Services without appointment

Prior appointment is not required to access the following services. Please simply show up at the ASC during the service providers' specified consultation hours.

Max-Planck-Ring 1 (Mensa)
98693 Ilmenau

Tuesday morning

Time Service Provider
9 am - 12 pm canceled Pastoral Care Catholic Church

Tuesday afternoon

Time Service Provider
12 pm - 2 pm Student Administration Student Office
12 pm - 2 pm Issue of student ID Student Office
12 pm - 2 pm Health Insurance Barmer
12 pm - 2 pm Application and Admission Admission Office
1 pm - 3 pm Social Counselling Studierendenwerk

Wednesday afternoon

Time Service Provider
12 pm - 2 pm Health Insurance AOK

Thursday afternoon

Time Service Provider
12 pm - 2 pm Student Administration Student Office
12 pm - 2 pm Issue of student ID Student Office
12 pm - 2 pm Health Insurance Techniker
12 pm - 2 pm Application and Admission Admission Office
12 pm - 3 pm Exam Administration Examination Office EI
12 pm - 3 pm Exam Administration Examination Office IA
12 pm - 3 pm Exam Administration Examination Office WM
1 pm - 3 pm Social Counselling Studierendenwerk
12 pm - 3 pm Advice for international students we4you

Services with appointment

Prior registration is required to take advantage of the following services. Please use the contact provided to make an appointment at the ASC.

Max-Planck-Ring 1 (Mensa)
98693 Ilmenau



Service Provider Contact
Maternity Protection Student Office