Begutachtete Konferenzarbeiten
- Christoph Berkholz, Dietrich Kuske und Christian Schwarz: Modal logic is more succinct iff bi-implication is available in some form.
STACS 2024, Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics (LIPIcs) vol. 289, 12:1-12:17, Schloss Dagstuhl – Leibniz-Zentrum für Informatik (2024). (PDF)
Vollständig begutachtete Arbeiten
- Dietrich Kuske und Christian Schwarz: Alternating complexity of counting first-order logic for the subword order.
Acta Informatica vol. 60, 79-100 (2023). (PDF) - Peter Habermehl und Dietrich Kuske: On Presburger arithmetic extended with non-unary counting quantifiers.
Logical Methods in Computer Science vol. 19 (3:4), 2023. (PDF)
Begutachtete Konferenzarbeiten
- Christopher Hugenroth: Zielonka DAG Acceptance and Regular Languages over Infinite Words.
DLT 2023, 143–155, Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science vol. 13911 (2023). (PDF) - Chris Köcher und Dietrich Kuske: Forwards- and backwards reachability for cooperating multi-pushdown systems.
FCT 2023, 318-332, Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science vol. 14252 (2023). (PDF) - Dietrich Kuske: A class of rational trace relations closed under composition.
FSTTCS 2023, 20:1-20:20, Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics vol. 284 (2023). (PDF)
Vollständig begutachtete Arbeiten
- Chris Köcher: Rational, Recognizable, and Aperiodic Partially Lossy Queue Languages.
International Journal of Algebra and Computation vol. 32(3), 483-528 (2022). (PDF)
Vollständig begutachtete Arbeiten
- Chris Köcher: Reachability Problems on Reliable and Lossy Queue Automata.
Theory of Computing Systems vol. 65(8), 1211-1242 (2021). (PDF)
Begutachtete Konferenzarbeiten
- Dietrich Kuske: Second-order finite automata: expressive power and simple proofs using automatic structures.
DLT 2021, 242-254, Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science vol. 12811 (2021). (PDF) - Christopher Hugenroth: Separating Regular Languages over Infinite Words with Respect to the Wagner Hierarchy
FSTTCS 2021, 46:1 - 46:13, Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics vol. 213 (2021). (PDF)
Eingeladene Beiträge
- Manfred Droste und Dietrich Kuske: Weighted automata.
Handbook of Automata Theory, vol. 1 (Ed. Jean-Eric Pin). 113-150, EMS Print (2021). (PDF) - Dietrich Kuske und Anca Muscholl: Communicating automata.
Handbook of Automata Theory, vol. 2 (Ed. Jean-Eric Pin). 1147-1188, EMS Print (2021). (PDF)
Begutachtete Konferenzarbeiten
- Dietrich Kuske: The subtrace order and counting first-order logic.
CSR 2020, 289-302, Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science vol. 15129 (2020). (PDF) - Dietrich Kuske und Christian Schwarz: Complexity of counting first-order logic for the subword order.
MFCS 2020, 56:1-13, Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics (2020). (PDF)
Begutachtete Konferenzarbeiten
- Dietrich Kuske und Georg Zetzsche: Languages ordered by the subword order.
FoSSaCS 2019, 348-364, Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science vol. 11425 (2019). (PDF) - Chris Köcher: Reachability Problems on Partially Lossy Queue Automata.
RP 2019, 149-163, Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science vol. 11674 (2019). (PDF)
Vollständig begutachtete Arbeiten
- Milka Hutagalung, Norbert Hundeshagen, Dietrich Kuske, Martin Lange und Etienne Lozes: Multi-buffer simulations: decidability and complexity.
Information and Computation 262(2), 280-310. (PDF) - Chris Köcher, Dietrich Kuske und Elena Prianychnykova: The inclusion structure of partially lossy queue monoids and their trace submonoids.
