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Prof. Dr.-Ing. Thomas Sattel
Leiter des Fachgebiets Mechatronik
Telefonnummer: +49 3677 69-2486
Faxnummer: +49 3677 69-1801
The web presence of our project finally moved to the new content management system of the TU Ilmenau. If there any comments or questions, please contact Dr. Tom Ströhla.
We finished the final report including all additional demands by the EU. Thanks to all partners for their efforts to send missing documents.
We got the certificate by the external auditor. I want to say thanks to all partners for sending the demanded documents.
The new Master courses at our 7 unversities have a very good resonance. Over all 80 students enrolled to the new courses (ASU 6, BNUT 10, SANRU 5, SRSPU 15, SSAU 17, SUSU 12, VSTU 15). These numbers are only a bit smaller then on the first year but concerning Corona restrictions this is a success which wasn't to be expected. So again, congratulations to out partners.
The start of the new Master programmes was very successful. 93 students enrolled to the new courses at our 7 universities (ASU 9, BNUT 10, SANRU 5, SRSPU 25, SSAU 12, SUSU 11, VSTU 21). Congratulations to all involved colleagues.
Unfortunately, Mrs Roeser leave the TU Ilmenau and our team because of private reasons. We want to thank her very much for her excellent work in organising our activities, preparing the documents and collecting all data.
The successor is Mr. Kochnev. He is PhD student at the Mechatronics group at the TU Ilmenau. We wish him much success for his work.
Fostering Internationalisation in AgRicultural Engineering in Iran and Russia [FARmER], 585596-EPP-1-2017-1-DE-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP
Dieses Projekt wird mit Unterstützung der Europäischen Kommission finanziert. Diese Veröffentlichung [Mitteilung] spiegelt nur die Ansichten des Autors wider, und die Kommission kann nicht für die Verwendung der darin enthaltenen Informationen verantwortlich gemacht werden.