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M. Sc. Communications and Signal Processing & M. Sc. Ingénerie des Systèmes Complexes
Currently, we are preparing a double-degree Master’s program together with the Université de Lorraine in Nancy, France.
This creates a unique AI (artificial intelligence) engineering program with domain knowledge in communications and signal processing. Both universities have collaborated in pioneering research on tensor-based signal processing for many years. These techniques extend matrix-based algorithms to more than two dimensions to deal more efficiently with multi-dimensional data.
This double degree option increases the attractiveness of the international Master’s program “Communications and Signal Processing (CSP)” ( for Bachelor graduates from TU Ilmenau who desire a career in international companies or in research. International students are given the unique opportunity to gain the best possible qualifications for the European academic and industrial job market. The selected students will become members of theprestigious Franco-German University (FGU, and gain a unique inter-cultural competence as well as additional networking opportunities.
Moreover, students who opt for this study model receive degrees from both universities after successfully completing their studies:
- Master of Science in Communications and Signal Processing, TU Ilmenau, Germany
- Master Ingénierie des Systèmes Complexes à l’Université de Lorraine, Nancy, France
CSP students of the TU Ilmenau can apply for this double degree program after the first semester of the Communications and Signal Processing (CSP) program. As the number of places is limited, the CSP examination board will select students on the basis of their academic performance.
Further information
The official start of the double-degree program is scheduled for Winter semester 2024/25. Students starting in Winter semester 2023/24 might already get the chance to study the 3rd semester in Nancy. If you are interested in this option, please let us know.