Under the title "The Global Study of COVID News: Scope, Findings, and Implications of Quantitative Content Analyses of the COVID-19 News Coverage in the First Two Years of the Pandemic," Andreas Schwarz, Audra Diers-Lawson, Francis Alpers, and Elisabeth Wagner-Olfermann have published a systematic analysis of previously published quantitative content analyses of COVID-19 coverage in the international journal Health Communication.

From its inception, the COVID-19 pandemic has generated considerable interest in numerous scientific disciplines. In the medical field, some scientists speak retrospectively of a veritable "paperdemic" (Valencise et al., 2022). In communication studies, too, the first studies of media coverage appeared at an early stage of the pandemic. Andreas Schwarz, Francis Alpers, and Elisabeth Wagner-Olfermann from the Public Relations and Technology Communication Research Group at TU Ilmenau, together with Audra Diers-Lawson (Kristiania University College, Oslo), Mercator Fellow in the ongoing DECIPHER project, systematically analyzed 66 studies published in peer-reviewed journals up to April 2022. The focus was on quantitative and automated content analyses in terms of their theoretical contribution, geographic diversity, methodological standards, and consideration of risk and crisis communication theory. In addition, the extent to which authors of publications derived implications for the practice of health-related risk and crisis communication was evaluated.

The findings show that early studies of media coverage during COVID-19 often lack theory, use very heterogeneous forms of framing analysis, and make few references to risk and crisis communication theory. Consequently, much-needed implications for health communication practice in pandemics are lacking. What has improved compared to previous research, however, is geographic diversity - both in terms of the countries studied and the origins of study authors. Discussion of these findings highlights the need to develop a consistent approach to framing analyses of risk and crisis reporting in the media and the importance of well-designed cross-cultural research in a global pandemic.

The article appeared in Health Communication (Q1), the world's leading journal in the field of health communication, making it the first article published in a peer-reviewed journal as part of the DECIPHER project.

The article:

Schwarz, A., Alpers, F., Wagner-Olfermann, E., & Diers-Lawson, A. (2023). The Global Study of COVID News: Scope, Findings, and Implications of Quantitative Content Analyses of the COVID-19 News Coverage in the First Two Years of the Pandemic. Health Communication, 1-14. https://doi.org/10.1080/10410236.2023.2226932

Contact & more information:

Dr. Andreas Schwarz




Further references: Valencise, F. E., Boschiero, M. N., Palamim, C. V. C., & Marson, F. A. L. (2022). The COVID-19 impact on the scientific production on the 25 main death causes according to world region. Pulmonology, 28(1), 1–3. doi.org/10.1016/j.pulmoe.2021.05.011