Bilderkennung; Objekterkennung; verschiedene Anwendungsszenarien von KI; Veranstaltungsformat für Entwickler von KI-Lösungen; technischen Umsetzung von KI-Lösungen

KI Developer Roundtable

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Tu. 13.07.2021
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AI developers and interested parties

After the presentation of the social media platform "boombazoo" various application scenarios of AI will be shown.

These start with solutions that AWS offers for image recognition. In addition to object recognition, the detection of unwanted content is also possible. This is especially important as it is necessary to prevent users from spreading unwanted pornographic content or depictions of violence in their posts.

Furthermore, an insight into several proprietary developments is given, which analyzeuser texts according to whether they contain sexist or racist content. In addition, there are possibilities to analyze the semantics of user comments in order to find users who have the same ideas. This offers the possibility to match users. Finally, a view on a work on automatic clustering of users is given. This offers a variety of further possibilities.

The access data for the online meeting will be sent to you via email shortly before the event.