RAIRO - Theoretical Informatics and Applications 52(1), 55-86.(PDF) - Dietrich Kuske, Jiamou Liu und Anastasia Moskvina: Infinite and bi-infinite words with decidable monadic theories.
Logical Methods in Computer Science 14(3). (PDF)
Begutachtete Konferenzarbeiten
- Chris Köcher: Rational, Recognizable, and Aperiodic Sets in the Partially Lossy Queue Monoid.
STACS 2018, 45:1-45:14, Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics vol. 96 (2018). (PDF) - Dietrich Kuske und Nicole Schweikardt: Gaifman normal forms for counting extensions of first-order logic.
ICALP 2018, 133:1-14, Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics (2018). (PDF) - Faried Abu Zaid, Dietrich Kuske und Peter Lindner: Climbing up the elementary complexity classes with theories of automatic structures.
CSL 2018, 3:1-16, Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics (2018). (PDF) - Faried Abu Zaid, Chris Köcher: The Cayley-Graph of the Queue Monoid: Logic and Decidability.
FSTTCS 2018, 9:1-9:17 Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics vol. 122 (2018). (PDF) - Faried Abu Zaid: Uniformly Automatic Classes of Finite Structures.
FSTTCS 2018, 10:1-10:21 Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics vol. 122 (2018). (PDF)
Vollständig begutachtete Arbeiten
- Georg Zetzsche, Dietrich Kuske und Markus Lohrey: On Boolean closed full trios and rational Kripke frames.
Theory of Computing Systems 60(3), 438-472. (PDF) - Benedikt Bollig, Dietrich Kuske und Roy Mennicke: The Complexity of Model Checking Multi-Stack Systems.
Theory of Computing Systems 60(4), 695-736. (PDF) - Martin Huschenbett, Dietrich Kuske und Georg Zetzsche: The monoid of queue actions.
Semigroup Forum 95(3), 475-508. (PDF)
Begutachtete Konferenzarbeiten
- Chris Köcher und Dietrich Kuske: The transformation monoid of a partially lossy queue.
Computer Science in Russia 2017, 191-205, Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science vol. 10304 (2017). (PDF) - Dietrich Kuske und Nicole Schweikardt: First-order logic with counting: At least, weak Hanf normal forms always exist and can be computed!.
LICS 2017. (PDF) - Faried Abu Zaid, Anuj Dawar, Erich Grädel und Wied Pakusa: Definability of Summation Problems for Abelian Groups and Semigroups.
LICS 2017. (PDF) - Faried Abu Zaid, Erich Grädel und Frederic Reinhardt: Advice Automatic Structures and Uniformly Automatic Classes.
In 26th EACSL Annual Conference on Computer Science Logic (CSL 2017), 2017. (PDF)
Begutachtete Konferenzarbeiten
- Milka Hutagalung, Norbert Hundeshagen, Dietrich Kuske, Martin Lange und Etienne Lozes: Two-buffer simulation games.
CASSTING 2016, Electronic Proceedings in Theoretical Computer Science vol. 220, 27-38. (PDF) - Milka Hutagalung, Norbert Hundeshagen, Dietrich Kuske, Martin Lange und Etienne Lozes: Multi-buffer simulations for trace language inclusion.
GandALF 2016, Electronic Proceedings in Theoretical Computer Science vol. 226, 213-227. (PDF) - Dietrich Kuske und Olena Prianychnykova: The trace monoids in the queue monoid and in the direct product of two free monoids.
DLT 2016, 256--267, LNCS vol. 9840. (PDF) - Lucas Heimberg, Dietrich Kuske und Nicole Schweikardt: Hanf normal form for first-order logic with unary counting quantifiers.
LICS 2016, 277-286, ACM. (PDF) - Igor Potapov, Olena Prianychnykova und Sergey Verlan: Insertion-Deletion Systems over Relational Words.
RP 2016, 177-191, LNCS vol. 9899.
