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Together with you, we develop a research project in which we pursue a joint current research question. Before the project begins, a cooperation agreement will be concluded within the framework of the funding body's guidelines. Through your participation in the project, you have a direct influence on the focus of the research and on the project management, especially in your own work packages. Research results can be transferred into patents. In coordination with the TU Ilmenau, research results will be transferred into publications in accordance with the regulations of the funding body (trade fair presentations, scientific papers, contributions at specialist conferences) and thus made available to the general public.
You have an urgent research request and we may have the appropriate competencies to answer it in one or more of our fields. Then there is the possibility to initiate an individually coordinated research project at TU Ilmenau together with the department heads. The project is financed by the company (research contract). The implementation, goals and utilization of the results are defined in a cooperation agreement. The Research Service and Technology Transfer Department will be happy to advise you as the first point of contact for your enquiries.
In the case of particularly large, interdisciplinary research projects in a network, the TU Ilmenau cooperates with external partners (research institutes, medium-sized companies and large companies) if further competences and processes are required in addition to its own core competences in order to achieve the best possible research results. The mutual and open exchange of knowledge, experience and results is an enrichment for all participating partners of such a large-scale project in order to answer current and future scientific questions in society and economy in an innovative and effective way. Associated partners benefit from very early access to research results. In addition, they have the opportunity to network with scientists from the university's departments and institutes.