We are proud to announce that our manuscript entitled “Experimental investigation and numerical analysis of     convective heat and mass transport processes in salt melts affected by magnetic fields and thermal radiation” has now been published in the Journal tm – Technisches Messen. Abstracts in English and German can be seen using the link https://doi.org/10.1515/teme-2024-0018.

The paper presents results jointly obtained by our PhD students Panxin Li, Jasmin Calmbach, and Clemens Naumann within two research projects funded by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG). Within one of these projects, our Fachgebiet Technische Thermodynamik cooperates closely with the Institute of Power Engineering at Dalian University of Technology, P.R. of China.

Upon request, electronic copies of the full paper, written in German, can be provided via our colleague Christian Karcher who acts as the corresponding author.

Streamlines and temperature field in a salt meltTU Ilmenau / C. Karcher
TU Ilmenau / C. Karcher