Promotion of the protection and exploitation of research results under intellectual property law
Decisions on the protection of research results of the TU Ilmenau are made prior to their publication. The transfer working group initiated by the R&D department and PATON is responsible for this. Subject- or project-related transfer strategies, patent research and patent statistical analyses form the basis for the application and exploitation strategy of inventions. In this context, patent applications and industrial property rights can be understood both as transfer objects and as means for initiating cooperations. In this context, taking into account subject-specific characteristics and strategic importance for the university, the following applies: "Quality before quantity".
The handling of inventions and intellectual property rights is laid down in separate guidelines.
Transfer of software and other intellectual property.
Software plays an increasing role in many scientific fields. The TU Ilmenau is developing separate guidelines for dealing with software, which regulate both the handling of open source software and the possibility of out-licensing software.
Increasing the number of start-ups, especially those with a high innovation potential
A prerequisite for increasing the number of start-ups in the "Start-Ups" field of action is to raise the awareness of (young) scientists for the topic of business start-ups in line with funding and transfer advice and scouting. As part of the EXIST project "Ilmkubator" funded by the BMWi, an incubator concept is being implemented to establish structured support on a sustainable basis. Individual support, consulting and coaching services during the entire start-up process are provided on a permanent basis. Interdisciplinary exchange, e.g. with the aim of complementing competencies in potential start-up teams, is promoted by means of suitable meeting formats. Promising start-up projects receive creative freedom, targeted incentives and appreciation from the TU Ilmenau. The continuation of suitable offers after a successful evaluation is a central measure for the realization of this goal.
TU Ilmenau as a driver of innovation in the region
The TU Ilmenau has an impact on the region in all five fields of action of transfer. Based on the results of application-oriented research and cooperation with partners in the region, knowledge, innovation and technology transfer contribute to the development of the region.
Cooperation formats such as "Business meets Science" or Transfer Days are primarily aimed at regional companies. They lay the foundation for joint activities, knowledge and personnel transfer, and joint research projects between companies and the university. They are conceived and carried out in close cooperation with local business networks. A central contact person at the TU Ilmenau is available for the companies to communicate with the university and thus bring the latest developments from the university to the entrepreneurial community in the region.
The TU Ilmenau is part of the regional network for the support of start-ups and thus also contributes to the strengthening of the region. The technology location constantly receives new innovative impulses through technology-oriented spin-offs. The regional start-up spirit is promoted in cooperation with start-ups, established companies and other network actors. The TU Ilmenau is a member of the association Gründerforum Ilmenau e.V. and is active as a born member in the board of the association. The existing close cooperation with the Technology and Business Incubation Centre Ilmenau is maintained. Regional entrepreneurs are involved as mentors or experts for the opportunity or market assessment of start-up projects.
Establishment of continuing education measures
The TU Ilmenau designs, in particular for companies, tailor-made further education offers as a form of knowledge transfer, which support a transfer of research results into the economy.
Placement of specialists in companies, especially for regional needs
The Career Center of the TU Ilmenau is available to companies and other interested parties for the publication of internships, student work or job advertisements.
Offers for personnel exchange and the promotion of innovative personnel, especially for regional companies, are supported by the TU Ilmenau both to promote the professional orientation of its graduates, young scientists and to transfer highly qualified personnel to companies. Joint research projects with companies offer equally good conditions for a successful "personnel transfer" / "transfer over heads".