Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Jens Haueisen


Zur Person

Instituts- und Fachgebietsleiter: Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Jens Haueisen


  • 1987 - 1992     Technische Universität Ilmenau (Elektrotechnik)
  • 1990 – 1991     Slowakische Technische Universität, Bratislava, Slowakei (Elektrotechnik)
  • 1992 - 1994     Technische Universität Ilmenau (Numerische Feldberechnung)
  • 1994                 University of Washington, Seattle, USA (Biomedizinische Technik)


  • 1992    Diplom, Technische Universität Ilmenau
  • 1996    Dissertation, Technische Universität Ilmenau
  • 2003    Habilitation, Technische Universität Ilmenau

Berufliche Tätigkeit

  • 2016 – 2017    Gastprofessor, Max-Planck-Institut für Kognitions- und Neurowissenschaften, Leipzig
  • 2010 – 2013    Gastprofessor, King Saud University Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
  • Seit 2005         W3 Professor und Direktor des Instituts für Biomedizinische Technik und Informatik
  • 1998 – 2005    Leiter des Biomagnetischen Zentrums, Universitätsklinikum Jena
  • 1994 – 1998    Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter, Biomagnetisches Zentrum, Klinik für Neurologie, Universitätsklinikum Jena


  • Aktive und passive bioelektrische und biomagnetische Phänomene
  • Messung und Analyse bioelektrischer und biomagnetischer Daten
  • Numerische Berechnung bioelektrischer und biomagnetischer Felder
  • Inverse Verfahren im Bioelektromagnetismus
  • Methoden der Verifikation und Validierung im Bioelektromagnetismus
  • Informationstransfer und höherfrequente Oszillationen im somatosensorischen System
  • Transkranielle elektrische und magnetische Stimulation
  • Neuroophthalmologie

Wissenschaftliche Aktivitäten

  • Editorentätigkeit: “Brain Topography” seit 2018 ● “Frontiers in Human Neuroscience” seit 2017 ● Denkströme 2016-2019 ● Associate Editor “Medical Physics” 2010 ● “Biomedical Engineering” seit 2006 ● “Biomagnetic Research and Technology” 2004-2008
  • Gasteditor: Journal of Physiology (Paris) 2006 ● COMPEL (2009) ● International Journal of Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics (2009) ● IEEE Transactions on Magnetics (2014)
  • Vorsitzender des Lenkungsgremiums der Benannten Stelle der EU 0118 des Landesamtes für Mess- und Eichwesen Thüringen 2007-2013
  • Ordentliches Mitglied der Sächsischen Akademie der Wissenschaften seit 2014
  • Bestelltes Mitglied des Cluster Boards des Freistaates Thüringen seit 2015



Seit 2005 Vorlesungen, Übungen und Praktika für Studierende im Bachelor- & Master-Studiengang Biomedizinische Technik, sowie gleichzeitig in der Spezialisierung für Studierende in der Bachelor- & Master-Studiengänge Informatik, Ingenieurinformatik, Elektrotechnik, Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen. 

  • Vorlesung und Seminar „Grundlagen der Biomedizinischen Technik“ (WS)
  • Vorlesung und Praktikum „Inverse Bioelektromagnetische Probleme“ (WS)
  •  Vorlesung und Seminar „Grundlagen der Medizinischen Messtechnik“ (SS)
  • Vorlesung „Technische Sicherheit in der Medizintechnik“ (SS)
  • Vorlesung und Seminar „Verfahren der Medizinischen Messtechnik“ (SS)

12 Postdocs (4 derzeit) ● 40 Doktoranden (6 derzeit) ● 38 Masteranden (2 derzeit) ● >50 Bacheloranden

Akademische Selbstverwaltung

  • Seit 2011       Mitglied des akademischen Senates der TU Ilmenau    
  • 2009 – 2011  Dekan der Fakultät für Informatik und Automatisierung
  • 2008 – 2009  Prodekan der Fakultät für Informatik und Automatisierung
  • Seit 2008       Mitglied des Fakultätsrates der Fakultät für Informatik und Automatisierung
  • 2006 – 2008  Qualitätsmanagementbeauftragter der Fakultät für Informatik und Automatisierung 
  • 2005 – 2008   Studiendekan und Vorsitzender der Studienkommission der Fakultät für Informatik und Automatisierung 
  • Seit 2005       Mitglied der Studienkommission der Fakultät für Informatik und Automatisierung
  • Seit 2005       Mitglied des ständigen Promotionsausschusses der Fakultät für Informatik und Automatisierung
  • Seit 2005       Vorsitzender der Studiengangskommission und des Prüfungsausschusses des Bachelor- und Master-Studiengangs „Biomedizinische Technik“


  • National: VDE, Deutschen Gesellschaft für Biomedizinische Technik im VDE, Fachausschuss „Magnetische Methoden in der Medizin“, Mitglied seit 1999, Fachausschussvorsitzender seit 2011, Vorstandsmitglied seit 2016, Vorstandsvorsitzender seit 2019, Mitglied des Präsidiums des VDE seit 2019; Verein Deutscher Ingenieure; Mitglied des Vorstands des Branchenverbands Medizintechnik / Biotechnologie medways e.V. seit 2005, Vorstandsvorsitzender seit 2014 
  • International: IEEE, ICS, International Society for Bioelectromagnetism, International Advisory Board on Biomagnetism (President 2002-2004, Secretary General 2004-2006), International Steering Committee for Optimization and Inverse Problems in Electromagnetics (President 2010 - ); International Society for Functional Source Imaging (Member of the Board of Directors)

Ausgewählte Projekte seit 2005

Diagnostic tools for supersensitive magnetic detection EU 2005-2008
Entwicklung eines Prototypes einschließlich Hard- und Software für die Verwendung trockener Elektroden beim Vielkanal-EEG BMWI 2006-2008
Funktionelle Organisation von Hirnaktivität – Robustheit von Konnektivitäten im Quellraum neuroelektromagnetischer Signale DFG 2008-2010
Bernsteingruppe „Model-based, spatiotemporal systems analysis of the brain’s neuromatrix of pain“ BMBF 2007-2010
Multimodale Integration ophthalmologischer Diagnosetechnologien BMBF 2007-2012
Entwicklung der methodischen und technischen Grundlagen einer Qualitätsüberwachung durch Streulichtanalyse für ein kopfchirurgisches Zentrum Thuringia 2008-2011
Magnetic Brain Stimulation System Thuringia 2009-2010
Elektromagnetische Strömungsmessung und Wirbelstromprüfung mittels Lorentzkraft DFG 2010-2018
Entwicklung, Validierung und Anwendung von Verfahren zur Bestimmung der Konnektivität zwischen Hirnstrukturen DFG 2012-2014
Erforschung der opto-neurologischen Rehabilitation für AMD-Patienten Thuringia 2012-2015
Objektive Streulicht-Analyse zur Kataraktgradbestimmung am Auge BMWI 2012-2014
D-Transkraniale Stromstimulation und Analyse der neurovaskulären Kopplung mittels retinaler Gefäßanalyse BMBF 2012-2015
Modellbasierte Analyse multimodaler Daten unter Unsicherheiten BMBF 2013-2018
Active Nanocoated Dry-electrode for EEG Applications EU 2014-2017
Dynamische Aufnahme lateraler Verteilung biomagnetischer Felder mittels integrierter optischer Magnetometer DFG 2015-2019
Breaking the Nonuniqueness Barrier in Electromagnetic Neuroimaging – BREAKBEN EU 2016-2019
Bioelektromagnetische Sensorik und Bildgebung Thuringia 2016-2018
Stiftungsjuniorprofessur „Optoelektrophysiologische Medizintechnik“ Carl Zeiss 2016-2019
Individuelle Warnung mittels elektrischer Signale DFG 2016-2021
Entwicklung eines flexiblen Applikators zur nicht-invasiven okulären Stromstimulation auf Basis textiler Elektrodentechnologien BMWI 2017-2019
INtegrating Functional Assessment measures for Neonatal Safeguard — INFANS EU 2019-2022
Individuelle und mehrkanalige transkraniale Elektrostimulation zur therapeutischen Heimanwendung von Depression Thuringia 2018-2021
Künstlich intelligente EEG-Analyse in der Cloud (TeleBrain) BMBF 2019-2021
Technology for Multimodal inter-Brain dynamics investigation – EMBRACE EU 2021-2024

Organisation von internationalen Konferenzen

  • Chair of conferences: 4th International Hans-Berger Conference, Jena, Germany, 1999 ●13th Internat Conference on Biomagnetism, Jena, Germany, 2002 ● Symposium “Basics and methods for microvascular diagnosis of the retina” (SympMDR), 2007, Ilmenau, Germany ● 10th Workshop on Optimization and Inverse Problems in Electromagnetism (OIPE) 2008, Ilmenau, Germany ● 4th European Congress of the International Federation for Medical and Biological Engineering (MBEC), 2008, Antwerp, Belgium ● Symposium „FLIM2010” Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging of the Human Retina, September 13 – 14, 2010, Ilmenau, Germany ● 2nd Internat Workshop on Perinatal Biomagnetism, 2011, Jena, Germany ● 1st Internat Symposium on Optical Coherence Tomography, 2011, Ilmenau, Germany ● 46. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Biomedizinische Technik, Jena, Germany, 2012, Jena, Germany ● Workshop "Innovative Verarbeitung bioelektrischer und biomagnetischer Signale" - bbs2014, 2014, Berlin, Germany ● Dreiländertagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Biomedizinische Technik, 2019, Frankfurt, Germany
  • Gründer und Präsident der Serie „International PhD Summer Schools in Biomedical Engineering“, Erfurt, 2006; Naumburg, 2007; Weimar, 2008; Leipzig 2009, Lutherstadt Wittenberg 2010, Havanna, 2013, Lutherstadt Wittenberg 2015, Chengdu 2018, Erfurt 2020 


  • 1.    Mosayebi-Samani M, Jamil A, Salvador R, Ruffini G, Haueisen J, Nitsche MA: The Impact of Individual Electrical Fields and Anatomical Factors on the Neurophysiological Outcomes of tDCS: a TMS-MEP and MRI Study. Brain Stimulation, 14 (2021) 316-326, 2021


