Science Talk on Social Media Stars at Tallinn University, Estonia


Prof Dr Ulrike Rohn (Professor of Media Management and Economics, Tallinn University, Estonia) invited Prof Dr Oliver Budzinski and Sophia Gaenssle, M.Sc. (both: Economic Theory Group, Ilmenau University of Technology) to Tallinn University in Estonia to talk about their research topic Social Media Stars. The online event “Superstars of YouTube, Instagram & Co – A new Phenomenon of the Digital Age” was based on current research, from theoretical and empirical point of view.

Abstract: A new type of superstars developed with the rise of social media markets in the digital age: social media superstars (SMS). SMS, also referred to as influencers or creators, are content providers on platforms like YouTube, Twitch, Instagram & Co. By winning audience attention, they generate fame within the social media system. As such, the stardom is native to social media. In different research projects Sophia Gaenssle and Oliver Budzinski studied SMS success, providing theoretical and conceptual insights and empirical evidence. In this talk, both authors will present recent ideas and progress in the field, which includes a theoretical overview on superstars from an economic point of view and empirical evidence from YouTube and Instagram. It gives insights into the scientific world of influencer analysis.

Both researchers like to thank the Ulrike Rohn for the invitation and all participants for interesting comments and great scientific atmosphere.