
30 August: Last Minute Info Day at the TU Ilmenau

Vier Studierende sitzen vor dem Humboldtbau und unterhalten sichTU Ilmenau/Michael Reichel

Last Minute Info Day - just over a month before the start of the 2024/25 winter semester, the TU Ilmenau is offering prospective students the opportunity to decide to study at the university at short notice on August 30. From 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., they can find out everything about studying and living in Ilmenau in personal discussions. Lectures will provide detailed information about the degree programs and tours will introduce them to the campus and laboratories at TU Ilmenau. Numerus-clausus-free enrollment is still possible for all Bachelor's degree programs until September 15.


On August 30, the Last Minute Info Day will take place on the TU Ilmenau campus. It begins at 10 a.m. in the Audimax (Humboldtbau, Gustav-Kirchhoff-Platz 1) with a round table discussion. The Vice President for Studies and Teaching, Professor Anja Geigenmüller, the International Office, Health Management and the Student Council of the TU Ilmenau as well as the Studierendenwerk Thüringen will give prospective students an insight into studying and living in Ilmenau. From 11 a.m., the Central Student Advisory Service and the university's five faculties will provide an overview of the 19 Bachelor's degree programs and at 12 noon of the university's 26 advanced Master's degree programs.

From 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., representatives of the University, the Student Council and Studierendenwerk Thüringen will be available in the foyer of the Humboldt Building to answer any questions prospective students may have about studying, applying and enrolling, accommodation and student finance. They will get to know the campus on tours and have the opportunity to discover research centers and laboratories. The meeting point is at 11 am and 1 pm in front of the main entrance to the Humboldt Building. The Last Minute Info Day is also of interest to anyone who has already applied: Here they can clarify open questions about their studies or application status.

Anyone starting an engineering degree at the TU Ilmenau in the upcoming winter semester can get a sound orientation in the extensive fields of activity of engineers alongside their studies. In this way, young students can easily reorient themselves, even if they have already started their studies. Registration by e-mail (by October 11) at: orientierung@tu-ilmenau.de

TU Ilmenau is a small university with campus flair, intercultural diversity and a family atmosphere. The high quality of education guarantees graduates the best career prospects. Future topics such as autonomous mobility, bio-inspired technology, networked communication and innovative energy concepts characterize the range of courses on offer. Ilmenau students are integrated into campus life from day one: Tutors are on hand to support first-year students. Students and lecturers are in close contact and have a personal relationship with each other, small group sizes enable seminars and practicals to be held on site. Numerous student clubs and societies offer students a wide range of cultural and leisure activities, providing individual development opportunities and ensuring a lively campus.



Dr. Sandra Pöschl-Günther
Central Student Advisory Service and
+49 3677 69-2021