  • 2.    Hunold A, Machts R, Haueisen J: Head phantoms for bioelectromagnetic applications: a material study. BioMedical Engineering OnLine, 19:87, 2020
    3.    Schweitzer D, Haueisen J, Bauer JL, Hammer M, Klemm M: Comparison of algorithms to suppress artifacts from the natural lens in fluorescence lifetime imaging ophthalmoscopy (FLIO). Biomedical Optics Express, 11(10), 5586-5602, 2020
    4.    Hunold A, Ortega D, Schellhorn K, Haueisen J: Novel flexible cap for application of transcranial electrical stimulation: a usability study. BioMedical Engineering OnLine, 19: 50, 2020
    5.    Naskovska K, Lau S, Korobkov AA, Haueisen J, Haardt M: Coupled CP Decomposition of Simultaneous MEG-EEG Signals for Differentiating Oscillators During Photic Driving. Frontiers in Neuroscience, 14:261, 2020
    6.    Hömmen P, Mäkinen AJ, Hunold A, Machts R, Haueisen J, Zevenhoven KCJ, Ilmoniemi RJ, Körber R: Evaluating the Performance of Ultra-Low-Field MRI for In-vivo 3D Current Density Imaging of the Human Head. Frontiers in Physics, 8:105, 2020
    7.    Rodrigues MS, Fiedler P, Küchler N, Domingues RP, Lopes C, Borges J, Haueisen J, Vaz F: Dry Electrodes for Surface Electromyography based on Architectured Titanium Thin Films. Materials, 13:2135, 2020
    8.    Spyrides Boabaid Pimentel Goncalves R, Haueisen J, Luiz Brum Marques J: Inductive Temperature Measurement: A New Sensor Improvement for Industrial Applications. Review of Scientific Instruments, 91:046101, 2020
    9.    Heinemann D, Dutz S, Knabner S, Haueisen J, Baumgarten D: Camera Calibration and Orientation for PCB Jet Printing Inspection. SN Applied Sciences, 2:322, 2020
    10.    Sabel BA, Thut G, Haueisen J, Henrich-Noack P, Herrmann CS, Hunold A, Kammer T, Matteo B, Sergeeva EG, Waleszczyk W, Antal A: Vision modulation, plasticity and restoration using non-invasive brain stimulation – a review. Clinical Neurophysiology, 131(4):887-911, 2020
    11.    Dölker E-M, Lau S, Gröllich D, Haase E, Krzywinski S, Schmauder M, Haueisen J: Techniken zur Bestimmung von Parametern für die elektrische Personenwarnung. ASU, 10, 2020


  • 12.    Josef Golubic S, Jelena Jurasic M, Susac A, Huonker R, Gotz T, Haueisen J: Attention modulates topology and dynamics of auditory sensory gating. Human Brain Mapping, 40:2981–2994, 2019
    13.    Antonakakis M, Schrader S, Wollbrink A, Oostenveld R, Rampp S, Haueisen J, Wolters CH: The effect of stimulation type, head modeling and combined EEG and MEG on the source reconstruction of the somatosensory P20/N20 component. Human Brain Mapping, 40(17):5011-5028, 2019
    14.    Machts R, Hunold A, Drebenstedt C, Rock M, Leu C, Haueisen J: Measurement and analysis of partial lightning currents in a head phantom. PLOS ONE, PLoS ONE 14(9): e0223133, 2019
    15.    Graichen U, Eichardt R, Haueisen J: SpharaPy: A Python toolbox for spatial harmonic analysis of non-uniformly sampled data. SoftwareX, 10:100289, 2019
    16.    Freitag S, Hunold A, Klemm M, Klee S, Link D, Nagel E, Haueisen J: Pulsed Electrical Stimulation of the Human Eye Enhances Retinal Vessel Reaction to Flickering Light. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 13:371, 2019
    17.    di Fronso S, Fiedler P, Tamburro G, Haueisen J, Bertollo M, Comani S: Dry EEG in sport sciences: a fast and reliable tool to assess individual alpha peak frequency changes induced by physical effort. Frontiers in Neuroscience, 13:982, 2019
    18.    Petković B, Dölker EM, Schmidt R, Toepfer H, Haueisen J: Lorentz force surface integration method: calculation of Lorentz force by means of surface integrals. IEEE Transaction on Magnetics, 55(12):7205307, 10.1109/TMAG.2019.2944799, 2019
    19.    Schulz S, Haueisen J, Baer K-J, Andreas Voss A: Altered causal coupling pathways within the central-autonomic-network in patients suffering from schizophrenia. Entropy, 21, 733, 2019
    20.    Gbadeyan O, Steinhauser M, Hunold A, Martin AK, Haueisen J, Meinzer M: Modulation of adaptive cognitive control by prefrontal high definition transcranial direct current stimulation in older adults. Journal of Gerontology: Psychological Sciences, 74(7):1174-1183, 2019
    21.    Atallah R, Bauer F, Strohhöfer C, Haueisen J: A feedback system that combines monitoring of systolic blood pressure and relative blood volume in order to prevent hypotensive episodes during dialysis. Medical Engineering & Physics, 71:10–16, 2019
    22.    Kunze T, Haueisen J, Knösche TR: Emergence of Cognitive Priming and Structure-building from the Hierarchical Interaction of Canonical Microcircuit Models. Biological Cybernetics, 113(3):273-291, 2019
    23.    Eichardt R, Strohmeier D, Hunold A, Haueisen J, Oelsner G, Schmidt CB, Schultze V, Stolz R, Graichen U: Sensitivity studies and optimization of arrangements of optically pumped magnetometers in simulated magnetoencephalography. COMPEL: The International Journal for Computation and Mathematics in Electrical and Electronic Engineering, 38(3):953-964, 2019
    24.    Dölker EM, Schmidt R, Brauer H, Haueisen J: Velocity-dependent Lorentz force evaluation: A simulation study. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 55(6): 6201104, 2019
    25.    Dölker EM, Petković B, Schmidt R, Ziolkowski M, Brauer H, and Haueisen J: Single voxel approach for Lorentz force evaluation. COMPEL: The International Journal for Computation and Mathematics in Electrical and Electronic Engineering, 38(3):943-952, 2019
    26.    Klemm M, Sauer L, Klee S, Link D, Peters S, Hammer M, Schweitzer D, Haueisen J: Bleaching effects and fluorescence lifetime imaging ophthalmoscopy. Biomedical Optics Express, 10(3):1446- 1461, 2019


  • 27.    Wunder S, Hunold A, Fiedler P, Schlegelmilch F, Schellhorn K, Haueisen J: Novel bifunctional cap for simultaneous electroencephalography and transcranial electrical stimulation. Scientific Reports, 8:7259, 2018
    28.    Hammer M, Sauer L, Klemm M, Peters S, Schultz R, Haueisen J: Fundus autofluorescence beyond lipofuscin - lesson learned from ex vivo fluorescence lifetime imaging in porcine eyes. Biomedical Optics Express, 9(7), 3078-3091, 2018
    29.    Klee S, Link D, Sinzinger S, Haueisen J: Scotoma Simulation in Healthy Subjects. Optometry and Vision Science, 95(12):1120-1128, 2018
    30.    Dölker EM, Schmidt R, Gorges S, Otterbach JM, Petković B, Strohmeier D, Eichardt R, Brauer H, Haueisen J: Elastic Net Regularization in Lorentz Force Evaluation. NDT & E International, 99:141-154, 2018
    31.    Dölker EM, Schmidt R, Weise K, Petković B, Ziolkowski M, Brauer H, Haueisen J: Assessment of two forward solution approaches in Lorentz force evaluation. IEEE Transaction on Magnetics, 54:6200105, 2018
    32.    Petković B, Dölker EM, Schmidt R, Haueisen J: Method of Fundamental Solutions Applied to 3-D Velocity Induced Eddy Current Problems. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 54:6201610, 2018
    33.    Schulz S, Haueisen J, Baer K-J, Voss A: Multivariate assessment of the central-cardiorespiratory network structure in neuropathological disease. Physiological Measurement, 39(7):074004, 2018
    34.    Hunold A, Strohmeier D, Fiedler P, Haueisen J: Head phantoms for electroencephalography and transcranial electric stimulation: a skull material study. Biomedical Engineering, 63(6):683-689, 2018
    35.    Piątek L, Fiedler P, Haueisen J: Eye State Classification from EEG Recordings using Machine Learning Algorithms. Digital Medicine, 4:84-95, 2018
    36.    Esch L, Sun L, Klüber V, Lew S, Baumgarten D, Grant PE, Okada Y, Haueisen J, Hämäläinen MS, Dinh C: MNE Scan: Software for Real-Time Processing of Electrophysiological Data. Journal of Neuroscience Methods, 303:55–67, 2018
    37.    Sonntag H, Haueisen J, Maess B: Quality assessment of MEG-to-MRI coregistrations. Physics in Medicine and Biology, 63:075003, 2018
    38.    Stone DB, Tamburro G, Fiedler P, Haueisen J, Comani S: Automatic removal of physiological artifacts in EEG: The Optimized Fingerprint Method for sports science applications. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 12:96, 2018
    39.    Tamburro G, Fiedler P, Stone DB, Haueisen J, Comani S: A new ICA-based fingerprint method for the automatic removal of physiological artifacts from EEG recordings. PeerJ, 6:e4380, 2018
    40.    Fiedler P, Mühle R, Griebel S, Pedrosa P, Fonseca C, Vaz F, Zanow F, Haueisen J: Contact Pressure and Flexibility of Multipin Dry EEG Electrodes. IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems & Rehabilitation Engineering, 26(4):750-757, 2018
    41.    Pedrosa P, Fiedler P, Pestana V, Vasconcelos B, Gaspar H, Amaral MH, Freitas D, Haueisen J, Nóbrega JM, Fonseca C: In-service characterization of a polymer wick-based quasi-dry electrode for rapid pasteless electroencephalography. Biomedical Engineering, 63(4):349-359, 2018
    42.    Dinh C, Esch L, Rühle J, Bollmann S, Güllmar D, Baumgarten D, Hämäläinen MS, Haueisen J: Real-Time Clustered Multiple Signal Classification (RTC-MUSIC). Brain Topography, 31(1):125-128, 2018
    43.    Poljak D, Cvetković M, Dorić V, Zulim I, Đogaš Z, Rogić Vidaković M, Haueisen J, Drissi K: Integral equation formulations and related numerical solution methods in some biomedical applications of electromagnetic fields: transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS), nerve fiber stimulation. International journal of e-health and medical communications, 9:65-84, 2018