Begutachtete Konferenzarbeiten
- Dietrich Kuske, Peter Habermehl: On Presburger arithmetic extended with modulo counting quantifiers.
Foundations of Software Science and Computation Structures (FoSSaCS) 2015, 375-389, LNCS vol. 9034. (PDF) - Dietrich Kuske, Jiamou Liu und Anastasia Moskvina: Infinite and bi-infinite words with decidable monadic theories.
Computer Science Logic (CSL), 472-486, 2015. (PDF)
Vollständig begutachtete Arbeiten
- Dietrich Kuske: Isomorphisms of scattered automatic linear orders.
Theoretical Computer Science 533, 46-63. (PDF)
Begutachtete Konferenzarbeiten
- Martin Huschenbett, Manfred Kufleitner: Ehrenfeucht-Fraïssé Games on Omega-Terms.
Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science (STACS) 2014, 374–385, LIPIcs vol. 25. (arXiv) - Martin Huschenbett, Dietrich Kuske, Georg Zetzsche: The monoid of queue actions.
Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science (MFCS) 2014, 340–351, LNCS vol. 8634. (arXiv) - Roy Mennicke: Model Checking Concurrent Recursive Programs using Local Temporal Logics.
Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science (MFCS) 2014, 438–450, LNCS vol. 8634.
Vollständig begutachtete Arbeiten
- Dietrich Kuske, Jiamou Liu, Markus Lohrey: The isomorphism problem for ω-automatic trees.
Journal of Pure and Applied Logic 164, 30–48. (PDF) - Dietrich Kuske, Jiamou Liu, Markus Lohrey: The isomorphism problem on classes of automatic structures with transitive relations.
Transactions of the AMS 365, 5103–5151. (PDF) - Ruth Corran, Michael Hoffmann, Dietrich Kuske, Rick Thomas: On the automaticity of singular Artin monoids of finite type.
International Journal of Computer Mathematics 90(6), 1197–1222. (PDF) - Martin Huschenbett: Models for Quantitative Distributed Systems and Multi-valued Logics.
International Journal of Computer Mathematics 90(6), 1223–1246. - Martin Huscthenbett, Alexander Kartzow, Jiamou Liu, Markus Lohrey: Tree-Automatic Well-Founded Trees.
Logical Methods in Computer Science 9(2:10), 1–44. - Roy Mennicke: Propositional Dynamic Logic with Converse and Repeat for Message-Passing Systems.
Logical Methods in Computer Science 9(2:12), 1–35. (PDF) - Markus Lohrey, Sebastian Maneth, Roy Mennicke: XML Tree Structure Compression with RePair.
Information Systems 38(8), 1150–1167. (PDF)
Begutachtete Konferenzarbeiten
- Benedikt Bollig, Dietrich Kuske, Roy Mennicke: The Complexity of Model Checking Multi-Stack Systems.
Logic in Computer Science (LICS) 2013, 163–172. (PDF) - Lucas Heimberg, Dietrich Kuske, Nicole Schweikardt: An optimal Gaifman normal form construction for structures of bounded degree.
Logic in Computer Science (LICS) 2013, 63–72. (PDF) - Martin Huschenbett, Jiamou Liu: A Polychromatic Ramsey Theory on Ordinals.
Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science (MFCS) 2013, 559–570, LNCS vol. 8087. - Martin Huschenbett: The Rank of Tree-Automatic Linear Orderings.
Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science (STACS) 2013, 586–597, LIPIcs vol. 20.
- Dietrich Kuske: Logical aspects of the lexicographic order on 1-counter languages.
Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science (MFCS) 2013, 619–630, LNCS vol. 8087. (PDF)
Vollständig begutachtete Arbeiten
- Benedikt Bollig, Dietrich Kuske: An optimal construction of Hanf sentences.
Journal of Applied Logic 10, 179–186. (PDF)
Begutachtete Konferenzarbeiten
- Martin Huschenbett: Word Automaticity of Tree Automatic Scattered Linear Orderings Is Decidable.
