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Nadine Heuchling
Phone: 03677/69-2551
The time has finally come again and the Division of Gender Equality, Diversity and Health invites you:
To the traditional Women's Day Cabaret at the TU Ilmenau
on Wednesday, March 13, 2024 at 7:30 pm in the Audimax (Admission from 7 pm).
Guests are the academixer from Leipzig with their program "In der Hose brennt noch Licht".
"In its latest production, the academixer cabaret accompanies three women to the fertility clinic, three women from three generations (Hannah Blank, Anke Geißler and Anna Hopperdietz). An exceptionally appealing starting point, in the course of which both the eternally yesterday and the eternally tomorrow are taken apart and young and old collide full of hope. What's nice is that there are always three different opinions and it's never clear who is right or wrong. Everyone in the audience can decide for themselves.
Intentional or not? "In der Hose brennt noch Licht" could raise false expectations with its title and then exceeds them like a pole vaulter in top form. Three women, who are sometimes also four men or even two snails, let their different views on family planning, zeitgeist, intimacy and so on collide, which leads to many laughs and always to astonishment..."
(Source: academixer GmbH)
Tickets can now be reserved by e-mail ( or by telephone (03677-69 2551) at a price of €15.00.
can be reserved. In the 8th and 9th calendar week, the reserved tickets can be purchased from Monday to Thursday from 07:30-11:00 and from 13:00-15:00 House M, Room 502 b.