This website is intended for researchers. For students, we recommend the we4you arrival website.


Financing doctoral studies or research as a postdoc or visiting scholar is not always easy and the funding landscape can be difficult to navigate. Here we try to give you an overview and name sources for your further information research. Take care of the financing of your doctorate or research stay in good time. Also bear in mind that doctorates can take longer than the funding period of individual scholarships or funding programmes. Therefore, take care of follow-up financing in good time!

Scholarships and grants must be organised independently by you. The start of a doctorate at the TU Ilmenau does not automatically mean the automatically result in the receipt of funding through a scholarship or similar. Ideally, you can be (partially) employed as a research assistant through a research project. If this is not the case, you will have to find and apply for individual funding that suits you.


Employment or scholarship

In Germany, most doctoral students work part-time as research assistants at a university or research institute or receive a scholarship. International young researchers are very welcome and many funding organisations support doctoral students with scholarships and prizes. The German Academic Exchange Service, for example, supports the stay of around 5,000 international doctoral students in Germany with a scholarship every year.


Funding organisations and programmes

1. German Academic Exchange Service

The largest scholarship provider in Germany for international doctoral students is the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD). Together with the Ministry of Education and Research, the DAAD offers a wide range of opportunities to support foreign doctoral students in Germany.

You can find information about these opportunities either at the DAAD office or information centre in your home country or on the Internet:

DAAD scholarship database

Selected funding programmes for doctoral students


2) Other major funding organisations, funding programmes and funding databases for doctoral students and postdocs

In addition to the DAAD, there are other major funding organisations for doctoral students, numerous funding programmes and also funding databases. Here you will find the entry points to the corresponding information pages. - Overview of funding organisations - a service of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research

funding your research in Germany - grants, fellowships and awards for international PhD students and researchers


3. the state of Thuringia and the TU Ilmenau - Thuringian Graduate Funding

In order to promote young scientists in Thuringia, the Ilmenau University of Technology (TU Ilmenau)annually awards scholarships for doctoral projects toparticularly capable graduates in accordance with the Thuringian Graduate Funding Ordinance (ThürGFVO) and the funds made available for this purpose in the budget.

You can find out more at the Scholarship Office of the TU Ilmenau.


4 TU Ilmenau Scholarships - Re-entry Scholar ship and Doctoral Graduation Scholarship

In order to promote young academics, the Technical University of Ilmenauawards the above-mentioned scholarships according to the "Statutes for the awarding of Scholarships at the Ilmenau University of Technology".

  • Re-entry scholarships (= for female academics who have interrupted their academic interrupted for family reasons and who want to reconnect to the current research and want to reconnect to current research afterresearch after parental leave). The aim of the re-entry funding is to provide financial support for the return to a scientific career. into a scientificactivity (according to § 3, (5) of the statutes) after an interruptionfor family reasons, such as pregnancy, parental leave or care of close relatives. care of close relatives. In these cases, the scholarship is awarded for aduration of up to maximum of twelve months (maximum funding period).

  • Doctoral Scholarships (= for scientists/scientists at the end of their end of their doctorate) The aim of the final grant is to provide financial support for the successful completion of a doctorate.encompletion of the scientific project (according to § 3, (6) of the statof the statutes). The stipendium is granted in these cases for a maximum period of six months.months(maximum funding period).

Learn more here:TU Ilmenau - Scholarship