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Maria Illing
Referentin ZMN
+ 49 3677 69 3400
Gustav-Kirchhoffstraße 7
98693 Ilmenau
Feynmanbau (ZMN),
Raum 304
In order to develop an information technology for the future, which is sustainable and climate-neutral not only in operation, but along the entire value chain and in the entire material cycle, the "Ilmenau School of Green Electronics" (ISGE) will concentrate on three main areas of research:
The highly interdisciplinary projects will be closely interlinked and range from research into physical principles to innovative new applications.
Energy-efficient computing refers to the use of technologies, processes and practices that aim to improve the energy efficiency of computer systems. The main goal of this research field is to minimize power consumption or maximize computing power per unit of energy consumed.
Bioinspired microelectronics is a multidisciplinary field of research that draws inspiration from biological systems to develop new technologies for microelectronics. Concepts, principles and structures from biology are transferred to electronic devices and circuits in order to improve their performance or enable new functionalities.
This research field deals with the development and application of materials, devices and technologies that have built-in functions to respond to external stimuli, process information or adapt to changes. These smart materials and technologies can respond in various ways, including mechanical deformation, changes in electrical or magnetic conductivity or chemical reactions.