  • 44.    Kunze T, Peterson ADH, Haueisen J, Knösche TR: A Model of Individualized Canonical Microcircuits Supporting Cognitive Operations. PLOS ONE, 12(12): e0188003, 2017
    45.    Antal A, Alekseichuk I, Bikson M, J Brockmöller, Brunoni A, Chen R, Cohen L, Dowthwaite G, Ellrich J, Flöel A, Fregni F, George MS, Hamilton R, Haueisen J, Herrmann CS, Hummel FC, Lefaucher JP, Liebetanz D, Loo CK, McCaig CD, Miniussi C, Miranda P, Moliadze V, Nitsche MA, Padberg F, Pascual-Leone A, Poppendieck W, Priori A, Rossi S, Rossini P, Rothwell J, Rüger MA, Schellhorn K, Siebner H, Ugawa Y, Walsh V, Wexler A, Ziemann U, Hallett M, Paulus W: Low intensity transcranial electric stimulation: Safety, ethical, legal regulatory and application guidelines. Clinical Neurophysiology, 128(9):1774–1809, 2017
    46.    Pedrosa P, Fiedler P, Schinaia L, Vasconcelos B, Martins AC, Amaral MH, Comani S, Haueisen J, Fonseca C: Alginate-based hydrogels as an alternative to electrolytic gels for rapid EEG monitoring and easy cleaning procedures. Sensors & Actuators: B. Chemical, 247:273–283, 2017
    47.    Blum J, Blum M, Rill MS, Haueisen J: Flexible Führung ultrakurzer Laserpulse in ophthalmologischen Therapiesystemen. Klinische Monatsblätter für Augenheilkunde, 234(1):109-116, 2017
    48.    Wilson JD and Haueisen J: Separation of physiological signals using minimum norm projection operators. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 64(4):904-916, 2017
    49.    Petković B, Weise K, Haueisen J: Computation of Lorentz force and 3-D eddy current distribution in translatory moving conductors in the field of a permanent magnet. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 53(2):10.1109/TMAG.2016.2622223, 2017
    50.    Griebsch M, Klemm M, Haueisen J, Hammer M: Hypoxia-induced redox signalling in Müller cells. Acta Ophthalmologica, 95(4):e337-e339, 2016
    51.    Peters S, Griebsch M, Klemm M, Haueisen J, Hammer M: Hydrogen peroxide modulates energy metabolism and oxidative stress in cultures of permanent human Müller cells MIO-M1. Journal of Biophotonics, 10(9):1180-1188, 2017
    52.    Klee S, Liebermann J, Haueisen J: Source localization of S-cone and L/M-cone driven signals using silent substitution flash stimulation. Biomedical Engineering, 62(3):339-348, 2017
    53.    Mengelkamp J, Carlstedt M, Weise K, Ziolkowski M, Brauer H, Haueisen J: Current Density Reconstructions for Lorentz Force Evaluation. Research in Nondestructive Evaluation, 28(2):76-100, 2017


  • 54.    Salchow S, Strohmeier D, Klee S, Jannek D, Schiecke K, Witte H, Nehorai A, Haueisen J: Rod Driven Frequency Entrainment and Resonance Phenomena. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 10:413, 2016
    55.    Strohmeier D, Bekhti Y, Haueisen J, Gramfort A: The iterative reweighted Mixed-Norm Estimate for spatio-temporal MEG/EEG source reconstruction. IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, 35(10):2218-2228, 2016
    56.    Kummer M, Kirmse K, Zhang C, Haueisen J, Witte OW, Holthoff K: Column-like Ca2+ clusters in the mouse neonatal neocortex revealed by three-dimensional two-photon Ca2+ imaging in vivo. Neuroimage, 138:64–75, 2016
    57.    Hunold A, Funke ME, Eichardt R, Stenroos M, Haueisen J: EEG and MEG: sensitivity to epileptic spike activity as function of source orientation and depth. Physiological Measurement, 37:1146–1162, 2016
    58.    Klemm M, Blum J, Link D, Hammer M, Haueisen J, Schweitzer D: Combination of confocal principle and aperture stop separation improves suppression of crystalline lens fluorescence in an eye model. Biomedical Optics Express, 7(9):3198-3210, 2016
    59.    Schramm S, Schikowski P, Lerm E, Kaeding A, Haueisen J, Baumgarten D: Shack-Hartmann based objective straylight assessment of the human eye in an increased scattering angle range. Journal of Biomedical Optics, 21(7), 076003, 2016
    60.    Lau S, Petkovic B, Haueisen J: Optimal magnetic sensor vests for cardiac source imaging. Sensors, 16, 754, 2016
    61.    Lau S, Güllmar D, Flemming L, Grayden DB, Cook MJ, Wolters CH, Haueisen J: Skull defects in finite element head models for source reconstruction from magnetoencephalography signals. Frontiers in Neuroscience, 10:141, 2016
    62.    Kunze T, Hunold A, Haueisen J, Jirsa V, Spiegler A: Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation Changes Resting State Functional Connectivity: A Large-Scale Brain Network Modeling Study, Neuroimage, 140:174–187, 2016
    63.    Pedrosa P, Fiedler P, Lopez C, Alves E, Barradas NP, Haueisen J, Fonseca C, Vaz F: Ag:TiN-Coated Polyurethane for Dry Biopotential Electrodes: From Polymer Plasma Interface Activation to the First EEG Measurements. Plasma Processes and Polymers, 13(3):341–354, 2016
    64.    Pedrosa P, Machado D, Fiedler P, Vasconcelos B, Alves E, Barradas NP, Martin N, Haueisen J, Vaz F, Fonseca C: Electrochemical characterization of nanostructured Ag:TiN thin films produced by glancing angle deposition on polyurethane substrates for bio-electrode applications. Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry, 768:110-120, 2016
    65.    Mengelkamp J, Lattner D, Haueisen J, Carlstedt M, Weise K, Brauer H, Ziolkowski M, Eichardt R: Lorentz Force Evaluation with Differential Evolution. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 52(5):6201310, 2016
    66.    Codecasa L, Di Rienzo L, Weise K, Gross S, Haueisen, J: Fast MOR-Based Approach to Uncertainty Quantification in Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 52(3):7200904, 2016


  • 67.    Kummer M, Kirmse K, Witte OW, Haueisen J, Holthoff K: A method to quantify accuracy of position feedback signals of a three-dimensional two-photon laser-scanning microscope. Biomedical Optics Express, 6(10):3678-93, 2015
    68.    Klemm M, Schweitzer D, Peters S, Sauer L, Hammer M, Haueisen J: FLIMX: A Software Package to Determine and Analyze the Fluorescence Lifetime in Time-Resolved Fluorescence Data from the Human Eye. PLoS ONE, 10(7):e0131640, 2015
    69.    Fiedler P, Pedrosa P, Griebel S, Fonseca C, Vaz F, Supriyanto E, Zanow F, Haueisen J: Novel Multipin Electrode Cap System for Dry Electroencephalography. Brain Topography, 28:647–656, 2015
    70.    Dinh C, Strohmeier D, Luessi M, Güllmar D, Baumgarten D, Haueisen J, Hämäläinen MS: Real-Time MEG Source Localization using Region-of-Interest Clustering. Brain Topography, 28(6):771-84, 2015
    71.    Graichen U, Eichardt R, Fiedler P, Strohmeier D, Zanow F, Haueisen J: SPHARA - A generalized spatial Fourier analysis for multi-sensor systems with non-uniformly arranged sensors: application to EEG. PLoS ONE 10(4): e0121741, 2015
    72.    Schulz S, Haueisen J, Bär KJ, Voß A: High-resolution joint symbolic analysis to enhance classification of the cardiorespiratory system in patients with schizophrenia and their relatives. Philosophical transactions. Series A, Mathematical, physical, and engineering sciences. 373(2034): 20140098, 2015
    73.    Schweitzer D, Deutsch L, Klemm M, Jentsch S, Hammer M, Peters S, Haueisen J, Müller UA, Dawczynski J: Fluorescence lifetime imaging ophthalmoscopy (FLIO) in type2 diabetic patients who have no signs of diabetic retinopathy, Journal of Biomedical Optics, 20(6), 061106, 2015
    74.    Aydin Ü, Vorwerk J, Dümpelmann M, Küpper P, Kugel H, Heers M, Wellmer J, Kellinghaus C, Haueisen J, Rampp S, Stefan H, Wolters CH: Combined EEG/MEG Can Outperform Single Modality EEG or MEG Source Reconstruction in Presurgical Epilepsy Diagnosis. PLOS One, 10(3):e0118753, 2015
    75.    Cvetkovic M, Poljak D, Haueisen J: Analysis of Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation Based on the Surface Integral Equation Formulation, IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 62(6):1535-1545, 2015
    76.    Weise K, Di Rienzo L, Brauer H, Haueisen J, Toepfer H: Uncertainty Analysis in Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation Using Nonintrusive Polynomial Chaos Expansion. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 51(7):5000408, 2015
    77.    Götz T, Milde T, Curio G, Debener S, Lehmann T, Leistritz L, Witte OW, Witte H, Haueisen J: Primary somatosensory contextual modulation is encoded by oscillation frequency change. Clinical Neurophysiology, 126:1769–1779, 2015
    78.    Mengelkamp J, Ziolkowski M, Weise K, Carlstedt M, Brauer H, Haueisen J: Permanent Magnet Modeling for Lorentz Force Evaluation. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 51(7): 6201211, 2015
    79.    Baumgarten D, Braune F, Supriyanto E, Haueisen J: Plane-wise sensitivity based inhomogeneous excitation fields for magnetorelaxometry imaging of magnetic nanoparticles. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 380:255–260, 2015
    80.    Schneider R, Boada F, Haueisen J, Pfeuffer J: Automated slice-specific simultaneous z-shim method for reducing B1 inhomogeneity and susceptibility-induced signal loss with parallel transmission at 3T. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 74(4):934-44, 2015
    81.    Goernig M, Hoeffling B, Lau S, Figulla HR, Haueisen J: T Vector and Loop Characteristics Improve Detection of Myocardial Injury after Infarction.     Journal of Medical and Biological Engineering, 35(3):381-386, 2015
    82.    Pedrosa P, Machado D, Fiedler P, Alves E, Barradas NP, Haueisen J, Vaz F, Fonseca C: Electrochemical and structural characterization of nanocomposite Agy:TiNx thin films for dry bioelectrodes: the effect of the N/Ti ratio and Ag content. Electrochimica Acta 153:602–611, 2015
    83.    Fiedler P, Griebel S, Pedrosa P, Fonseca C, Vaz F, Zentner L, Zanow F, Haueisen J: Multichannel EEG with novel Ti/TiN dry electrodes. Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, 221:139–147, 2015
    84.    Voigt J, Knappe-Grüneberg S, Gutkelch D, Haueisen J, Neuber S, Schnabel A, Burghoff M: Development of a vector-tensor system to measure the absolute magnetic flux density and its gradient in magnetically shielded rooms. Review of Scientific Instruments 86, 055109, 2015


