Prof. Dr.-Ing. Günter Schäfer

Sprechstunde (nach Bedarf):
Montags, 13:00 Uhr - 14:00 Uhr
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Raum: Zusebau, Raum 3042
Telefon: ++49 3677 694576
Email: guenter.schaefer[at] 


Meine Forschungsinteressen liegen in den Bereichen Netzsicherheit, Mobilkommunikation, Hochleistungskommunikation, aktive Netze und Netzmanagement, und ich bin Mitglied des DFG Graduiertenkolleg Selbstorganisierende Mobilkommunikationssysteme für Katastrophenszenarien. Einen ersten Eindruck über meine bisherigen Arbeiten vermitteln mein Publikationsverzeichnis sowie mein Werdegang.

Organisation und akademische Selbstverwaltung

Mitgliedschaften in Programmkommitees


[ABRS23] Altheide, Friedrich; Buttgereit, Simon; Rossberg, Michael; Schaefer, Guenter: Increasing Resilience of SD-WAN by Distributing the Control Plane, NoF 2023
[SRS23] Schatz, David; Rossberg, Michael; Schaefer, Guenter: Evaluating Statistical Disclosure Attacks and Countermeasures for Anonymous Voice Calls. ARES, 2023.
[SAK+23] Schatz, David; Altheide, Friedrich; Koerfgen, Hedwig; Rossberg, Michael; Schaefer, Guenter: Virtual Private Networks in the Quantum Era: A Security in Depth Approach. SECRYPT, 2023. Preprint.
[SRS22] Schatz, David; Rossberg, Michael; Schaefer, Guenter: Hydra: Practical Metadata Security for Contact Discovery, Messaging and Voice Calls. Information Systems Security and Privacy, 2022. Extended Version of  [SRS21a].
[BRPS21] Simon Buttgereit, Michael Rossberg, Michael Pfeiffer, Guenter Schaefer: Demo: Leveraging SDN in Critical Infrastructures, ICIN 2021
[SRS21b] Schatz, David; Rossberg, Michael; Schaefer, Guenter: Optimizing Packet Scheduling and Path Selection for Anonymous Voice Calls. ARES, 2021
[SRS21a] Schatz, David; Rossberg, Michael; Schaefer, Guenter: Hydra: Practical Metadata Security for Contact Discovery, Messaging and Dialing, ICISSP, 2021. Best Student Paper Award.
[BRS21] Backhaus, Martin; Rossberg, Michael; Schaefer, Guenter: Towards a Realistic Maximum Flow Model in Hybrid Multi-Channel Wireless Mesh Networks, WD, 2021
Pfeiffer, Michael; Rossberg, Michael; Girlich, Franz; Schaefer, Guenter: Vector Packet Encapsulation: The Case for a Scalable IPsec Encryption Protocol. ARES 2020.
Philip Wendland, Guenter Schaefer: Feedback-Based Hidden-Terminal Mitigation for Distributed Scheduling in Cellular V2X. In IFIP Networking 2020.
Backhaus, Martin; Schaefer, Guenter: Towards the Complexity of the Widest Path Problem in Hybrid Multi-Channel WMNs, WiMob-SPPDT, 2020.
Backhaus, Martin; Theil, Markus; Rossberg, Michael; Schaefer, Guenter: Robustness and Scalability Improvements for Distance Vector Routing in Large WMNs, WiMob, 2020.
Backhaus, Martin; Theil, Markus; Rossberg, Michael; Schaefer, Guenter: Improving Network-Assisted Roaming for Controller-Less Wi-Fi, PIMRC, 2020.
Theil, Markus; Backhaus, Martin; Rossberg, Michael; Schaefer, Guenter: Seamless Multimedia Streaming in Controller-Less Wireless Mesh Networks With Mobile Stations, IFIP Networking, 2020.
Backhaus, Martin; Theil, Markus; Rossberg, Michael; Schaefer, Guenter: Poster: Seamless Client Integration for Fast Roaming in Wireless Mesh Networks, IFIP Networking, 2020.
Andreas Schwind, Michael Doebereiner, Carsten Andrich, Philip Wendland, Giovanni Del Galdo, Guenter Schaefer, R. S. Thoma, Matthias A. Hein: Bi-static Delay-Doppler Reference of Cooperative Passive Vehicle-to-X Radar. In 13th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP 2019) conference for the IET Microwaves, Antennas & Propagation, submitted.
