About Us

Logo Universitätsgesellschaft Ilmenau – Freunde, Förderer, Alumni e.V.

Welcome to the website of the Universitätsgesellschaft Ilmenau - Freunde, Förderer, Alumni e.V.. The University Society sees itself as a link for all those who have an interest in the prosperity of the TU Ilmenau, especially in the promotion of its scientific, cultural and student life. It supports the university ideally and materially in fulfilling its scientific and humanistic educational tasks in academic teaching and research and is committed to preserving the tradition and identity of Ilmenau's engineering education.

Visiting address of office:
House M, Am Helmholtzring 1, Room 603b
98693 Ilmenau
+49 3677 69 4794

The office is open on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 09:00 to 12:30.

Postal address:
PF 10 05 65
98684 Ilmenau

universitaetsgesellschaft@tu-ilmenau.de | gitta.hummel@tu-ilmenau.de

Chief Executive Officer

Porträtfoto Prof. Scharff vor verschwommenem HintergrundTU Ilmenau/Michael Reichel (ari)

Prof. Dr. Dr. h. c. mult. Peter Scharff

Deputy and Managing Director

Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Jürgen Petzoldt


Dr. Bernd Jakob

Honorary Member

Prof. Dr. Dr. h. c. mult. Heinz Riesenhuber

Former Federal Minister of Research

Cover des Buchs „Wie Wissenschaftler und Absolventen der TU Ilmenau ihre Heimat neu aufbauten – und was sie dabei erlebt haben“ Universitätsgesellschaft Ilmenau

Other Members of the Management Board

  • Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Kai-Uwe Sattler, President of the TU Ilmenau
  • Frank Wicht, Managing Director EasternGraphics GmbH Ilmenau
  • Petra Enders, District Administrator of the Ilm District
  • Dr. Daniel Schultheiß, Lord Mayor of the City of Ilmenau
  • Marco Jacob, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Sparkasse Arnstadt-Ilmenau
  • Rüdiger Horn, Managing Director of Technologie- und Gründerzentrum Ilmenau GmbH


As a member of the Universitätsgesellschaft Ilmenau you will regularly receive information about research and developments at the TU Ilmenau as well as invitations to events and to alumni meetings. At the same time, with a membership you support the tradition, the scientific and cultural life at the TU Ilmenau as well as the bond of the graduates to their alma mater!

A membership of the association enables
  • contact to the TU Ilmenau
  • regular information on scientific and cultural highlights
  • the promotion of the tradition of the TU Ilmenau
  • extensive further education offers in cooperation with the TU Ilmenau Service GmbH
  • the organization of scientific and cultural events, such as the Citizens' Campus
  • prizes for outstanding doctorates and post-doctoral theses
  • the financing of services for graduates (e.g. ceremonial exmatriculation)
Membership fees per year:
  • natural persons: 25 €
  • reduced fee (students, seniors): 10 €
  • legal persons: 100 € (guideline)
Bank details

Sparkasse Arnstadt-Ilmenau

Account number: 1113 011 862 Bank code: 840 510 10

IBAN: DE86 8405 1010 1113 0118 62 BIC: HELADEF1ILK

Prof. Dagmar Schipanski überreicht Urkunden an Absolventinnen und Absolventen der TU Ilmenau 2020TU Ilmenau / Thiemo Reindel

Graduation Ceremony

TU Ilmenau/Tom Goebel

Awarding of Germany Scholarships

Preisträger mit Oberbürgermeister Schultheiß und dem Vorsitzenden der UniversitätsgesellschaftSteffen Ittig

Awarding of the Dagmar Schipanski Prize


Information on Membership, Tasks and Purpose of the Association

Mourning for the chairwoman of the board of the Universitätsgesellschaft Ilmenau - Freunde, Förderer, Alumni e.V., Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c.. Dagmar Schipanski

The members of the Universitätsgesellschaft Ilmenau - Freunde, Förderer, Alumni e. V. mourn the loss of their long-time chairwoman of the board, Prof. Dr. Dagmar Schipanski, who passed away on September 07, 2022 after a short serious illness. Throughout her life, the understanding between East and West was a matter close to her heart. To this end, she worked tirelessly in a wide variety of science policy bodies regionally, supraregionally and worldwide, whether as Rector of the TU Ilmenau, as Chair of the Science Council of the Federal Republic of Germany, or as a member of the International Advisory Board of the United Nations University in Tokyo. For her untiring commitment to democracy, to fair and binding dealings with her fellow human beings, to the interests of science and human cohesion across borders, Professor Schipanski was awarded the Cross of Merit 1st Class of the Federal Republic of Germany. The members of the Universitätsgesellschaft Ilmenau e. V. will keep Prof. Dr. Dagmar Schipanski in honorable memory.