The TU Ilmenau in Figures


Michael Reichel (ari)

45 Degree Programs

with different degrees in engineering, information technologies, mathematics and natural sciences, economic sciences and media are offered by the TU Ilmenau.

19 Bachelor programs

26 Master programs

In addition, there are 11 double degree programs with international partner universities.

4.452 Students

are, as of WS 2023/24, enrolled at the TU Ilmenau, including 3.158 male students and 1.294 female students

703 First-year Students

have started their studies in their first regular semester at the TU Ilmenau in WS 2023/24.

1,948 International Students

from around 100 nations are studying at the TU Ilmenau, as of WS 2023/24.

9,000 Alumnae and Alumni

worldwide are part of the AlumniCampus, the alumni network of the TU Ilmenau.

Research and Teaching

Michael Reichel (ari)

102 Professors

teach and research at the TU Ilmenau, including 11 junior professorships and 9 endowed professorships.

Honorary professorships complement the professorial staff.

777 Scientific Employees

in more than 100 subject areas form the foundation for research and teaching at the TU Ilmenau. 375 of them are financed by third-party funds.

44,6 Million Euros in Third-party Funding

for research and teaching were recruited by the TU Ilmenau in 2022.That's around 450,000 Euros per professor per year.

89 PhDs

were awarded in the examination year 2020 by the TU Ilmenau.

687 Publications

were published by scientists of the TU Ilmenau in 2022.

Entrepreneurship and Technology Transfer

Michael Reichel (ari)

The transfer of research results into industry and society is the third mission of the TU Ilmenau besides research and teaching. This includes a comprehensive start-up service, binding intellectual property rights and joint research activities with research facilities, companies and institutions. We offer our partners our knowledge, well-trained personnel and high-tech equipment..

206 Patents and Utility Model Documents

were published in the period from 2014 to 2022. 93 industrial property rights with participation of the TU Ilmenau have been legally granted in the meantime.

890 Cooperations

with universities, research institutions and companies worldwide are currently maintained by the TU Ilmenau .

250+ Spin-offs

have emerged from the TU Ilmenau since 1990.