Reiner S. Thomä, Carsten Andrich, Giovanni Del Galdo, Michael Döbereiner, Matthias A. Hein, Martin Käske, Günter Schäfer, Steffen Schieler, Christian Schneider, Andreas Schwind and Philip Wendland. Cooperative passive coherent location: a promising 5G service to support road safety. In IEEE Communications Magazine, September 2019.
Philip Wendland, Guenter Schaefer and Reiner S. Thomä. LTE-V2X mode 4: increasing robustness and DCC compatibility with reservation splitting. In 2019 IEEE International Conference on Connected Vehicles and Expo (IEEE ICCVE 2019), Graz, Austria.
A. Schwind, C. Andrich, P. Wendland, M. Döbereiner, G. Del Galdo, G. Schaefer, R. S. Thomä and M. A. Hein. Bi-static delay-Doppler emulation of cooperative passive vehicle-to-X radar. In 2019 13th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (IEEE EuCAP 2019).
Backhaus, Martin; Theil, Markus; Rossberg, Michael; Schaefer, Guenter: Robust and Scalable Routing in Wireless Mesh Networks Using Interference-Disjoint Backup Paths, IFIP WMNC, 2019. Accepted and in press.
Pfeiffer, Michael; Rossberg, Michael; Buttgereit, Simon; Schaefer, Guenter: Strong Tenant Separation in Cloud Computing Platforms, ARES 2019. [Paper (pdf, 1.9Mb)]
Theil, Markus; Backhaus, Martin; Rossberg, Michael; Schaefer, Guenter: Towards a Security Architecture for Hybrid WMNs, ARES 2019.
Wendland, Philip; Schaefer, Guenter; Thomä, Reiner: An Application-Oriented Evaluation of LTE-V’s Mode 4 for V2V Communication, ACM SAC, 2019. Accepted and in press.
Kabirov, Airat D.; Anikin, Igor V.; Schatz, David; Schaefer Guenter: Scalable and Anonymity Preserving Overlays for Voice over IP Communications, IEEE Dynamics, 2018.
Grey, Michael; Theil, Markus, Rossberg, Michael; Schaefer, Guenter: Towards Voronoi-Based Backup Routing for Large-Scale Distributed Applications. 2018 IEEE Global Information Infrastructure and Networking Symposium (GIIS 2018). Thessaloniki, Greece, October 2018. [Paper (pdf, 1.9Mb)]
Backhaus, Martin; Theil, Markus; Rossberg Michael; Schaefer, Guenter; Sukiennik, David:  A Comprehensive Framework to Evaluate Wireless Networks in Simulation and Real Systems. 2018 IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Distributed Simulation and Real Time Applications (DS-RT). Madrid, Spain. October 2018. [Paper (pdf, 1.9Mb)]
Backhaus, Martin; Theil, Markus; Rossberg Michael; Schaefer, Guenter: Towards a Flexible User-Space Architecture for High-Performance IEEE 802.11 Processing. 2018 IEEE International Conference on Wireless and Mobile Computing, Networking and Communications (WiMob). Limassol, Cyprus. October 2018. [Paper (pdf, 1.9Mb)]
Schatz, David; Rossberg, Michael; Schaefer, Guenter: Reducing Call Blocking Rates For Anonymous Voice Over IP Communications, IEEE ICUMT, 2017.
Michael Rossberg, Markus Theil: Secure Enrollment of Certificates Using Short PINs, Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security, September 2017.
Martin Byrenheid, Michael Rossberg, Guenter Schaefer, Robert Dorn: Covert-channel-resistant congestion control for traffic normalization in uncontrolled networks, IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), May 2017.
Michael Rossberg, Franz Girlich, Guenter Schaefer, David Ristow: Effiziente Überwachung komplexer mehrschichtiger Netzinfrastrukturen, 15. Deutscher IT-Sicherheitskongress, May 2017.
Backhaus, Martin; Guenter Schaefer: Worst-Case Attacker Models for Two-Layered Networks Based on the Minimum Overlay Cut, IEEE ISCC, 2017.
