Asked & Answered: Intelligent Data Analysis in Software Projects

Funding: DFG

Software and systems engineering projects accumulate a mass of data in the form of domain documents, requirements, safety analysis, design, code, test cases, simulations, version control data, fault logs, model checkers, project plans and so on. When combined with the power of software analytics, this data can deliver the precise answers to questions that stakeholders demand. In particular, it can support decision making, process improvement, safety analysis, and a myriad of other software engineering tasks.

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Readying VectorH for the Cloud

Funding: Actian

The project is a joint project with Actian, who develops the distributed database management system Actian Avalanche next do different solutions for data management, data integration and data analysis. Avalanche relies on VectorH as the underlying distributed data technology, which was developed for on-premise cluster environments. The main target of the project is to optimize Avalanche for the cloud environment, which especially contains two major aspects. On the one hand, approaches to optimize the system's architecture for the new hardware environment are investigated to exploit all opportunities the cloud environment offers. On the other hand, the system is driven in the direction of self-managing databases to increase it's ease-of-use and reduce the effort for administration and running a database.