TU Ilmenau

Welcome to Ilmenau!

We are glad that you have decided to study at the TU Ilmenau!

On this page we provide you with important information for the preparation of your start of studies, your arrival in Ilmenau and the necessary administrative steps in the first weeks. We have summarized 5 basic topics for which you can find more detailed information in the dropdown-sections.

If you have any questions or if something is unclear to you, we recommend our Q&A-Sessions. If you can't or don't want to participate, you can of course contact us directly, for example via the contact form on this site.

We wish you a great start at TU Ilmenau!

Unsplash / Element5Digital

Who? How? What? - Basic questions

What does my admission mean, how do I enroll and what are the important dates? You can find the answers in the tabs below.


Before you set off to Ilmenau, you can already make some preparations from home. Especially for the apartment search you should start as soon as possible. Below you will find some points including the explanations.

Unsplash / Andrew Neel
TU Ilmenau / Chris Gorke

Arrival and first steps

How do you get to Ilmenau and what do you do when you get here? You can find all the information below.

Start of studies

After your arrival, it will soon be time for the lectures to start. For this you should be familiar with some processes and systems that are used at TU Ilmenau, which we explain here.

Ein Bild eines Hörsaals, der mit Studierenden besetzt ist und wo ein Dozent an eine Kreidetafel schreibtTU Ilmenau

Help & Contact

At the TU Ilmenau there are various contact persons available to answer your questions depending on your issue. You can find out who you should contact with which question below.


Info documents for download

Here we have linked some important documents that should help you at the beginning of your studies. In particular, you will find the information of our arrival website in a step-by-step checklist.

Arrival checklist

Overview of important documents

Overview of emergency numbers


Campus map

Dates & Deadlines

Late arrival for studies