Backhaus, Martin; Guenter Schaefer: Towards Optimally Resilient Topologies against Optimal Attacks, IEEE/IFIP DISSECT, 2017. Best Paper Award.
Backhaus, Martin; Guenter Schaefer: Towards Construction of Efficient and Optimally Resilient VPN Topologies by Exactly Calculating Maximum Disjoint Paths, IEEE ICC, 2017.
Guenter Schaefer, Michael Rossberg: Security in Fixed and Wireless Networks. 2nd Edition, Wiley, ISBN: 978-1-119-04074-3, 624 pages, October 2016 [more information]
Markus Trapp, Michael Rossberg, Guenter Schaefer: Automatic source code decomposition for privilege separation. 24th International Conference on Software, Telecommunications and Computer Networks, SoftCOM 2016, Split, Croatia, September 22-24, 2016.IEEE 2016
Sebastian Kehr, Milos Panic, Eduardo Quiñones, Bert Böddeker, Jorge Becerril Sandoval, Jaume Abella, Francisco J. Cazorla, Günter Schäfer: 
Supertask: Maximizing runnable-level parallelism in AUTOSAR applications. 2016 Design, Automation & Test in Europe Conference & Exhibition, DATE 2016, Dresden, Germany, March 14-18, 2016. IEEE 2016.
Backhaus, Martin und Schaefer, Guenter: Backup Paths for Multiple Demands in Overlay Networks, GIIS, Oktober 2016.
Girlich, Franz; Rossberg, Michael; Schaefer, Guenter: On the resistance of overlay networks against bandwidth exhaustion attacks, Springer Telecommunication Systems Journal, March 2015 
Kehr, Sebastian; Quiñones, Eduardo; Böddeker, Bert; Schäfer, Günter: Parallel Execution of AUTOSAR Legacy Applications on Multicore ECUs with Timed Implicit Communication. 52nd ACM/EDAC/IEEE Design Automation Conference (DAC), San Francisco, USA, June 2015.
Grey, Michael; Theil, Markus; Rossberg, Michael; Schaefer, Guenter: Towards a Model for Global-Scale Backbone Networks, IEEE ICC, 2015.
Fischer, Mathias; Grau, Sascha; Nguyen, Giang and Schäfer, Günter; Resilient and Underlay-Aware P2P Live-Streaming, Computer Networks, Volume 59, pp. 122-136, Elsevier, 2014
Schaefer, Guenter; Rossberg, Michael: Netzsicherheit, dpunkt.verlag, Juli 2014. [more information]
Grey, Michael; Schatz, David; Rossberg, Michael; Schaefer, Guenter: Towards Distributed Geolocation by Employing a Delay-Based Optimization Scheme, IEEE ISCC, 2014.
Wozniak, Sander; Rossberg, Michael; Girlich, Franz; Schaefer, Guenter: Geocast into the Past: Towards a Privacy-Preserving Spatiotemporal Multicast for Cellular Networks. Accepted for: IEEE ICC, 2013.
Grey, Michael; Trapp, Markus; Rossberg, Michael; Schaefer, Guenter; Martius, Kai: Skalierbare Lastbalancierung autokonfigurierter VPN. Accepted for: 13. Deutscher IT-Sicherheitskongress, 2013.
Wozniak, Sander; Rossberg, Michael; Schaefer, Guenter: Towards Trustworthy Mobile Social Networking Services for Disaster Response. Accepted for: PerNEM, 2013.
Girlich, Franz; Rossberg, Michael; Schaefer, Guenter; Boehme, Thomas; Schreyer, Jens: Bounds for the Security of the Vivaldi Network Coordinate System, Accepted for: Netsys, 2013.
Trapp, Markus; Rossberg, Michael; Schaefer, Guenter: Scalable Multipath Exploration in Ad-Hoc Networks. Accepted for: Netsys, 2013.
Rossberg, Michael; Grey, Michael; Trapp, Markus; Girlich, Franz; Schaefer, Guenter: Automatic VPN-Configuration with Secure OverLay for IPsec Discovery, Accepted for: Netsys Demo Track, 2013.
Girlich, Franz; Rossberg, Michael; Schaefer, Guenter: On the Construction of Denial-of-Service-Resilient Overlay-Networks. CRITIS 2012.