  • 85.    Liebl M, Steinhoff U, Wiekhorst F, Haueisen J, Trahms L: Quantitative imaging of magnetic nanoparticles by magnetorelaxometry with multiple excitation coils. Physics in Medicine and Biology, 59(21):6607-20, 2014
    86.    Fiedler P, Haueisen J, Jannek D, Griebel S, Zentner L, Vaz F, Fonseca C: Comparison of three types of dry electrodes for electroencephalography. Acta IMEKO, 3(3):33–37, 2014
    87.    Pedrosa P, Alves E, Barradas NP, Martin N, Fiedler P, Haueisen J, Vaz F, Fonseca C: Electrochemical behaviour of nanocomposite Agx:TiN thin films for dry biopotential electrodes. Electrochimica Acta, 125:48–57, 2014
    88.    Reimund V, Pelkner M, Kreutzbruck M, Haueisen J: Sensitivity analysis of the non-destructive evaluation of micro-cracks using GMR sensors. NDT&E International, 64:21-29, 2014
    89.    Stenroos M, Hunold A, Haueisen J: Comparison of three-shell and simplified volume conductor models in magnetoencephalography. Neuroimage, 94:337-48, 2014
    90.    Lau S, Flemming F, Haueisen J: Magnetoencephalography signals are influenced by skull defects. Clinical Neurophysiology, 125:1653–1662, 2014
    91.    Hunold A, Haueisen J, Ahtam B, Doshi C, Harini C, Camposano S, Warfield SK, Grant PE, Okada Y, Papadelis C: Localization of the epileptogenic foci in tuberous sclerosis complex: a pediatric case report. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 8:175, 2014
    92.    Hoyer D, Kowalski E-M, Schmidt A, Tetschke F, Nowack S, Rudolph A, Wallwitz U, Kynass I, Bode F, Kumm K, Tegtmeyer J, Moraru L, Götz T, Haueisen J, Witte OW, Schleussner E, Schneider U: Fetal autonomic brain age scores, segmented heart rate variability analysis, and traditional short term variability. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 10.3389/fnhum.2014.00948, 2014
    93.    Götz T, Huonker R, Witte OW, Haueisen J: Thalamocortical impulse propagation and information transfer in EEG and MEG. Journal of Clinical Neurophysiology, 31(3):253-60, 2014
    94.    Ramon C, Gargiulo P, Friðgeirsson EA, Haueisen J: Changes in Scalp Potentials and Spatial Smoothing Effects of Inclusion of Dura Layer in Human Head Models for EEG Simulations. Frontiers in Neuroengineering, 7:32, 2014
    95.    Schneider R, Ritter D, Haueisen J, Pfeuffer J: B0-Informed Variable Density Trajectory Design for Enhanced Correction of Off-Resonance Effects in Parallel Transmission. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 71:1381-1393, 2014
    96.    Schneider R, Haueisen J, Pfeuffer J: Shaped Saturation with inherent RF-Power-efficient Trajectory Design in Parallel Transmission. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 72(4):1015-1027, 2014
    97.    Saleh K, Unger V, Dietzel A, Heydenreich D, Großjohann R, Jürgens C, Tost F, Haueisen J: Mechanical eye model for evaluating intraocular pressure measurements. Biomedical Engineering Letters, 4(4):396-402, 2014


  • 98.    Gramfort A, Strohmeier D, Haueisen J, Hämäläinen MS, Kowalski M: Time-Frequency Mixed-Norm Estimates: Sparse M/EEG imaging with non-stationary source activations. Neuroimage, 70:410–422, 2013
    99.    Petković B, Haueisen J, Zec M, Uhlig RP, Brauer H, Ziolkowski M: Lorentz force evaluation: A new approximation method for defect reconstruction. NDT&E International 59:57–67, 2013
    100.    Schramm S, Seifert B-U, Schikowski P, Prehl J, Kunert KS, Blum M, Kaeding A, Haueisen J, A modified Hartmann-Shack aberrometer for measuring stray light in the anterior segment of the human eye. Graefe's Archive for Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology, 251:1967–1977, 2013
    101.    Klemm M, Dietzel A, Haueisen J, Nagel E, Hammer M, Schweitzer D: Repeatability of autofluorescence lifetime imaging at the human fundus in healthy volunteers. Current Eye Research, 38(7):793-801, 2013
    102.    Mota A.R., Duarte L., Rodrigues D., Martins A.C., Machado A.V., Vaz F., Fiedler P., Haueisen J., Nóbrega J.M., Fonseca C.: Development of a quasi-dry electrode for EEG recording. Sensors & Actuators: A. Physical, 199:310– 317, 2013
    103.    Salim MI, Supriyanto E, Haueisen J, Ariffin I, Ahmad AH, Rosidi B. Measurement of bioelectric and acoustic profile of breast tissue using hybrid magnetoacoustic method for cancer detection. Med Biol Eng Comput. 51(4):459-66, 2013
    104.    Schulz S., Tupaika N., Berger S., Haueisen J., Bär K-J, Voss A.: Cardiovascular coupling analysis with high resolution joint symbolic dynamics in patients suffering from acute schizophrenia. Physiological Measurement, 34:883–901, 2013
    105.    Seeck, A, Rademacher, W, Fischer, C, Haueisen, J, Surber, R, Voss, A: Prediction of AF recurrence after cardioversion - Interaction analysis of cardiac autonomic regulation. Medical Engineering & Physics. 35(3):376-82, 2013
    106.    Steinisch M, Torke PR, Haueisen J, Hailer B, Grönemeyer D, Van Leeuwen P, Comani S.: Early detection of coronary artery disease in patients studied with magnetocardiography: An automatic classification system based on signal entropy. Computers in Biology and Medicine. 43(2):144-53, 2013
    107.    Goernig,M., Liehr,M., Richter,J., Heyne,J.P., Leder,U., Figulla,H.R., Haueisen,J.: Detection of Myocardial Scars by Magnetic Field Imaging. Journal of Medical and Biological Engineering, 33(1):111-116, 2013


  • 108.    Haueisen J, Fleissig K, Strohmeier D, Elsarnagawy T, Huonker R, Liehr M, Witte OW: Reconstruction of quasi-radial dipolar activity using three-component magnetic field measurements. Clinical Neurophysiology, 123:1581-1585, 2012
    109.    Haueisen J, Funke M, Güllmar D, Eichardt R.: Tangential and Radial Epileptic Spike Activity: Different Sensitivity in EEG and MEG. Journal of Clinical Neurophysiology 29(4):327-32, 2012
    110.    Crevecoeur,G., Baumgarten,D., Steinhoff,U., Haueisen,J., Trahms,L., Dupré,L.: Advancements in magnetic nanoparticle reconstruction using sequential activation of excitation coil arrays using magnetorelaxometry. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 48(4):1313-1316, 2012
    111.    Halbleib,A., Gratkowski,M., Schwab,K., Ligges,C., Witte,H., Haueisen,J.: Topographic analysis of engagement and disengagement of neural oscillators in photic driving: a combined EEG/MEG study. Journal of Clinical Neurophysiology, 29(1):33-41, 2012
    112.    Pedrosa P, Alves E, Barradas FNP, Fiedler P, Haueisen J, Vaz F, Fonseca C: TiNx coated polycarbonate for bio-electrode applications. Corrosion Science. 56:49-57, 2012
    113.    Eichardt,R., Baumgarten,D., Petkovic,B., Wiekhorst,F., Trahms,L., Haueisen,J.: Adapting source grid parameters to improve the condition of the magnetostatic linear inverse problem of estimating nanoparticle distributions. Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing, 50(10):1081-9, 2012
    114.    Hoyer D, Nowack S, Bauer S, Tetschke F, Ludwig S, Moraru L, Rudoph A, Wallwitz U, Jaenicke F, Haueisen J, Schleußner E, Schneider U: Fetal development assessed by heart rate patterns – time scales of complex autonomic control. Computers in Biology and Medicine. 42:335-341, 2012


