The idea of the Division of Equality, Diversity and Health

The whole is more than the sum of its parts.

In Ilmenau, we aim to implement the vision of a global family and a lived university culture characterized by shared values such as trust, openness, mutual respect, intercultural tolerance and diversity.

With our work, we want to focus on people, on a culture of living together without discrimination. A culture in which common values are promoted and conditions are created that enable respectful and appreciative interaction with one another.


Our strategy

With the staff unit, a structural unit was created at the TU Ilmenau that supports the implementation of the mission formulated in the mission statement, creates the corresponding framework conditions for implementation and develops demand-oriented measures.. Our work creates the conditions for reconciling different areas of life, for dealing with international, intercultural and sexual diversity and for the continuous and accompanying adaptation of work and communication structures to the high performance-oriented requirements. With our work, we would like to make a contribution to making existing barriers visible and overcoming them, and to create free spaces for community togetherness at the university.

Goals & Tasks

The tasks of the Campus Family Office comprise three main areas:

  • Equality,
  • Diversity, taking into account the various diversity dimensions
  • University health management (company health management for employees (BGM) as well as student health management (SGM).

Furthermore, the competencies and potentials of the Office will always be directed towards supporting and promoting a culture of values that enables the equal opportunity participation of all university members and promotes respectful and appreciative interaction with one another.

TU Ilmenau / Michael Reichel




Statement on the State Parliament's resolution against gender-sensitive language

Ilmenau University of Technology is a member of the Network Diversity at Thuringian Universities and the State Conference of Equal Opportunity Officers and has joined the statement of these networks on the resolution of the Thuringian State Parliament against gender-sensitive language.

Here you can find the document about the statement.

Service & Contact

You can also find the team and their respective responsibilities on the ABOUT US page.


Advisory compass

Here you can find the right contact person for your request