Rossberg, Michael; Girlich, Franz; Schaefer, Guenter: Analyzing and Improving the Resistance of Overlay-Networks against Bandwidth Exhaustion Attacks. RNDM 2012.
Rene Golembewski, Tobias Gerlach, Guenter Schaefer: Efficient Communication for Large-scale Robust Image Processing with Smart Camera Devices. IEEE Symposium on Computational Intelligence for Security and Defense Applications (CISDA 2012), Ottawa, Canada
Rossberg, Michael; Golembewski, Rene; Schaefer, Guenter: Attack-Resistant Distributed Time Synchronization for Virtual Private Networks, IEEE ICCCN, July 2012.  
Grey, Michael; Rossberg, Michael; Schaefer, Guenter: Automatic Creation of VPN Backup Paths for Improved Resilience against BGP-Attackers, ACM SAC, March 2012.
M. Fischer, M. Kissmann, S. Grau and G. Schaefer. On Virtualization-based Network Support for Peer-assisted Live-Streaming Applications. Proceedings of Networks of the Future (NoF), Paris, France, November 2011.
M. Fischer, S. Delling, S. Grau and G. Schaefer. Underlay-Robust Application Layer Multicast. Extended Abstract. Proceedings of  the International Performance Computing and Communications Conference (IPCCC). Orlando, Florida, November 2011.
M. Fischer, S. Grau, S. Kehr and G. Schaefer. Attack-Resilient and Multiple-Tree-based P2P-IPTV Distribution. In Proceedings of the International Congress of Ultra Modern Telecommunications and Control Systems (ICUMT), Best-Paper-Award, Budapest, Hungary, October 2011.
S. Wozniak, G. Schaefer. Towards Information Services for Disaster Relief based on Mobile Social Networking. 6th Future Security Research Conference (Future Security 2011), Berlin, Germany, September 2011.
R. Golembewski, M. Roßberg, G. Schaefer. Towards Smart Infrastructures for Modern Surveillance Networks. Future Security 2011 Berlin, Germany, September 2011.
M. Rossberg, G. Schaefer. A Survey on Automatic Configuration of Virtual Private Networks. Computer Networks Journal, Elsevier, Volume 55, Issue 8, June 2011.
S. Grau, M. Fischer and G. Schaefer. On the Dependencies between Source Neighbors in Optimally DoS-stable P2P Streaming Topologies. Proceedings of the International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS). Minneapolis, USA, June 2011.
S. Grau, M. Fischer, M. Brinkmeier, G. Schaefer. On Complexity and Approximability of Optimal DoS Attacks on Multiple-Tree P2P Streaming Topologies. IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing, Vol. 8 No. 2, pp. 270-281, March-April 2011.
S. Wozniak, T. Gerlach, G. Schaefer. Optimization-based Secure Multi-hop Localization in Wireless Ad Hoc Networks. Kommunikation in Verteilten Systemen 2011 (KiVS '11), Kiel, Germany, March 2011.
R. Schmidt, R. Lasowski, T. Leinmüller, C. Linnhoff-Popien, G. Schaefer. An Approach for Selective Beacon Forwarding to Improve Cooperative Awareness. 2nd IEEE Vehicular Networking Conference (VNC), Jersey City, USA, 13.-15. Dezember 2010.
R. Schmidt, A. Brakemeier, T. Leinmüller, B. Böddeker, G. Schaefer. Architecture for Decentralized Mitigation of Local Congestion in VANETs. 10th International Conference on ITS Telecommunications (ITST), Kyoto, Japan, 9.-11. November 2010.
M. Roßberg, G. Schäfer, K. Martius. Automatic Configuration of Complex IPsec-VPN and Implications to Higher Layer Network Management. Information Security Solutions Europe (ISSE), Oktober 2010, Berlin, Germany.
M. Trapp, M. Fischer, and G. Schäfer. Mobility-Aware Peer-to-Peer Live-Streaming. IFIP Wireless Days, Venice, Italy, October 2010. (awarded with a Student Travel Grant)
M. Roßberg, G. Schäfer, K. Martius. Secure Overlay-Based Autoconfiguration of Complex IPsec VPN. Future Security, September 2010, Berlin, Germany.