  • 115.    Spiegler,A., Knösche,T.R., Schwab,K., Haueisen,J., Atay,F.M.: Modeling Brain Resonance Phenomena Using a Neural Mass Model. PLoS Computational Biology, 7(12): e1002298, 2011
    116.    Klee S, Link D, Bessler P, Haueisen J.: Optoelectrophysiological stimulation of the human eye using fundus-controlled silent substitution technique. Journal of Biomedical Optics 16(1): 015002, 2011
    117.    Schneider,U., Arnscheidt,C., Schwab,M. Haueisen,J., Seewald,H.J., Schleussner,E.: Steroids That Induce Lung Maturation Acutely Affect Higher Cortical Function: A Fetal Magnetoencephalography Study. Reproductive Sciences, 18(1):99-106, 2011
    118.    Wacker, M, Galicki, M, Putsche, P, Milde, T, Schwab, K, Haueisen, J, Ligges, C, Witte, H: A Time-Variant Processing Approach for the Analysis of Alpha and Gamma MEG Oscillations During Flicker Stimulus Generated Entrainment. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 58(11): 3069-3077, 2011
    119.    Golubic,S., Susac,A., Grilj,V., Ranken,D., Huonker,R., Haueisen,J., Supek,S.: Size matters: MEG empirical and simulation study on source localization of the earliest visual activity in the occipital cortex. Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing, 49(5):545-554, 2011
    120.    Link,D., Strohmaier,C., Seifert,B.U., Riemer,T., Reitsamer,H.A., Haueisen,J., Vilser, W.: A novel non-contact retina camera for the rat and its application to dynamic retinal vessel analysis. Biomedical Optics Express, 2(11):3094–3108, 2011
    121.    Fiedler,P., Cunha,L.T., Pedrosa, P., Brodkorb,S., Fonseca,C. Vaz,F., Haueisen,J.: Novel TiNx-based biosignal electrodes for electroencephalography. Measurement Science and Technology, 22:124007 (7pp) 2011
    122.    Biller,S., Baumgarten,D., Haueisen,J.: A Novel Marker Design for Magnetic Marker Monitoring in the Human Gastrointestinal Tract. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 58(12):3368-75, 2011
    123.    Moraru,L., Sameni,R., Schneider,U., Haueisen,J., Schleussner,E., Hoyer,D.: Validation of fetal auditory evoked cortical responses to enhance the assessment of early brain development using fetal MEG measurements. Physiological Measurement, 32(11):1847–1868, 2011
    124.    Jochmann,T., Güllmar,D., Haueisen,J., Reichenbach,J.R.: Influence of tissue conductivity changes on the EEG signal in the human brain – A simulation study, Z. Med. Phys. 21(2):102-12, 2011
    125.    Höfner,N., Albrecht,H.-H., Cassará,A.M., Curio,G., Hartwig,S., Haueisen,J., Hilschenz,I., Körber,R., Martens,S., Scheer,H.-J., Voigt,J., Trahms,L., Burghoff,M.: Are brain currents detectable by means of Low-Field NMR? - a phantom study. Magnetic Resonance Imaging, 29(10):1365-73, 2011
    126.    Haueisen J, Dietzel A, Liehr M, Weiser T, Elsarnagawy T, Bellemann ME.: Bioelectric and biomagnetic measurements are differentially sensitive to spiral currents. Biomedizinische Technik, 56(5): 283-289, 2011
    127.    Steinisch,M., Sulpizio,V., Iorio,A.A., Di Naccio,A., Haueisen,J., Committeri,G., Comani,S.: A virtual environment for egocentric and allocentric mental transformations: a study on a non clinical population of adults with distinct levels of schizotypy. Biomedizinische Technik, 56(5):291–299, 2011


  • 128.    Eichardt R, Haueisen J: Influence of Sensor Variations on the Condition of the Magnetostatic Linear Inverse Problem. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 46(8): 3449 - 3452, 2010.
    129.    Baumgarten D, Haueisen J: A spatiotemporal approach for the solution of the inverse problem in the reconstruction of magnetic nanoparticle distributions. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 46(8):3496-3499, 2010
    130.    Güllmar D, Haueisen J, Reichenbach JR: Influence of anisotropic electrical conductivity in white matter tissue on the EEG/MEG forward and inverse solution. A high resolution whole head simulation study. Neuroimage, 51: 145–163, 2010 
    131.    Bessler P, Klee S, Kellner U, Haueisen J.: Silent Substitution Stimulation of S-cone pathway and L- and M-cone pathway in glaucoma. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science, 51(1):319-26, 2010
    132.    Sander TH, Knösche TR, Schlögl A, Kohl F, Wolters CH, Haueisen J, Trahms L: Recent advances in modeling and analysis of bioelectric and biomagnetic sources. Biomedizinische Technik, 55:65-76, 2010
    133.    Goernig,M., Haueisen,J., Liehr,M., Schlosser,M., Figulla,H.R., Leder,U.: Detection of U wave activity in healthy volunteers by high-resolution magnetocardiography. Journal of Electrocardiology, 43(1):43-7, 2010


  • 134.    Milde,T., Haueisen,J., Witte,H., Leistritz,L.: Modelling of cortical and thalamic 600Hz activity by means of oscillatory networks. Journal of Physiology (P), 103(6):342-7, 2009
    135.    Di Pietro Paolo,D., Mueller,H.P., Goernig,M., Haueisen,J., Erne,S.N.: Cardiac signal extraction in patients with implantable cardioverter defibrillators. Medical Engineering & Physics, 31(9):1087-94, 2009
    136.    Ramon,C., Freeman,W.J., Holmes,M,D., Ishimaru,A., Haueisen,J., Schimpf,P.H.,  Rezvanian,E.: Similarities between Simulated Spatial Spectra of Scalp EEG, MEG and Structural MRI. Brain Topography, 22(3):191-6, 2009
    137.    Graichen,U., Witte,H., Haueisen,J.: Analysis of induced components in electroencephalograms using a multiple correlation method. BioMedical Engineering OnLine, 2009, 8:21
    138.    Wetterling,F., Liehr,M., Schimpf,P., Liu,H., Haueisen,J.: The localization of focal heart activity via body surface potential measurements: tests in a heterogeneous torso phantom. Physics in Medicine and Biology, 54:5395–5409, 2009
    139.    Hoyer,D., Heinicke,E., Jaekel,S., Tetschke,F., Di Pietro Paolo,D., Haueisen,J., Schleußner,E., Schneider,U.: Indices of fetal development derived from heart rate patterns. Early Human Development, 85(6):379-386, 2009 
    140.    Eichardt,R., Baumgarten,D., Di Rienzo,L., Linzen,S., Schultze,V., Haueisen,J.: Localisation of buried ferromagnetic objects based on minimum-norm-estimations: a simulation study. COMPEL, 28(5): 1327 - 1337, 2009
    141.    Klemm,M., Haueisen,J., Ivanova,G.: Independent Component Analysis: Comparison of Algorithms for the Investigation of Surface Electrical Brain Activity. Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing, 47:413–423, 2009
    142.    Schneider,U., Schleussner,E.,  Fiedler,A., Jaekel,S., Liehr,M., Haueisen,J., Hoyer,D.: Fetal heart rate variability reveals differential dynamics in the intrauterine development of the sympathetic and parasympathetic branches of the autonomic nervous system. Physiological Measurement,  30:215-226, 2009
    143.    Ramon,C.  Holmes,M., Freeman,W.J., Gratkowski,M., Eriksen,K.J., Haueisen,J.: Power spectral density changes and language lateralization during covert object naming tasks measured with high-density EEG recordings. Epilepsy & Behavior, 14(1):54-59, 2009
    144.    Goernig,M., Haueisen,J., Schreiber,J., Leder,U., Hänninen,H., Mäkelä,T., Takala,P.,  Nenonen,J., Lauerma,K., Knuuti,J., Mäkijärvi,M., Toivonen,L., Katila,T.: Comparison of Current Density Viability Imaging at Rest with FDG-PET in Patients after Myocardial Infarction. Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics, 33(1):1-6, 2009
    145.    Goernig, M, Liehr, M, Tute, C, Schlösser, M, Haueisen, J, Figulla, HR, Leder, U.: Magnetocardiography Based Spatiotemporal Correlation Analysis is Superior to Conventional ECG Analysis for Identifying Myocardial Injury. Annals of Biomedical Engineering, 37(1):107-11, 2009
    146.    Haueisen,J., Brauer,H.: Preface: Selected papers of the 10th International Workshop on Optimization and Inverse Problems in Electromagnetism (OIPE 2008). International Journal of Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics, 30: 125-126, 2009
    147.    Haueisen,J., Brauer,H.: Guest editorial: Preface for the special issue with selected papers of the 10th International Workshop on Optimization and Inverse Problems in Electromagnetism (OIPE 2008). COMPEL, 28(5): 1110 - 1111, 2009


  • 148.    Jaros,U., Hilgenfeld,B., Lau,S., Curio,G., Haueisen,J.: Nonlinear interactions of high-frequency oscillations in the human somatosensory system. Clinical Neurophysiology, 119(11):2647-57, 2008
    149.    Baumgarten,D., Liehr,M., Wiekhorst,F., Steinhoff,U., Münster,P., Miethe,P., Trahms,L., Haueisen,J.: Magnetic Nanoparticle Imaging by means of Minimum Norm Estimates from Remanence Measurements. Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing, 46 (12):1177-1185, 2008
    150.    Stenroos, M., Haueisen, J.: Boundary Element Computations in the Forward and Inverse Problem of Electrocardiography: Comparison of Collocation and Galerkin Weightings. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 55(9):2124-2133, 2008
    151.    Sengül,G., Liehr,M., Haueisen,J., Baysal,U.: An experimental study on the effect of the anisotropic regions in a realistically shaped torso phantom. Annals of Biomedical Engineering, 36(11): 1836-43, 2008
    152.    Schneider,U., Frank,B., Fiedler,A., Kaehler,C., Hoyer,D., Liehr,M., Haueisen,J., Schleussner,E.: Human fetal heart rate variability-characteristics of autonomic regulation in the third trimester of gestation. Journal of Perinatal Medicine, 36(5):433-41, 2008
    153.    Lau,S., Eichardt, R., Di Rienzo,L., Haueisen, J.: Tabu Search Optimization of Magnetic Sensor Systems for Magnetocardiography. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 44 (6):1442-1445, 2008
    154.    Eichardt, R., Haueisen, J., Knösche, T.R., Schukat-Talamazzini, E.G.: Reconstruction of Multiple Neuromagnetic Sources Using Augmented Evolution Strategies - a Comparative Study. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 55 (2):703-712, 2008
    155.    Gratkowski, M., Haueisen, J., Arendt-Nielsen, L., CN Chen, A., Zanow, F.: Decomposition of Biomedical Signals in Spatial and Time-frequency Modes. Methods of Information in Medicine, 47: 26-37, 2008
    156.    Liehr,M., Haueisen,J.:  Influence of anisotropic compartments on magnetic field and electric potential distributions generated by artificial current dipoles inside a torso phantom. Physics in Medicine and Biology, 53:245–254, 2008


