Part I - relay optimization.” ArXiv:1301.1732, Aug. 2012, HTML .


  • FP7-ICT-248001 SAPHYRE, “D7.3 - SAPHYRE Overall Assessment and Analysis of Sharing Scenario I,” tech. rep., cordis@publications.europa.eu, Feb. 2012, PDF.


  • FP7-ICT-248001 SAPHYRE, “D6.3a - SAPHYRE Test Case Implementation and Evaluation on the Demonstrator Testbed (initial),” tech. rep., cordis@publications.europa.eu, Feb. 2012, PDF.


  • FP7-ICT-248001 SAPHYRE, “D4.3 - SAPHYRE System Level Evaluation Methodology and Asymptotic Analysis Assessment,” tech. rep., cordis@publications.europa.eu, Feb. 2012, PDF.


  • FP7-ICT-248001 SAPHYRE, “D4.1 - SAPHYRE Resource allocation and interference management strategies,” tech. rep., cordis@publications.europa.eu, Feb. 2012, PDF.


  • A. Khabbazibasmenj, F. Roemer, S. A. Vorobyov, and M. Haardt, “Sum-rate maximization in Two-Way AF MIMO relaying: Polynomial time solutions to a class of DC programming problems.” ArXiv:1202.2412 [cs.IT], Feb. 2012, HTML .



  • FP7-ICT-248001 SAPHYRE, “D3.3a - SAPHYRE Reference Scenario Parameters and Novel Interference Models (initial),” tech. rep., cordis@publications.europa.eu, Feb. 2011, PDF.


  • FP7-ICT-248001 SAPHYRE, “D3.1a - Adaptive and Robust Signal Processing in Multi-User and Multi-Cellular Environments (initial),” tech. rep., Feb. 2011, PDF.


  • FP7-ICT-248001 SAPHYRE, “D2.3a - Interference and Utility Modelling (initial),” tech. rep., cordis@publications.europa.eu, Feb. 2011, PDF.



  • T. Svensson, E. Zinovieff, G. Auer, and M. Bennis, “D1.9 - Final Innovation Report,” tech. rep., CELTIC-NEXT, Apr. 2010, PDF.



  • CELTIC CP5-026 WINNER+, “D1.7 Intermediate Report on Advanced Antenna Schemes,” tech. rep., Oct. 2009, PDF.


  • CELTIC CP5-026 WINNER+, “D1.4 Initial Report on Advanced Multiple Antenna Systems,” tech. rep., Jan. 2009, PDF.



  • M. Haardt, rapporteur, “Future Mobile and Wireless Radio Systems: Challenges in European Research.” Report on the FP 7 Consultation Meeting, European Commission, Information Society and Media, Brussels, Belgium, Feb. 2008, PDF.



  • IST-4-027756, WINNER II, “D6.13.12, final CG local area" description for integration into overall system concept and assessment of key technologies,” tech. rep., Framework Programme 6, Oct. 2007, HTML PDF.


  • IST-4-027756, WINNER II, “D6.13.11, final CG metropolitan area" description for integration into overall system concept and assessment of key technologies,” tech. rep., Framework Programme 6, Oct. 2007, HTML PDF.


  • IST-4-027756, WINNER II, “D3.5.3, final assessment of relaying concepts for all CGs scenarios under consideration of related WINNER L1 and L2 protocol functions,” tech. rep., Framework Programme 6, Sept. 2007, HTML PDF.


  • IST-4-027756, WINNER II, “D1.1.2, WINNER II Channel Models,” tech. rep., Framework Programme 6, Sept. 2007, HTML PDF Part1PDF Part2.


  • “IST-4-027756 WINNER II: D3.5.2 Assessment of relay based deployment concepts and detailed description of multi-hop capable RAN protocols as input for the concept group work,” June 2007.


  • W. Zirwas, H. Boche, M. Litzenburger, C. v. Helmholt, W. Rave, J. Lindner, U. Marxmeier, M. Haardt, R. Thomä, H. Haas, V. Kühn, M. Clavijo, and M. Einhaus, (Contributors), “Research focus mobile communications.” Report of the Working Group 10 new Air Interface * System Aspects", Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt e. V., Projektträger für das BMBF, Projektbüro Mobile Kommunikation, Linder Höhe, Köln, Germany, May 2007.



  • IST-4-027756, WINNER II, “D1.1.1, WINNER II interim channel models,” tech. rep., Framework Programme 6, Dec. 2006, HTML PDF.


  • “IST-4-027756 WINNER II: D6.13.7 Test Scenarios and Calibration Cases Issue 2,” Dec. 2006.


  • “IST-4-027756 WINNER II: D3.4.1 The WINNER II Air Interface: Refined Spatial-Temporal Processing Solutions,” Nov. 2006.



  • M. Döttling, A. Alexiou, D. Astély, K. Brüninghaus, P. Coronel, M. Fuchs, J. Giese, M. Haardt, M. Hennhöfer, T. Jiang, E. Jorswieck, A. Kapur, Z. Li, A. Medles, T. Mousley, M. Olsson, K. Roberts, S. Rouquette-Léveil, W. Schott, A. Sezgin, P. Skillermark, V. Stankovic, P. Svedman, S. Visuri, D. Wang, T. Wild, and E. Zimmermann, “IST-2003-507581 WINNER: D2.7 ver 1.0 Assessment of Advanced Beamforming and MIMO Technologies,” Feb. 2005, PDF.



  • P. Charas, P. Cochrane, J. da Silva, G. Davenport, B. Evans, J. Eberspächer, P. Demeester, M. Haardt, V. Hara, W. Konhäuser, M. Leisenberg, W. Mohr, N. Niebert, H. Nakamura, P. Pulli, U. Sydon, R. Tafazolli, M. A. Uusitalo, D. Verhulst, B. Walke, U. Wellens, and M. Zorzi, “The book of visions 2000: Visions of the wireless world.” Think Tank of the European IST Project Wireless Strategic Initiative (WSI), Nov. 2000, PDF.