German Academic Exchange Service

Countless international cooperation programs are funded by the DAAD. Bundled calls are issued on three prescribed dates per year. Short-term special announcements are also distributed to all departments by the International Office outside of the deadline. All funding programs can be found at any time in the DAAD project database (only available in German).

Last central DAAD calls for proposals: June 2024 (in German only)


DAAD Programs at the TU Ilmenau

The DAAD currently funds numerous programs at our university. A large part of them is supervised by the International Office.

  • Support services at German universities in the scholarship programme "Combined Study and Practice Stays for Engineers from Developing Countries" (KOSPIE)
  • German university projects abroad: scholarships for foreign students
  • German-language study programs in Central and Eastern Europe/CIS
  • Integration of refugees into specialist studies (Integra)
  • Integrated international study programs with double degrees
  • International Programs Digital (IP Digital)
  • Leonhard Euler Program
  • Partnerships with universities in East-Central, Southeast and Eastern Europe as well as the Caucasus and Central Asia ("Eastern Partnerships")
  • Project-related exchange of persons program (with various countries)
  • PROMOS - Program to increase the mobility of students from German universities
  • Summer schools in Germany
  • STIBET I - Scholarship and Supervision Program for Foreign Students and Doctoral Candidates and DAAD Prize
  • STIBET III Matching Funds - Scholarship and Support Program for Foreign Students and Doctoral Candidates
  • Scholarship and Supervision Program for Foreign Doctoral Students and Postdocs (STIBET Doctoral Students)
  • Transnational Education - Study Programs offered by German Universities Abroad

We will be happy to advise you on the current funding programs and support you in applying for other funding lines!

Erasmus+ Logo

National Agency for EU Higher Education Cooperation

The DAAD is home to the NA for EU Higher Education Cooperation, which is responsible for the program lines of the EU Erasmus+ programme. more information (this page is only available in German)