  • 157.    Böhr,S., Güllmar,D., Knab,R., Reichenbach,J.R., Witte,O.W., Haueisen,J.: Fractional anisotropy correlates with auditory simple reaction time performance. Brain Research, 1186:194-202, 2007
    158.    Haueisen,J., Leistritz,L., Süße, T., Curio,G., Witte,H.: Identifying mutual information transfer in the brain with differential-algebraic modeling: evidence for fast oscillatory coupling between cortical somatosensory areas 3b and 1, Neuroimage, 37:130-136, 2007
    159.    Leistritz,L., Putsche,P., Schwab,K., Hesse,W., Süße, T., Haueisen,J., Witte,H.: Coupled oscillators for modeling and analysis of EEG/MEG oscillations. Biomed. Tech. 52:83–89, 2007
    160.    Gratkowski, M., Haueisen, J., Arendt-Nielsen, L., Zanow, F.: Topographic Matching Pursuit of spatio-temporal bioelectromagnetic data. PRZEGLĄD ELEKTROTECHNICZNY, 11:138-141, 2007
    161.    M. Heinke, H. Kühnert, R. Surber, P. Osypka, H. Gerstmann, J. Haueisen, T. Heinke, D. Reinhardt, D. Prochnau, G. Dannberg, H.R. Figulla: Termination of atrial flutter by directed transesophageal atrial pacing during transesophageal echocardiography. Biomed. Tech. 52(2):180-184, 2007
    162.    Di Rienzo,L., Haueisen,J.: Numerical Comparison of Sensor Arrays for Magnetostatic Linear Inverse Problems Based on a Projection Method. COMPEL, 26:356-367, 2007  
    163.    Baysal,U., Haueisen,J., Durgut,K., Demirci,M.: Simulating the propagation of spreading cortical depression (SCD) wavefront on human brain surface. Computers in Biology and Medicine, 37:1446-1454, 2007


  • 164.    Di Rienzo,L., Haueisen,J.: Theoretical Lower Error Bound for Comparative Evaluation of Sensor Arrays in  Magnetostatic Linear Inverse Problems. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 42 (11): 3669-3673, 2006 
    165.    Schwab,K, Ligges,C, Jungmann,T, Hilgenfeld,B, Haueisen,J, Witte,H. Alpha entrainment in human electroencephalogram and magnetoencephalogram recordings. Neuroreport, 17:1829-1833, 2006
    166.    Goernig,M, Tute,C, Liehr,M, Lau,S, Haueisen,J, Figulla,HR, Leder,U. Spatiotemporal correlation analyses: a new procedure for standardisation of DC magnetocardiograms. Biomed Tech (Berl), 51:198-200, 2006
    167.    Lau,S, Haueisen,J, Schukat-Talamazzini,EG, Voss,A, Goernig,M, Leder,U, Figulla,HR.: Low HRV entropy is strongly associated with myocardial infarction. Biomed Tech (Berl), 51:186-9, 2006
    168.    Güllmar,D., Haueisen,J., Eiselt,M., Gießler,F., Flemming,L., Anwander,A., Knösche,T.R., Wolters,C.H., Dümpelmann,M., Tuch,D.S., Reichenbach,J.R.: Influence of anisotropic conductivity on EEG source reconstruction: Investigations in a rabbit model. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 53:1841-1850, 2006
    169.    Dutz,S., Bellemann,M.E., Leder,U., Haueisen,J.: Passive vortex currents in magneto- and electrocardiography: comparison of magnetic and electric signal strengths. Physics in Medicine and Biology, 51(1):145-51, 2006
    170.    Yetik,IS, Nehorai,A, Muravchik,CH, Haueisen,J, Eiselt,M.: Surface-source modeling and estimation using biomagnetic measurements. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 53:1872-82, 2006
    171.    Cao,N., Yetik,I.S., Nehorai,A., Muravchik,C.H., Haueisen,J.: Parametric Surface-source Modeling and Estimation with Electroencephalography. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 53(12): 2414-2424, 2006
    172.    Cao,N, Yetik,IS, Nehorai,A, Muravchik,CH, Haueisen,J. Estimating parametric line-source models with electroencephalography. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 53(11):2156-65, 2006
    173.    Ramon,C., Haueisen,J., Schimpf,P.H.: Influence of head models on neuromagnetic fields and inverse source localizations. BioMedical Engineering OnLine. 5:55, 2006
    174.    Ramon,C., Schimpf,P.H., Haueisen,J.: Influence of head models on EEG simulations and inverse source localizations. BioMedical Engineering OnLine. 5:10, 2006
    175.    Haueisen,J., Witte,H. Witte,O.W.: Neuronal dynamics and cortical oscillations. Editorial. Journal of Physiology-Paris, 99, 1-2, 2006
    176.    Leistritz,L., Suesse,T., Haueisen,J., Hilgenfeld,B., Witte,H.:  Methods for parameter identification in oscillatory networks and application to cortical and thalamic 600 Hz activity. Journal of Physiology-Paris, 99, 58-65, 2006
    177.    Gratkowski,M., Haueisen,J., Arendt-Nielsen,L., Chen,CAN, Zanow,F.: Time-Frequency Filtering of MEG Signals with Matching Pursuit. Journal of Physiology-Paris, 99, 47-57, 2006


  • 178.    Baumert,M., Baier,V., Voss,A., Brechtel,L. Haueisen,J.: Estimating the complexity of heart rate fluctuations – an approach based on compression entropy. Fluctuation and Noise Letters, 5(4): L557-L563, 2005
    179.    Rodin,E., Funke,M., Haueisen,J.: Cardio-Respiratory Contributions to the Magnetoencephalogram. Brain Topography, 18(1):37-46, 2005
    180.    Di Rienzo,L., Haueisen,J., Arturi,C.M.: Three Component Magnetic Field Data: Impact on Minimum Norm Solutions in a Biomedical Application. COMPEL, 24:869-881, 2005
    181.    Schneider,U., Haueisen,J., Loeff,M., Bondarenko,N.,  Schleussner,E.: Prenatal diagnosis of a long QT syndrome by fetal magnetocardiography in an unshielded bedside environment. Prenatal Diagnosis, 25(8):704-708, 2005
    182.    Flemming,L., Wang,Y., Caprihan,A., Eiselt,M., Haueisen,J., Okada,Y.: Evaluation of the distortion of EEG signals caused by a hole in the skull mimicking the fontanel in the skull of human neonates. Clinical Neurophysiology, 116:1141–1152, 2005
    183.    Yetik,I.S., Nehorai,A., Muravchik,C.H., Haueisen,J.: Line-Source Modeling and Estimation With Magnetoencephalography. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 52(5):839 – 851, 2005
    184.    Schimpf,P.H., Liu,H., Ramon,C., Haueisen,J.: Efficient Electromagnetic Source Imaging With Adaptive Standardized LORETA/FOCUSS. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 52(5): 901 – 908, 2005
    185.    Knösche,T.R., Neuhaus,C., Haueisen,J., Alter,K., Maess,B., Witte,O.W., Friederici, A.D.: Perception of Phrase Structure in Music. Human Brain Mapping 24(4):259-273, 2005
    186.    Liehr M, Haueisen J, Görnig M, Seidel P, Katila T, Nenonen J: Vortex shaped current sources in a Physical Torso Phantom. Annals of Biomedical Engineering, 33(2): 240–247, 2005 
    187.    Güllmar,D., Haueisen,J., Reichenbach,J.R: Analysis of the b-Value Calculations in Diffusion Weighted and Diffusion Tensor Imaging. Concepts in Magnetic Resonance, 25A (1): 53-66, 2005


  • 188.    Schneider,U., Gießler,F., Nowak,H., Logemann,T., Grimm,B., Haueisen,J., Schleussner,E.: Fetal MCG and Fetal MEG Measurements with a 3-channel SQUID System. Neurology and Clinical Neurophysiology 2004:65
    189.    Ramon,C., Schimpf,P.H., Haueisen,J.: Effect of Model Complexity on EEG Source Localizations. Neurology and Clinical Neurophysiology 2004:81
    190.    Ramon,C., Haueisen,J., Richards,T., Maravilla,K.: Multimodal Imaging of Somatosensory Evoked Cortical Activity. Neurology and Clinical Neurophysiology 2004:96
    191.    Eiselt M, Gießler F, Patzek D, Haueisen J, Zwiener U, Röther J: Inhomogeneous propagation of cortical spreading depression – detection by electro- and magnetoencephalography in rats. Brain Research 1028: 83-91, 2004 
    192.    Rosburg,T., Marinou,V., Haueisen,J., Smesny,S., & Sauer,H.: Effects of lorazepam on the neuromagnetic mismatch negativity (MMNm) and auditory evoked field component N100m. Neuropsychopharmacology, 29: 1723-1733, 2004
    193.    Hilgenfeld,B., Haueisen,J.: Simultaneous suppression of disturbing fields and localization of magnetic markers by means of multipole expansion. Biomagnetic Research and Technology, 2:6, 2004
    194.    Ramon,C., Schimpf,P., Haueisen,J., Holmes,M., Ishimaru,A.: Role of soft bone, CSF and gray matter in EEG simulations. Brain Topography 16(4):245-248 2004
    195.    Schleussner,E, Schneider,U, Arnscheidt,C, Kähler,C, Haueisen,J, Seewald,HJ.: Prenatal evidence of left-right asymmetries in auditory evoked responses using fetal magnetoencephalography. Early Human Development, 78 (2): 133-136, 2004 
    196.    Resmer F, Nowak H, Gießler F, Haueisen J: Development of an active magnetic screen to allow a bio-magnetometer to be used in an unshielded environment. Superconductor Science and Technology, 17: 1365-1371, 2004
    197.    Baysal,U. and Haueisen,J.: Use of a priori information in estimating tissue resistivities – application to human data in vivo. Physiological Measurement, 25 (3): 737-748, 2004
    198.    Baumert,M., Baier,V., Haueisen,J., Wessel,N., Meyerfeldt,U., Schirdewan,A., Voss,A.: Forecasting of life threatening arrhythmias using the compression entropy of heart rate. Methods of Information in Medicine, 43:202-206, 2004
    199.    Schreiber,J., Haueisen,J., Nenonen,J.: A new method for choosing the regularization parameter in time dependent inverse problems and its application to magnetocardiography. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 40 (2): 1104-1107, 2004
    200.    Arturi,C.M., Di Rienzo,L., Haueisen,J.: Information Content in Single Component versus Three Component Cardiomagnetic Fields. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 40(2): 631-634, 2004
    201.    Schimpf,P.H., Haueisen,J., Ramon,C.: Ellipsoidal refinement of the minimum norm: Performance in an anatomically realistic EEG model. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 51(4): 679-683, 2004
    202.    Rosburg T, Haueisen J, Kreitschmann-Andermahr I: The dipole location shift within the auditory evoked neuromagnetic field components N100m and mismatch negativity (MMNm). Clinical Neurophysiology, 115 (4): 906-913, 2004
    203.    Fitzek C, Haueisen J, Huonker R, Reichenbach JR, Pfleiderer SOR, Mentzel HJ, Brandl J, Kaiser WA: Effect of routine MR imaging of the brain at 1.5 T on subsequent magnetoencephalography: Results in nine volunteers.  Radiology, 230 (3): 715-719, 2004