M. Rossberg, G. Schaefer, T. Strufe. Distributed Automatic Configuration of Complex IPsec-Infrastructures. Journal of Network and Systems Management, Volume 18, Issue 3, pp. 300-326, September 2010.
R. Schmidt, T. Leinmüller, B. Böddeker, G. Schaefer. Adapting the Wireless Carrier Sensing for VANETs. 7th International Workshop on Intelligent Transportation (WIT 2010), Hamburg, Deutschland, 23.-24. März 2010.
R. K. Schmidt, T. Leinmueller, E. Schoch, F. Kargl, G. Schaefer. Exploration of Adaptive Beaconing for Efficient Intervehicle Safety Communication. IEEE Network (special issue on “Advances in Vehicular Communications Networks”), Vol. 24, Issue 1, January/February 2010.
R. K. Schmidt, T. Koellmer, T. Leinmueller, B. Boeddeker, G. Schaefer. Degradation of Transmission Range in VANETs caused by Interference. Praxis der Informationsverarbeitung und Kommunikation (PIK), Vol. 32, No. 4, Dezember 2009.
A. Brieg, M. Brinkmeier, S. Grau, M. Fischer, and G. Schäfer. Attacker Independent Stability Guarantees for Peer-2-Peer-Live-Streaming Topologies. The Second International Conference on Communication Theory, Reliability, and Quality of Service, Colmar, France, July 2009. (Best Paper Award)
M. Brinkmeier, G. Schäfer, T. Strufe. Optimally DoS resistant P2P Topologies for Live Multimedia Streaming. IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, Vol. 20, No. 6, June 2009.
M. Brinkmeier, M. Roßberg, G. Schäfer. Towards a Denial-of-Service Resilient Design of Complex IPsec Overlays. IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC 2009) – Communication and Information Systems Security Symposium, June 14-18, 2009, Dresden, Germany.
M. Roßberg, G. Schaefer. Ciscos Group Encrypted Transport VPN – Eine kritische Analyse. D-A-CH Security 2009, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Mai 2009.
M. Roßberg, W. Steudel, G. Schäfer, K. Martius. Eine Software-Architektur zur Konstruktion flexibler IPsec-Infrastrukturen. 11. Deutscher IT-Sicherheitskongress, Mai 2009, Bonn, Germany.
M. Fischer, M. Brinkmeier, S. Grau,  G. Schäfer. Towards the design of unexploitable construction mechanisms for multiple-tree based P2P streaming systems. KiVS 2009, 16. ITG/GI-Fachtagung Kommunikation in Verteilten Systemen, 2.-6. März 2009, Kassel, Germany. 
M. Brinkmeier, M. Fischer, S. Grau, G. Schäfer, T. Strufe. Methods for Improving Resilience in Communication Networks and P2P Overlays. Praxis der Informationsverarbeitung und Kommunikation (PIK), Vol. 32, 1/2009, pp. 64-78, K. G. Saur Verlag, München, Germany.
G. Schäfer. Sensor Network Security. updated Book chapter in R. Zurawski (ed.) „Embedded Systems Handbook, Second Edition: Networked Embedded Systems“, CRC Press, 2009.
T. Leinmüller, R. K. Schmidt, E. Schoch, A. Held, G. Schäfer. Modeling Roadside Attacker Behavior in VANETs. IEEE AutoNet, December 2008, New Orleans, USA.
M. Henseler, M. Rossberg,  G. Schaefer. Credential Management for Automatic Identification Solutions in Supply Chain Management. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, Volume 4, pp. 308-314, November 2008.
M. Fischer, T. Strufe, R. Schmidt, G. Schäfer. A Key Management Solution for Overlay-Live-Streaming. Proceedings of SecureComm 2008, Workshop on Security in Opportunistic and Social Networks, 22. - 25. September 2008, Istanbul, Turkey.
M. Fischer, F.-U. Andersen, A. Koepsel, G. Schäfer, M. Schlaeger. A Distributed IP Mobility Approach for 3G SAE. Proceedings of IEEE PIMRC 2008, September 2008 Cannes, France.
R. K. Schmidt, T. Leinmüller, E. Schoch, A. Held, G. Schäfer. Vehicle Behavior Analysis to Enhance Security in VANETs. IEEE  V2VCOM, June 2008, Eindhoven, Netherlands.
