
New co-editorship of Prof. Domahidi

Special issue on the conference of the FG Methods 2022 in Munich with the participation of Prof. Domahidi published.

We are pleased to announce that the special issue of the FG Conference 2022 in Munich has been published in the journal Studies in Communication and Media (SCM). The editors are Mario Haim, Valerie Hase, Johanna Schindler, Marko Bachl & Emese Domahidi. The editorial entitled "(Re)Establishing quality criteria for content analysis: A critical perspective on the field's core method Editorial to the Special Issue" can be found here: https://www.nomos-elibrary.de/10.5771/2192-4007-2023-4-277/editorial-to-the-special-issue-re-establishing-quality-criteria-for-content-analysis-a-critical-perspective-on-the-field-s-core-method-jahrgang-12-2023-heft-4?page=1

Due to the many high-quality and relevant submissions, the special issue comprises a total of six articles and two issues of SCM. We are very pleased with this successful special issue and hope you enjoy reading it!