  • 204.    Hegemann,S., Pawlowski,M., Huonker,R., Haueisen,J., Fitzek,C., Fetter,M.: Magnetoencephalography during Optokinetic and Vestibular Activation of the Posterior Insula.  Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 1004: 457-464, 2003
    205.    Grimm,B., Haueisen,J., Huotilainen,M., Lange,S., Van Leeuwen,P., Menendez,T., Peters,M.J., Schleussner,E., Schneider,U.: Recommended standards for fetal magnetocardiography. PACE, 26 (11): 2121-2126, 2003
    206.    Grimm,B., Kaehler,C., Schleussner,E., Schneider,U., Haueisen,J., Seewald,H.J.: Influence of intrauterine growth restriction on cardiac time intervals evaluated by fetal magnetocardiography. Early Human Development, 74 (1): 1-11, 2003
    207.    Hilgenfeld,B., Strähmel,E., Nowak,H., Haueisen,J.: Active magnetic shielding for biomagnetic measurement using spatial gradient fields. Physiological Measurement, 24, 661-669, 2003
    208.    Ramon,C., Schreiber,J., Haueisen,J. Schimpf,P.H., Marks,R.J., Ishimaru,A.: Reconstruction and enhancement of current distribution on curved surfaces from biomagnetic fields using POCS. Canadian Applied Mathematics Quarterly, 10, 345-352, 2003
    209.    Nowak,H., Strähmel,E., Giessler,F., Rinneberg,G., Haueisen,J.: Sensitive Magnetic Sensors without Cooling in Biomedical Engineering. Biomedizinische Technik, 48, 2-10, 2003
    210.    Nowak, H., Leder, U., Haueisen, J.: Biomagnetism and the challenges in Noninvasive Medical Diagnosis. Polish J Med Phys & Eng 9 (3): 153-61, 2003


  • 211.    Ramon,C., Schimpf,P.H., Wang,Y, Haueisen,J. Ishimaru,A.: The effect of volume currents due to myocardial anisotropy on body surface potentials. Physics in Medicine and Biology, 47, 1167-1184, 2002
    212.    Rosburg,T., Haueisen,J., Sauer,H.: Habituation of the auditory evoked field component N100m and its dependence on stimulus duration. Clinical Neurophysiology, 113, 421-428, 2002
    213.    Rosburg,T., Haueisen,J., Sauer,H.: Stimulus duration influences the dipole location shift within the human auditory evoked neuromagnetic field component N100m. Brain Topography, 15, 37-41, 2002
    214.    Haueisen,J.: Anwendungsgebiete biomagnetischer Messverfahren. Neurophysiologielabor, 24, 88-96, 2002
    215.    Haueisen,J., Tuch,D.S., Ramon,C., Schimpf,P.H., Wedeen,V.J., George, J.S., Belliveau,J.W.: The influence of brain tissue anisotropy on human EEG and MEG. Neuroimage, 15, 159-166, 2002
    216.    Haueisen,J., Unger,R., Beuker,T., Bellemann,M.E.: Evaluation of Inverse Algorithms in the Analysis of Magnetic Flux Leakage Data. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 38, 1481-1488, 2002
    217.    Haueisen,J., Schreiber,J., Brauer,H., Knösche,T.R.: The Dependence of the Inverse Solution Accuracy in Magnetocardiography on the Boundary Element Discretization. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 38, 1045 – 1048, 2002
    218.    Haueisen,J., Ziolkowski,M., Leder,U.: Time-varying current density distributions in the human heart and brain. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 972, 133-138, 2002
    219.    Schimpf,P.H., Ramon,C., Haueisen,J.: Dipole Models for the EEG and MEG. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 49, 409-418, 2002
    220.    Baysal,U., Haueisen,J.: Modeling the spreading cortical depression wavefront. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 972, 127-132, 2002
    221.    Ziolkowski,M., Haueisen,J., Leder,U.: Postprocessing of 3D Current Density Reconstruction Results with Equivalent Ellipsoids. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 49, pp. 1379-1384, 2002
    222.    Giessler,F., Witt,C., Haueisen,J., Bellemann,M.E.: Development of a non-magnetic angle encoder for active shielding during biomagnetic measurements. Biomedizinische Technik, 47, 80-84 2002
    223.    Leder,U., Pohl,P., Baier,V., Baumert,M., Liehr,M., Haueisen,J., Voss,A., Figulla,H.R.: Alternans of Blood Pressure and Heart Rate in Dilated Cardiomyopathy. PACE, 25, 1307-1314, 2002
    224.    Leder,U., Haueisen,J., Liehr,M., Baier.V., Frankenstein,L., Nowak,H., Figulla,H.R.: High frequency intra-QRS signals in idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy. Biomedizinische Technik, 47, 117-123, 2002
    225.    Kähler,C., Schleußner,E., Grimm,B., Schneider,U., Haueisen,J., Vogt,L., Seewald,H.-J.: Fetal magnetocardiography in the investigation of congential heart defects. Early Human Development, 69, 65-75, 2002


  • 226.    Haueisen,J., Knösche,T.R.: Involuntary Motor Activity in Pianists Evoked by Music Perception. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 13(6), 786-792, 2001
    227.    Haueisen,J., Schack,B., Meier,T., Curio,G., Okada,Y.: Multiplicity in the high-frequency signals during the short-latency somatosensory evoked cortical activity in humans. Clinical Neurophysiology, 112, 1316 – 1325, 2001
    228.    Liepert,J., Haueisen,J., Hegemann,S., Weiller,C. Disinhibition of somatosensory and motor cortex in mitochondriopathy without myoclonus. Clinical Neurophysiology, 112(5):917-922, 2001
    229.    Brauer,H., Ziolkowski,M., Haueisen,J., Tenner,U., Nowak,H.: Verification of extended sources reconstruction techniques using a torso phantom. COMPEL, 20(2), 595-606, 2001
    230.    Brauer,H., Ziolkowski,M., Haueisen,J.: Evaluation of Inverse Field Solutions with Biomedical Applications. COMPEL, 20(3), 665-675, 2001
    231.    Schneider,U, Schleussner,E, Kähler,C, Haueisen,J, Nowak,H, Seewald,H-J: Signal analysis of auditory evoked cortical fields in fetal magnetoencephalography combining selective heart artefact reduction, averaging and principle component analysis. Brain Topography, 14(19), 69-80, 2001 
    232.    Costa Monteiro,E., Schleussner,E., Kausch,S., Grimm,B., Schneider,A., Hall Barbosa,C., Haueisen,J.: Fetal Cardiac Activity Analysis During Twin Pregnancy Using a Multi-Channel SQUID System. Physica C, 354, 87 – 90, 2001
    233.    Schleussner,E., Schneider,U, Kausch,S., Kähler,C, Haueisen,J, Seewald,H-J: Fetal magnetoencephalography: a non-invasive method for the assessment of fetal neuronal maturation. British Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, 108, 1291-1294, 2001
    234.    Leder,U., Schrey,F., Haueisen,J., Dörrer,L., Schreiber,J., Liehr,M., Schwarz,G., Solbrig,O., Figulla,H.R., Seidel,P. Reproducibility of HTS-SQUID Magnetocardiography in an Unshielded Clinical Environment. International Journal of Cardiology, 79, 237-43, 2001
    235.    Leder,U., Haueisen,J., Pohl,P., Heyne,J.-M., Nowak,H., Figulla,H.R. Localization of late potential sources in myocardial infarction. International Journal of Cardiovascular Imaging, 17:315-325, 2001
    236.    Leder,U., Haueisen,J., Pohl,P., Malur,F.-M., Heyne,J.-M., Baier,V., Figulla,H.R. Methods for the Computational Localization of Atrio-ventricular Pre-excitation Syndromes. International Journal of Cardiac Imaging, 17(2), 153-160, 2001
    237.    Leder,U., Haueisen,J., Schwarz,G., Liehr,M., Figulla,H.R.  dl-Sotalol neither alters the shape of the T wave downslope nor the U wave; a magnetocardiographic study. British Journal of Pharmacology, 52(6), 715-716, 2001
    238.    Lange,R., Nowak,H., Haueisen,J., Weiller,C.: Passive finger movement evoked fields in MEG. Experimental Brain Research, 136, 194 – 199, 2001