T. Stufe, J. Wildhagen, G. Schäfer. Netzwerkeffizienz stabiler Overlay-Streaming-Topologien. "it - Information Technology", Sonderheft Peer-to-Peer, Oktober 2007, Oldenbourg Verlag.
T. Strufe, J. Wildhagen, G. Schäfer. Towards the Construction of Attack Resistent and Efficient Overlay Streaming Topologies. Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science, Vol. 179, pp. 111-121, Elsevier, September 2007.
M. Roßberg, T. Strufe, G. Schäfer. Using Recurring Costs for Reputation Management in Peer-To-Peer Streaming Systems. 3rd International Conference on Security and Privacy in Communication Networks (IEEE SecureComm 2007), September 17-20, 2007, Nice, France.
T. Stufe, J. Wildhagen, G. Schäfer. Netzwerkeffizienz stabiler Overlay-Streaming-Topologien. KiVS 2007, 15. ITG/GI-Fachtagung Kommunikation in Verteilten Systemen, 26. February - 2. March 2007, Bern, Switzerland
D. Kraft, G. Schäfer. Verhaltensbeobachtung und -bewertung zur Vertrauensbildung in offenen Ad-hoc-Netzen. KiVS 2007, 15. ITG/GI-Fachtagung Kommunikation in Verteilten Systemen, 26. February - 2. March 2007, Bern, Switzerland.
T. Strufe, J. Wildhagen, G. Schäfer. Towards the Constuction of Attack Resistent and Efficient Overlay Streaming Topologies. Workshop for Security and Trust Management (STM) at ESORICS 2006, September 2006, Hamburg, Germany
T. Strufe, G. Schäfer, A. Chang. BCBS: An Efficient Load Balancing Strategy for Cooperative Overlay Live-Streaming. General Symposium of the IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC'06), 11-15 June 2006, Istanbul, Turkey
C. Hoene, I. Marsh, G. Schäfer, Adam Wolisz. Error Propagation After Concealing a Lost Speech Frame. Workshop on Multimedia Communication: State of the Art and Future Directions. IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC'06), 11-15 June 2006, Istanbul, Turkey
S. Hermann, A. Wolisz, M. Lipka, G. Schäfer. Concept for Hierarchical and Distributed Processing of Area Based Triggers. IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computer and Communications (PerCom'06), 13-17 March 2006, Pisa, Italy
P. Diebold, A. Hess, G. Schäfer. A Honeypot Architecture for Detecting and Analyzing Unknown Network Attacks. KiVS 2005 · 14. ITG/GI-Fachtagung Kommunikation in Verteilten Systemen, Kaiserslautern, Germany, 28.2.-3.3.2005, in Fachberichte Informatik, Müller, P., Gotzhein, R., Schmitt, J.B. (Hrsg.), Springer Verlag, 2005, pp. 245-255.
G. Schaefer. Sensor Network Security. In R. Zurawski (ed.), The Embedded Systems Handbook, CRC Press, 2005, pp. 39-1 - 39-23.
T. Chen, M. Sortais, G. Schaefer, S. Adams, C. Fan, A. Wolisz. Performance Analysis of a Denial of Service Protection Scheme for Optimized and QoS-aware Handover. Computer Network, Vol. 49, No. 3, pp. 449-464, Elsevier, Netherlands.
G. Schaefer. Sabotageangriffe auf Kommunikationsinfrastrukturen: Angriffstechniken und Abwehrmaßnahmen. Praxis der Informationsverarbeitung und Kommunikation (PIK), K. G. Saur Verlag, München, Germany, Vol. 28, 2005, No. 3, pp. 130 - 139
G. Schaefer. Internet Firewalls. in R. Zurawski, The Industrial Information Technology Handbook, CRC Press, 2005. pp. 35-1 - 35-12
D. Sisalem, J. Kuthan, G. Schaefer. DoS Attacks on SIP Infrastructures. Workshop on VoIP Security – Challenges and Solutions, Globecom'2004, November 2004, Dallas, Texas, USA.
L. Westerhoff, S. Reinhardt, G. Schaefer, A. Wolisz. Security Analysis and Concept for the Multicast-Based Handover Support Architecture MOMBASA. Globecom'2004, November 2004, Dallas, Texas, USA.