Computability in Europe (CiE) 2012, 314–323, Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science vol. 7318. (arXiv) - Roy Mennicke: Propositional Dynamic Logic with Converse and Repeat for Message-Passing Systems.
CONCUR 2012, 531–546, Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science vol. 7454. (PDF) - Dietrich Kuske: Isomorphisms of scattered automatic linear orders.
Computer Science Logic (CSL) 2012, 455–469, LIPIcs vol. 16.(PDF)
Vollständig begutachtete Arbeiten
- Martin Huschenbett: A Kleene-Schützenberger Theorem for Trace Series over Bounded Lattices.
Fundamenta Informaticae 112(2–3), 171–191. - Dietrich Kuske: (Un)countable and (non)effective versions of Ramsey's theorem.
In: Martin Grohe, Johann A. Makowsky (Hrsg.): Model Theoretic Methods in Finite Combinatorics. Contemporary Mathematics 558, 467–487. (PDF) - Dietrich Kuske, Ingmar Meinecke: Construction of tree automata from regular expressions.
RAIRO 45(3), 437–470. (PDF) - Dietrich Kuske, Markus Lohrey: Automatic structures of bounded degree revisited.
Journal of Symbolic Logic 76(4), 1352–1380. (PDF)
Begutachtete Konferenzarbeiten
- Ruth Corran, Michael Hoffmann, Dietrich Kuske, Rick Thomas: Singular Artin monoids of finite type are automatic.
Language and Automata Theory and Applications (LATA) 2011, 249–260, Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science vol. 6638. (PDF) - Martin Huschenbett: Models for Quantitative Distributed Systems and Multi-valued Logics.
Language and Automata Theory and Applications (LATA) 2011, 310–322, Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science vol. 6638. - Dietrich Kuske, Thomas Weidner: Size and computation of injective tree automatic presentations.
Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science (MFCS) 2011, 424–435, Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science vol. 6907. (PDF) - Markus Lohrey, Sebastian Maneth, Roy Mennicke: Tree Structure Compression with RePair.
Data Compression Conference (DCC) 2011, 353–362, © IEEE Computer Society. (PDF)
Sonstige Arbeiten
- Dietrich Kuske: Where automatic structures benefit from weighted automata.
Algebraic Foundations of Computer Science (Bozapalidis Festschrift), 257–271, Lecture Notes in Computer Science vol. 7020. (PDF)
Vollständig begutachtete Arbeiten
- Benedikt Bollig, Dietrich Kuske, Ingmar Meinecke: Propositional Dynamic Logic for Message-Passing Systems.
Logical Methods in Computer Science 6(3:16), 1–31. (PDF) - Paul Gastin, Dietrich Kuske: Uniform satisfiability problem for local temporal logics over Mazurkiewicz traces.
Information and Computation 208, 797–816. (PDF) - Dietrich Kuske, Markus Lohrey: Some natural decision problems in automatic graphs.
Journal of Symbolic Logic 75(2), 678–710. (PDF)
Begutachtete Konferenzarbeiten
- Martin Huschenbett: A Kleene-Schützenberger Theorem for Trace Series over Bounded Lattices.
Non-Classical Models of Automata and Applications (NCMA) 2010, 99–111, books@ocg.at vol. 263. - Dietrich Kuske: Is Ramsey's theorem ω-automatic?
Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science (STACS) 2010, 537–548. (PDF) - Dietrich Kuske, Jiamou Liu, Markus Lohrey: The Isomorphism Problem for ω-Automatic Trees.
Computer Science Logic (CSL) 2010, 396–410, Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science vol. 6247. (PDF) - Dietrich Kuske, Jiamou Liu, Markus Lohrey: The Isomorphism Problem on Classes of Automatic Structures.
Logic in Computer Science (LICS) 2010, 160–169, © IEEE Computer Society.