  • 239.    Haueisen,J., Heuer,T., Nowak,H., Liepert,J., Weiller,C., Okada,Y., Curio,G.: The influence of lorazepam on somatosensory evoked fast frequency (600 Hz) activity in MEG. Brain Research, 874, 10 – 14, 2000
    240.    Haueisen,J., Ramon,C., Brauer,H., Nowak,H.: The influence of local conductivity changes on the magnetoencephalogram and the electroencephalogram. Biomedizinische Technik, 45 (7-8), 211 – 214, 2000
    241.    Ziolkowski,M., Haueisen,J., Nowak,H., Brauer,H.: Equivalent Ellipsoid  as an interpretation tool of extended current distributions in biomagnetic inverse problems. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 36, 1692 – 1695, 2000
    242.    Brauer,H., Haueisen,J., Ziolkowski,M., Tenner,U., Nowak,H.: Reconstruction of extended current sources in a human body phantom applying biomagnetic measuring techniques. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 36, 1700 – 1705, 2000
    243.    Huck,M., Haueisen,J., Hoenecke,O., Fritschi,T., Leder,U.:  QRS amplitude and shape variability in magnetocardiograms.  PACE, 23(2), 234 – 242, 2000
    244.    Ziemus,B., Huonker,R., Haueisen,J., Liepert,J., Spengler,F., Weiller,C.: Effects of passive tactile co-activation on median ulnar nerve representation in human SI. Neuroreport, 11(6), 1285 – 1289, 2000
    245.    Patt,S., Steenbeck,J., Hochstetter,A., Kraft,R., Huonker,R., Haueisen,J., Haberland,N., Ebmeier,K., Hliscs,R., Fiehler,J., Nowak,H., Kalff,R.: Source localization and possible causes of interictal epileptic activity in tumor associated epilepsy. Neurobiology and Disease, 7, 260 – 269, 2000
    246.    Ramon,C., Wang,Y., Haueisen,J., Schimpf, P.: Effect of Myocardial Anisotropy On the Torso Current Flow Patterns and Magnetic Fields. Physics in Medicine and Biology, 45 (5), 1141 – 1150, 2000
    247.    Leder,U., Hoyer,D., Sommer,M., Baier,V., Haueisen,J., Zwiener,U., Figulla,H.R.: Kardiorespiratorische Desynchronisation nach akutem Myokardinfarkt. Zeitschrift für Kardiologie, 89, 630 – 637, 2000
    248.    Leder,U., Unger,R., Baier,V., Haueisen,J., Nowak,H., Figulla,H.R.: Einfluß der Wahl des Basislinien-Korrekturintervalles auf die Lokalisation der elektrischen Herzaktivität. Biomedizinische Technik, 45 (5), 114 – 118, 2000
    249.    Leder,U., Frankenstein,L., Haas,J., Baier,V., Haueisen,J., Nowak,H., Figulla,H.R.: Temporal Properties of High Frequency Intra-QRS Signals in Myocardial Infarction and Healthy Hearts. Biomedizinische Technik, 45 (9), 243 – 247, 2000


  • 250.    Haueisen,J., Böttner,A., Nowak,H., Brauer,H., Weiller,C.: The influence of conductivity changes in boundary element compartments on the forward and inverse problem in electroencephalography and magnetoencephalography. Biomedical Engineering, 44(6), 150 - 157, 1999
    251.    Rosburg,T., Ugur,T., Haueisen,J., Kreitschmann-Andermahr,I., Sauer,H.: Enlarged gamma band response of neuromagnetic auditory evoked fields in a visually impaired subject. Neuroreport 10, 3791-3795, 1999
    252.    Tenner,U., Haueisen,J., Nowak,H., Leder,U., Brauer,H.: Source Localization in an Inhomogeneous Physical Thorax Phantom. Physics in Medicine and Biology, 44, 1969 - 1981, 1999
    253.    Nowak,H., Gießler,F., Eiselt,M., Huonker,R., Haueisen,J., Röther,J.: A 16-channel SQUID-device for biomagnetic investigations of small objects. Medical Engineering & Physics, 21, 563 – 568, 1999
    254.    Hagner,T., Eiselt,M., Giessler,F., Hansen,E., Haueisen,J., Nowak,H.: Multichannel MEG recordings with small volume phantom - high resolution biomagnetic investigation. Biomedical Engineering, 44(3), 38 - 45, 1999


  • 255.    Leder,U., Haueisen,J., Huck,M., Nowak,H.:  Non-invasive imaging of arrhytmogenic left-ventricular myocardium after infarction. THE LANCET, 352, 1825, 1998
    256.    Schimpf,P., Haueisen,J., Ramon,C., Nowak,H.:  Realistic computer modelling of electric and magnetic fields of human head and torso. Parallel Computing, 24, 1433-1460, 1998
    257.    Czapski,P., Ramon,C., Haueisen,J., Huntsmann,L.L., Nowak,H., Bardy,G.H., Leder,U., Kim,Y.:  MCG simulations of myocardial infarctions with a realistic heart-torso model. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering 45(11), 1313-1322, 1998
    258.    Ramon.C., Czapski,P., Haueisen,J., Huntsman,L.L., Nowak,H., Bardy,G.H., Leder,U., Kim,Y., Nelson,J.A.:  MCG Simulations with a realistic heart-torso model. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 45(11), 1323-1331, 1998


  • 259.    Haueisen,J., Ramon,C., Eiselt,M., Nowak,H., Brauer,H.: Influence of Tissue Resistivities on Neuromagnetic Fields and Potentials studied with a Finite Element Model of the Head. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 44(8), 727 - 735, 1997
    260.    Haueisen,J., Böttner,A., Funke,M., Brauer,H., Nowak,H.: Der Einfluß der Randelementediskretisierung auf die Vorwärtsrechnung und das inverse Problem in Elektroencephalographie und Magnetoencephalographie. Biomedizinische Technik, 42(9), 240 - 248, 1997
    261.    Weiss,T., Miltner,W., Rosburg,T., Hansen,E., Haueisen,J., Huonker,R., Nowak,H.:  Reliability of dipole localizations for the movement-evoked field component MEF I. International Journal of Neuroscience, 91(1-2), 123 - 132, 1997
    262.    Brauer,H., Tenner,U., Wiechmann,H., Gomonov,D., Ziolkowski,J., Haueisen,J., Nowak,H., Leder,U.: Reconstruction of biomagnetic current sources within physical phantoms. Journal of Electrical Engineering, 48, 157 -- 159, 1997


  • 263.    Haueisen,J., Hafner,Ch., Nowak,H., Brauer,H.: Neuromagnetic Field Computation using the Multiple Multipole method. International Journal of Numerical Modelling, 9(1), 144 - 158, 1996
    264.    Rosburg,T., Weiss,T., Haueisen,J., Nowak,H., Sauer,H.:  Internal consistency of dipole localizations for the human movement-evoked field component 1 (MEF 1). Neuroscience Letters 215, 45 - 48, 1996


  • 265.     Haueisen,J., Ramon,C., Czapski,P., Eiselt,M.:  On the Influence of Volume Currents and Extended Sources on Neuromagnetic Fields: A Simulation Study. Annals of Biomedical Engineering, 23(11), 728 - 739, 1995

Erteilte Patente

  • 1.    DE 10 2017 129 519 B4 „Anordnung und Verfahren zur simultanen Messung der Fluoreszenz einzelner Schichten in einem Schichtsystem, beispielsweise dem Augenhintergrund“ 12.12.2017
  • 2.    DE 10 2018 111 769 B4 „Vorrichtung und Verfahren zur Elimination des Einflusses vorgelagerter Schichten bei spektralen Messungen an geschichteten Objekten“ 16.05.2018
  • 3.    DE 10 2014 017 006 B4: „Verfahren zur Bestimmung und Auswertung zeitaufgelöster Fluoreszenz- oder Reflexionsbilder an dreidimensionalen Oberflächen“ 17.11.2014 
  • 4.    EP 2 700 967 B1: Magnetic field sensor. 21.08.2013 
  • 5.    DE 10 2011 102 176 B4 „Vorrichtung und Verfahren zur simultanen Erfassung von Aberrationen und Streulichtkenngrößen eines optischen Systems“ 20.05.2011
  • 6.    DE 10 2011 015178 B3: „Vorrichtung und Verfahren zur automatisierten Bestimmung des Intraokulardruckes“ 21.03.2011
  • 7.    DE 10 2009 010 628 B4: „Verfahren und Vorrichtung zur farbkanalselektiven, funduskontrollierten Stimulation des visuellen Systems“ 20.02.2009
  • 8.    DE 10 2008 056 976 B4: „Verfahren und Vorrichtung zur multifokalen, farbkanalselektiven Stimulation des visuellen Systems“ 07.11.2008 
  • 9.    DE 10 2008 053 015 B3: „Verfahren und Vorrichtung zur farbkanalselektiven, blickgeführten Stimulation des visuellen Systems“ 21.10.2008
  • 10.    PCT/EP 2008/005014; WO2009/000478 (DE 10 2007 028 777 A1): Bezeichnung der Erfindung: "Vorrichtung und Verfahren zum gerichteten Transport von Stoffen und Substanzen zur Diagnose und/oder Therapie am und im Auge mittels magnetischer Nanopartikel" 22.06.2007


  • 1.    [Einreichung] 10 2021 106 334.5 „Verfahren und System zur Erzeugung und Applikation von Stimulationskonfigurationen am Menschen sowie dazugehöriges Computerprogramm“, 16.03.2021
    2.    US 2019 / 0298169 A1 “Device and Method for Examining the Retinal Vascular Endothelial Function” 03.10.2019
  • 3.    WO 2018/060948 A1 „Injectable hydrogel-forming polymer solution for a reliable EEG monitoring and easy scalp cleaning“ 05.04.2018
  • 4.    DE 10 2016 101 682 A1: “Verfahren, System und Computerprogramm zur Auswertung von Elektroenzephalographie-Daten” 31.01.2015 
  • 5.    DE 10 2010 056 099 A1: „Vorrichtung und Verfahren zum adaptiven aktiven Positionieren und Halten von Sensoren auf oder über der Oberfläche eines biologischen Objektes“ 21.12.2010
  • 6.    DE 10 2009 012 717 A1: „System zur gleichzeitigen Identifikation und Positionsbestimmung von medizinischen Messeinrichtungen und dazugehöriges Verfahren“ 05.03.2009
  • 7.    DE 10 2008 033 662 A1 „Pharmakologische Darreichnungsform und Vorrichtung und Verfahren zur kontinuierlichen Lokalisierung und Verfolgung des Auflösevorganges dieser“ 11.07.2008
  • 8.    DE 103 25 147 A1: „Verfahren zur Zeit-Frequenz-Analyse von Signalfolgen“ 28.05.2003
  • 9.    DE 101 43 705 A1: „Physikalischer Dipol zur Erzeugung eines elektromagnetischen Feldes“ 03.09.2001
  • 10.    DE 199 63 136 A1: „Physikalisches Modell der Leitfähigkeitsanisotropie in elektrisch leitenden Flüssigkeiten“ 24.12.1999