T. Chen, G. Schaefer, M. Sortais, A. Wolisz. A Performance Study of Session State Re-establishment Schemes in IP-based Micro-mobility Scenarios. 12th Annual Meeting of the IEEE / ACM International Symposium on Modeling, Analysis, and Simulation of Computer and Telecommunication Systems (MASCOTS), October 2004, Volendam, The Netherlands.
A. Hess, G. Schäfer. Realizing a flexible Access Control Mechanism for Active Nodes based on Active Networking Technology. 2004 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC 2004), 20.-24. June 2004, Paris, France.
A. Hess, T. Gingold, S. R. Garzon, G. Schäfer. Intrusion Prevention with Active Networks: A Performance Comparison between User and Kernel-Space Implementation. 18. DFN-Arbeitstagung über Kommunikationsnetze, June 2004, Düsseldorf, Germany.
T. Chen, G. Schäfer, C. Fan, S. Adams, M. Sortais, A.Wolisz.Denial of Service Protection for Optimized and QoS-aware Handover Based on Localized Cookies. 5th European Wireless Conference - Mobile and Wireless Systems beyond 3G , February 24-27, 2004, Barcelona, Spain.
A. Hess, G. Schäfer. ISP-Operated Protection of Home Networks with FIDRAN. First IEEE Consumer Communications and Networking Conference (CCNC'2004), January 2004, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA.
D. Kraft, G. Schäfer. Distributed Access Control for Consumer Operated Mobile Ad-hoc Networks. First IEEE Consumer Communications and Networking Conference (CCNC'2004), January 2004, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA.
G. Schäfer. Security in Fixed and Wireless Networks. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd, UK, 2003.
X. Fu, T. Chen, A. Festag, H. Karl, G. Schäfer, C. Fan. Secure, QoS-Enabled Mobility Support for IP-based Networks. IP Based Cellular Network Conference (IPCN 2003), December 2003, Paris, France.
A. Hess, M. Jung, G. Schäfer. Combining Multiple Intrusion Detection and Response Technologies in an Active Networking Based Architecture. 17. DFN-Arbeitstagung über Kommunikationsnetze, June 2003, Düsseldorf, Germany.
A. Hess, M. Jung, G. Schäfer. FIDRAN: A flexible Intrusion Detection and Response Framework for Active Networks. 8th IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications (ISCC'2003), July 2003, Kemer, Antalya, Turkey.
G. Schäfer. Netzsicherheit - Algorithmische Grundlagen und Protokolle. dpunkt.verlag, 2003.
A. Hess, G. Schäfer. A Flexible and Dynamic Access Control Policy Framework for an Active Networking Environment. Kommunikation in Verteilten Systemen (KiVS 2003), February 2003, Leipzig, Germany.
A. Hess, G. Schäfer. Performance Evaluation of AAA / Mobile IP Authentication. 2nd Polish-German Teletraffic Symposium (PGTS'02), September 2002, Gdansk, Poland.
G. Schäfer. Research Challenges in Security for Next Generation Mobile Networks. Workshop on Pioneering Advanced Mobile Privacy and Security (PAMPAS), September 2002, Royal Holloway University of London, Egham, Surrey, United Kingdom.
R. Blanco, G. Schäfer. On Securing Wireless LANs and Supporting Nomadic Users with Microsoft’s IPSec Implementation. MS Summer Research Workshop, September 2002, Cambridge, UK.
A. Hess, M. Schöller, G. Schäfer, M. Zitterbart, A. Wolisz. A dynamic and flexible Access Control and Resource Monitoring Mechanism for Active Nodes. OpenArch 2002, July 2002, New York, USA.
R. Blanco, G. Schäfer. Securing 802.11-WLANs Using VPN Technology with Support for Nomadic Users. WLAN Security' 02, June 2002, Paris, France.
F. Pählke, G. Schäfer, J. Schiller. Multilateral sichere Mobilitätsunterstützung für IP-Netze: Paketfilter- und Tunnelkonfiguration. Praxis der Informationsverarbeitung und Kommunikation (PIK), 24. Jahrgang 2001, K. G. Saur Verlag, München, Germany.
