The 59th Hohenheimer Oberseminar (HOS) took place at University of Hohenheim on 3rd of November. The Chair of Economic Theory and the Chair of Law and Economics of Digitization from Ilmenau University of Technology participated actively in this seminar series addressing particularly young researchers.
Among the 8 papers handed to the seminar, three were submitted by researchers from TU Ilmenau and their co-authors and another two were commented by members of the chairs.
List of paper-contributions:
Patrice Bougette, Oliver Budzinski (TU Ilmenau), Frédéric Marty: In The Light Of Dynamic Competition: Should We Make Merger Remedies More Flexible?
Juliane Mendelsohn, Annika Stöhr (TU Ilmenau): Durchsetzung des § 19a GWB: Erste Erfahrungen und Verhältnis zum Digital Markets Act
Sophia Gaenssle (Erasmus University Rotterdam), Nadine Lindstädt-Dreusicke & Oliver Budzinski (TU Ilmenau): Understanding Consumer Preferences in the Digital Landscape – Empirical Evidence from Instagram
Opponent comments were done to the following papers:
W. Benedikt Schmal (Walter Eucken Institut & DICE, HHU Düsseldorf): Cartels as Common Pool Resources
Opponent comment by Victoriia Noskova (TU Ilmenau)
Darius L. Naumann, Jürgen Rösch (Bauhaus-Universität Weimar): Home advantage in professional surfing: Are local surfers better? Are local judges more challenging?
Opponent comment by Lukas Breide (TU Ilmenau)
Researchers from the universities of Rotterdam, Düsseldorf, Marburg, Weimar, and Münster contributed the other papers of the program.