
April 20 Study Information Day: TU Ilmenau Open Day

Vier Studierende auf der Treppe vor dem Newtonbau der TU IlmenauTU Ilmenau/Michael Reichel
The TU Ilmenau invites high school students, their parents and all interested parties to a study information day on April 20

The Technische Universität Ilmenau is inviting high school students, their parents and all interested parties to a study information day on April 20. On the open day from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., they can find out about the university, the courses on offer and the leisure activities at information stands, in lectures and on guided tours. All Bachelor's degree courses are free of Numerus Clausus and enrolment is possible until September 15. Information and program:www.tu-ilmenau.de/studieninfotag

The study information day on Saturday, April 20, starts at 10 a.m. in the Humboldt Building, the largest teaching and event building on the TU Ilmenau campus. At information and advice stands and in personal discussions, prospective students will learn all about the courses on offer and the course content. University staff will provide information on course content, application and enrollment. There will be a presentation on each course of study at TU Ilmenau, followed by a Q&A session. There are also presentations on studying abroad or studying with a disability or chronic illness. Studierendenwerk Thüringen advises prospective students and their parents on housing and student finance, and a guided tour of the halls of residence provides an insight into the numerous housing options at TU Ilmenau.

Luftaufnahme vom Campus der TU IlmenauTU Ilmenau/Stephan Pöhler
Aerial view of the TU Ilmenau campus, which has been named one of the most beautiful in Germany

A welcome science slam in the Humboldtbau will answer the question of why studying at TU Ilmenau is worthwhile from a student perspective. At Studi-Talks, those interested will also learn first-hand about everyday student life and the colorful club life, club culture and other opportunities for individual development in Ilmenau. The sports center will provide information about the university's extensive sports program and in the University library there will be an escape game to solve "The Riddle of the Lost Drawing".

Students will guide guests around the university campus, which has been named one of the most beautiful in Germany, and show them the buildings, laboratories and institutes at TU Ilmenau. Hands-on study opportunities will show them the role that mathematics and science play in our everyday lives, and demonstrators will allow them to experience the results of cutting-edge applied research projects on artificial intelligence, virtual reality, autonomous driving and sustainability. Throughout the Open Day, the university radio station Hsf, the oldest student radio station in Germany, will ensure a good atmosphere and life on campus.


Study information day at the TU Ilmenau

20.04.2024,10:00-15:00 o'clock

Humboldtbau, Gustav-Kirchhoff-Platz 1, 98693 Ilmenau



Dr. Sandra Pöschl-Günther
Central Student Advisory Service and Orientation

+49 3677 69-2021