G. Schäfer, M. Eyrich. A Simple Key Distribution Method for IEEE 802.11 Encryption Keys. Workshop on "Mobile Communication over Wireless LAN: Research and Applications", 31. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Informatik, Jahrestagung der Österreichischen Computer Gesellschaft, September 2001, Vienna, Austria.
M. Bechler, H. Ritter, G. Schäfer, J. Schiller. Traffic Shaping in End Systems Attached to QoS-supporting Networks. 6th IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications (ISCC'2001), July 2001, Hammamet, Tunisia.
G. Schäfer, D. Westhoff. Communication Privacy in IP-based Architectures. Presentation, Wireless World Research Forum (WWRF) second working session, May 2001, Helsinki, Finnland.
H. Karl, G. Schäfer. Location Privacy for Mobile Internet Access. Presentation, IP Based Cellular Network Conference (IPCN 2001), May 2001, Paris, France.
F. Pählke, G. Schäfer, J. Schiller. Paketfilter- und Tunnelkonfiguration zur Firewall-verträglichen Mobilitätsunterstützung in IP-Netzen. Kommunikation in Verteilten Systemen (KiVS 2001), February 2001, Hamburg, Germany.
H. Koraitim, G. Schäfer, S. Tohmé. Quality of Service Aspects of Transport Technologies for the UMTS Radio Access Network. IFIP Conference on Personal Wireless Communications (PWC2000), September 2000, Gdansk, Poland.
S. Mink, F. Pählke, G. Schäfer, J. Schiller. Towards Secure Mobility Support for IP Networks. International Conference on Communication Technologies (ICCT 2000), August 2000, Peking, China.
S. Mink, F. Pählke, G. Schäfer, J. Schiller. FATIMA – A Firewall-Aware Transparent Internet Mobility Architecture. ISCC'2000, July 2000, Antibes, France.
S. Mink, F. Pählke, G. Schäfer, J. Schiller. Security Aspects of Micro-Mobility Supporting Architectures for IP Networks. IP Based Cellular Network Conference (IPCN 2000), May 2000, Paris, France.
G. Schäfer. Efficient Authentication and Key Management in High Performance Networks (in German). Ph.D. thesis at the Faculty of Informatics, October 1998, University of Karlsruhe, Germany.
D. Müller, G. Schäfer, J. Schiller. An Efficient Authentication Protocol for High Performance Networks. Globecom '98, November 8-12, 1998, Sydney, Australia.
G. Schäfer, J. Schiller, A. Will. Using Smart Cards in a Networked Environment: A Client Server Approach. IASTED International Conference on Networks and Communication Systems, May 13-16, 1998, Pittsburgh, PA, USA.
J. Elstner, G. Schäfer, J. Schiller, J. Seitz. A Comparison of Current Approaches to Securing ATM Networks. 6th International Conference on Telecommunication Systems, March 5-8, 1998, Nashville, TN, USA.
G. Carle, G. Schäfer, J. Schiller. An Approach to Hardware-Supported Accounting Management in ATM-Networks. In Proceedings of the 8th IEEE Workshop on Local and Metropolitan Area Networks, August 25-28, 1996, Berlin/Potsdam, Germany.
G. Carle, G. Schäfer, J. Schiller. Flexible Design of Hardware-Supported High Performance Protocol Processing Units. In Proceedings of the 5th Open Workshop on High Speed Networks, March 20-21, 1996, Paris, France.
G. Schäfer, J. Schiller, J. Seitz. A Toolkit for Rapid Prototyping of Expert Systems for Integrated Network Management. In Proceedings of the 14. IASTED International Conference on Applied Informatics, February 10-22, 1996, Innsbruck, Austria.
G. Schäfer, J. Seitz. Integrating Agent-Functionality into Distributed Applications. In Proceedings of the IASTED International Conference on Networks, January 8-10, 1996, Orlando, Florida, USA.
G. Schäfer, Jochen Seitz. Managing Agent Systems: A Key Issue for Dealing with Complexity. In Proceedings of the Intelligent Agents Workshop, November 23, 1995, Oxford Brookes University, Oxford, England.


  • In meiner (zugegeben knapp bemessenen) Freizeit beschäftige ich mich hauptsächlich mit Musik (Pop/Rock, Klassik, Jazz) und treibe gerne Sport im Fitness-Studio.